Nimai Mehta, “A universal basic income to step up economic reform”

Nimai Mehta, “A universal basic income to step up economic reform”

Universal basic income (UBI) has been receiving an increasing amount of attention in India –including from the national government, with the Chief Economic Adviser having announced that UBI will be examined as part of the country’s next Economic Survey .

Within the government, UBI tends to be viewed chiefly as a way to overcome the inefficiencies and corruption that plague existing programs of social welfare. Some academic economists, including Abhijit V. Banerjee (MIT) and Pranab Bardhan (UC-Berkeley), have also emphasized the efficiency of UBI in comparison to India’s current welfare state. CC BY 2.0 nevil zaveri One critic of this […]

British Medical Journal calls for a study of universal basic income

Recently, there have been increasing calls for dialogue on a universal basic income (UBI) from political parties, think tanks (including the Royal Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures, and Commerce (RSA)), civic activists, trade unions, and leading entrepreneurs such as Tesla chief executive Elon Musk. These calls are a response to growing income insecurity, some sense that welfare systems may be failing, and as a preparation for the potential effects of automation and artificial intelligence on employment prospects in industries that might be better served by machines. 3 UBI-style pilots are planned in Finland, the Netherlands, and Canada […]

$10 Million Project to Study Basic Income Programs Launched

$10 Million Project to Study Basic Income Programs Launched

The Economic Security Project , a coalition of more than a hundred tech entrepreneurs, investors, and activists, has announced a two-year, $10 million project to explore how a universal "basic income" (UBI) could provide economic opportunity for all.

ESP signatories who have committed to "think seriously about how recurring, unconditional cash stipends could work, how to pay for them, and what the political path might be to make them a reality" include Y Combinator president Sam Altman, Zipcar co-founder Robin Chase, Institute for the Future fellow and "work instigator" Natalie Foster, Black Lives Matter co-founder Alicia Garza, Niskanen Center policy […]

Basic Income and Ontario’s Pilot Consultations: Ten Benefits of Basic Income – blogs/alison-homer/basic-income-and-ontarios-pilot-consultations-ten-benefits-basic-income?
December 7, 2016. ALISON HOMER

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A Basic Income model is an innovative approach to providing income security. It guarantees all of its citizens a regular predictable income sufficient to live a basic but dignified life.The idea of a Basic Income has been around for a long time. The idea of a minimum income first appeared at the beginning of the 16th century < >, and a pilot was conducted in Canada in 1974 < >. To gain a basic understanding of Basic Income, the Basic Income in Canada Network’s Frequently […]

The despicable inequality and cruel egalitarianism of wealth: towards a draft wealth tax to fund a basic income

The despicable inequality and cruel egalitarianism of wealth: towards a draft wealth tax to fund a basic income

Part 3 of a series. To those who have, more shall be given. Cities get more investment. From those who have little, more shall be taken. Small towns are finding that they are excluded from the excitement happening everywhere else and little investment goes their way.

The idea of capitalism – that goods should bear market prices, that justly acquired property is yours, and exchange between willing participants be free of encumbrances – is everywhere under threat.

There is, however, little policy difference between the extreme-left and extreme-right populist response. Both demand a remarkably statist approach to government, and both are […]

What can you do if robots threaten your job? Five ideas to future-proof your income and get ahead

What can you do if robots threaten your job? Five ideas to future-proof your income and get ahead

Sooner, rather than later, many jobs could be wiped out and we will all need to be paid a basic income from the state to survive, according to the growing noise from influential business leaders, global organisations and activists.

Elon Musk, the outspoken entrepreneur behind Tesla’s electric (and semi-autonomous) cars, is the latest high-profile futurist to proclaim that automated, artificial intelligence and robotics mean that the provision of a universal basic income by the state is the inevitable and ‘reasonable’ way forward.

In essence, this could mean a fixed, regular payment to all citizens, no matter whether or not they had […]

Himanshu, “Is India ready for universal basic income?”

Himanshu, “Is India ready for universal basic income?”

The idea of a universal basic income (UBI) is rising in popularity in India , where it is often seen as a way to streamline and expedite the distribution of aid to the poor, avoiding the corruption and wastefulness that plague current social welfare programs.

In a recent article for LiveMint , the economist Himanshu (Associate Professor at Jawaharlal Nehru University) contrasts this view of UBI with its perception in developed nations that enjoy mature welfare states, such as the Nordic countries. Himanshu contends that developing nations are more likely view UBI as substitute instead of a supplement to existing […]

Why Universal Basic Income can’t work on its own

In my last column , "How Trump Can Save American Democracy," I wrote of the importance of finding creative, forward-looking solutions to the unemployment problem in America, specifically of rural Middle America, that has been most affected by economic decline and deindustrialization . I stressed that this is paramount to directing the course of American society towards positive change and calming the currents of nativism that have been arising. I suggested that if Trump is to succeed in fulfilling the unattended needs of his core constituency, he must not rely on bringing back industry or trying to create new […]

BMA: Universal income – the answer to poverty, insecurity & health inequality?

BMA: Universal income – the answer to poverty, insecurity & health inequality?

By: Leong Sze Hian

I refer to the editorial article “ A universal basic income: the answer to poverty, insecurity, and health inequality? ” (British Medical Journal, Dec 12).

It states that “For four years in the mid-1970s an unusual experiment took place in the small Canadian town of Dauphin. Statistically significant benefits for those who took part included fewer physician contacts related to mental health and fewer hospital admissions for “accident and injury.”Mental health diagnoses in Dauphin also fell. Once the experiment ended, these public health benefits evaporated. 1 What was the treatment being tested? It was what has become […]

Why Universal Basic Income can’t work on its own

In my last column , "How Trump Can Save American Democracy," I wrote of the importance of finding creative, forward-looking solutions to the unemployment problem in America, specifically of rural Middle America, that has been most affected by economic decline and deindustrialization . I stressed that this is paramount to directing the course of American society towards positive change and calming the currents of nativism that have been arising. I suggested that if Trump is to succeed in fulfilling the unattended needs of his core constituency, he must not rely on bringing back industry or trying to create new […]