Will basic income lower crime?

Will basic income lower crime?

This week, I had the opportunity to be a guest on New York University’s Students for Criminal Justice Reform podcast . I spoke with Thurston Powers about the positive effects a basic income may have on American society.

One often overlooked potential benefit is the effect of basic income on crime rates. I noted that a basic income could create more stable households and increase the likelihood of parents spending time with their children. Unstable and low-income households are linked with creating long-term issues for children that grow up in these situations.

Those that critically point out single mothers work slightly […]

Gary Fowler, “Universal basic income: If a robot takes your job, it could actually be good for you”

Gary Fowler, “Universal basic income: If a robot takes your job, it could actually be good for you”

Entrepreneur Gary Fowler has written a guest column for the San Francisco tech zine VentureBeat in which he argues that universal basic income is a viable solution for technological unemployment and that, rather than making people lazy, it would permit the flourishing of human creativity.

After considering the capacity of AI technologies to reduce the need for human labor, and reflecting on the results of basic income trials and psychological studies of motivation, Fowler asserts that people will not become lazy and uncreative “if robots take our jobs and the government gives us a universal basic income.” He goes on […]

Two Canadian provinces look to provide poor with basic income

Two Canadian provinces look to provide poor with basic income

Two Canadian provinces are developing a plan to provide its poorest residents with a basic income from the government.

Ontario is looking to launch its program – the first of its kind considered in North America in decades – next spring to provide a guaranteed annual income for people and families in need.

Now Prince Edward Island’s legislature has unanimously approved developing a similar pilot project with the federal government.It was felt that such a plan would help families build their way back while reducing government bureaucracy.Ontario named former Senator Hugh Segal to study the options in a $25-million test project […]

UK: The Institute for Policy Research’s “Basic Income and the European Welfare State” (Dec 13)

UK: The Institute for Policy Research’s “Basic Income and the European Welfare State” (Dec 13)

Since May 2016, the Institute for Policy Research (IPR) at the University of Bath has been conducting an ongoing project investigating the design, effects, and implementation of different universal basic income proposals for the UK.

The project, Examining the Case for a Basic Income , includes a series of lectures, workshops, and other events. Its most recent event was a public lecture by Citizen’s Income Trust Director Malcolm Torry on the state of the basic income debate.

The next event associated with the project, which will take place on Tuesday, December 13, is an academic-oriented workshop led by IPR Research Associate […]

Everything You Need To Know About Universal Basic Income (UBI)

Everything You Need To Know About Universal Basic Income (UBI)

aNewDomain — Artificial intelligence will suck up the majority of American jobs in the next 20 years, experts say. So how are you going to make the dough you need? According to Elon Musk and other tech thinkers, the answer may well be universal basic income (UBI).

Last week, more than 100 Silicon Valley activists, technologists and investors kicked off the Economic Security Project , a research alliance that so far has raised $10 million to study UBI over the next two years.

Want to get up to speed on UBI? Find some of the best infographics and video explainers we […]

Universal Basic Income Study In U.S. Plans To Invest $10 Million

Universal Basic Income Study In U.S. Plans To Invest $10 Million

Money The Economic Security Project wants to end extreme poverty

If an entire population received a flat payment, would that help defeat poverty? That’s exactly what the Economic Security Project is trying to find out.

The ESP — a group made up of venture capitalists, activists and educators — plans to invest $10 million in several Universal Basic Income projects by the end of 2018.Universal Basic Income works by giving an entire population a specific amount of monthly free money, which would not only help fight extreme poverty, but in theory it would also help improve the economy, health, and […]

Collected Basic Income Studies Show People Given Unrestricted Handouts Spend Less, Not More, On Alcohol And Tobacco

Collected Basic Income Studies Show People Given Unrestricted Handouts Spend Less, Not More, On Alcohol And Tobacco

The conversation on basic income is heating up as we careen toward a post-work world, and World Bank researchers David Evans and Anna Popova collected 19 different studies from across the world in an attempt to determine how free money impacts the purchase of so-called “temptation goods.”

The results surprised even them.

According to a report from Business Insider , Evans, who has spent years studying “cash transfers” – direct infusions of money to the poor – agreed with the conventional wisdom that, rather than putting that money to its intended use, it would, as a report from the Overseas Development […]

Canada might be getting Universal Basic Income

Ontario is going to have a 3 year test with it, where most people will get an extra 1300ish or more dollars of tax free money a month.

But, I don’t know if it’s everywhere yet or just certain places. But holy crap. Never thought we would get something like this here.

A lot of people are against it cause they say people will just get lazy and not work. But I think that will be the minority, cause people want more in life than what 1300 dollars a month will give.Cause if they work, they get this still and with […]

Thread: A Privately Funded Experiment in a Universal Basic Income

This is a political forum that is non-biased/non-partisan and treats every persons position on topics equally. This debate forum is not aligned to any political party. In today’s politics , many ideas are split between and even within all the political parties. Often we find ourselves agreeing on one platform but some topics break our mold. We are here to discuss them in a civil political debate. If this is your first visit to our political forums, be sure to check out the FAQ and RULES . Registering for debate politics is necessary before posting. Register today to participate […]

How To Pay For Universal Basic Income

How To Pay For Universal Basic Income

Getting your share of what’s yours would be one way to describe How To Pay For Universal Income f rom Evonomics… Lately there’s been renewed discussion of universal income: regular cash payments to everyone, regardless of race, gender or need. Past proponents of the idea include the revolutionary Thomas Paine, civil rights leader Martin Luther King, Jr., free-market economist Milton Friedman and President Richard Nixon. Today’s interest has been sparked by the income stagnation experienced by America’s middle class and working poor, and by the persistent slow growth experienced by our economy. The idea finds support across America’s ideological […]