Most Aussies support universal basic income where everyone gets a monthly government cash handout with no strings attached, poll finds

Most Australians support the idea of universal basic income where all adults are given cash from the government with no strings attached, a poll has found.

Some 58 per cent support the idea and only 18 per cent oppose it, according to a survey of 1,026 Australians by the Green Institute.

It comes after the number of Australians on JobSeeker soared from 724,000 in February to 1.46million in May as coronavirus restrictions destroyed jobs. The idea of Universal basic income – which has critics and supporters on both sides of politics – was first discussed 500 years ago by English philosopher […]

Kenya trial examines effect of universal basic income during pandemic

Kenya trial examines effect of universal basic income during pandemic

The Kenya UBI experiment began in 2017, includes thousands of households and is planned to run for 12 years. Image credit: bakhtiarzein/Depositphotos Unique new research is looking at the effects of UBI during a pandemic by analyzing data from a massive ongoing 12-year income study in Kenya, and its conclusion suggests the policy may help individual well-being.

With the social and economic toll of the coronavirus pandemic striking hundreds of millions around the world, the idea of a universal basic income (UBI) has been raised as a potential solution. Unique new research is looking at the effects of UBI […]

The case for an Arabian Universal Basic Income

The case for an Arabian Universal Basic Income

‘Gulf States’ established welfare systems have become fiscally unsustainable’ writes Hertog [Getty] Comment: While a generous UBI remains unaffordable in western countries, in MENA oil states it could offer a way to reform welfare and an inflated public sector, writes Steffen Hertog.

The notion of a government-provided universal basic income (UBI) has been gaining traction throughout the developed world. Although UBI policies face significant political and fiscal obstacles in the West, the idea is catching on in a region where conditions for introducing a universal cash-grant system are more favourable: the wealthy, oil-exporting Arabian Peninsula.

The Gulf oil monarchies, though largely […]

Dorsey donates US$15 million to a guaranteed income initiative

Dorsey donates US$15 million to a guaranteed income initiative

Twitter Co-Founder and CEO Jack Dorsey has donated US$15 million to an initiative for a guaranteed monthly income for Americans, Mayors for a Guaranteed Income.

Dorsey , widely known for his philanthropy, has supported Mayors for a Guaranteed Income, founded by Stockton, California, Mayor Michael Tubbs , which seeks a guaranteed income to ensure all Americans have an income floor.

The new donation is in addition to the US$3 million Dorsey gave to the initiative in July. The Mayors for a Guaranteed Income network seek a monthly cash payment given directly to individuals. The payment is unconditional, with no strings […]

Advocates, politicians may differ on way forward for universal income on P.E.I.

Advocates, politicians may differ on way forward for universal income on P.E.I.

Marie Burge of the P.E.I. Working Group for a Livable Income said it is long past time for consideration of pilot programs and studies of a basic income. – Stu Neatby CHARLOTTETOWN, P.E.I. —

Two diverging recommendations from a standing committee tasked with examining the possibility of a basic income guarantee on P.E.I. may prove to be a fault line between advocates and politicians over the next steps for the anti-poverty program.

A basic income guarantee (BIG) is an anti-poverty program in which all adults would be given a no-strings-attached government cheque if they are below a certain income threshold. […]

UN Official: Sudan Needs World’s Support in Transition to Democracy

UN Official: Sudan Needs World's Support in Transition to Democracy

A U.N. official says Sudan is at a critical juncture as it transitions to a democracy and needs the support of the international community to overcome its myriad economic challenges.

Rosemary DiCarlo, U.N. undersecretary-general for political and peacebuilding affairs on Sudan and South Sudan, addressed the Security Council on Tuesday in New York via teleconference.

"[Sudan] can move forward decisively in its transition, but that progress can still be derailed by the many challenges it faces. It is incumbent on all of us to support Sudan in its efforts to achieve democratic governance, economic prosperity and an inclusive society for all […]

Opinion: Financial suffocation demands Universal Basic Income

Opinion: Financial suffocation demands Universal Basic Income

An empty storefront in a Connecticut downtown. “Take a deep breath” is advice often given to people in stressful situations. We are still holding the spring air of March 2020 in our lungs. It is time to exhale. It is time for Universal Basic Income to be implemented in the United States.

There are far too many downtrodden Americans who are too appalled at the current state of our nation to feel confident in their next breath, let alone their ability to find the next steps necessary to better themselves and their families. The COVID-19 pandemic has left thousands without […]

Madison’s Mayor joins call for guaranteed basic income program

Madison’s Mayor joins call for guaranteed basic income program

MADISON (WKOW) — The idea of giving some residents a basic income with no strings attached is being supported by Madison’s mayor.

On Tuesday, Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey donated $15 million dollars to the group Mayors for a Basic Income. The coalition of 29 mayors wants to fund guaranteed basic income programs to provide monthly payments to people to help alleviate poverty and systemic racism.

Madison is one of several cities on the list receiving funds for a pilot program. Others include Los Angeles and Oakland, Richmond, Virginia, New Orleans, Louisiana, and Tacoma, Washington."I believe that a national guaranteed income program […]

Saxo’s top 10 outrageous market predictions for 2021

Saxo’s top 10 outrageous market predictions for 2021

Saxo Bank has today released its 10 Outrageous Predictions for 2021.

The predictions focus on a series of unlikely but underappreciated events which, if they were to occur, could send shockwaves across financial markets:

> Amazon “buys” Cyprus Germany bails out France Blockchain tech kills fake news China’s new digital currency inspires tectonic shift in capital flows Revolutionary fusion design catapults humanity into energy abundance Universal basic income decimates big cities Disruption dividend creates Citizens Technology Fund A successful Covid-19 vaccine kills companies Sun shines on silver, which sizzles on solar panel demand Next-generation tech supercharges frontier and emerging markets […]

Thread: Europeans considering universal basic income and job guarantees

start=”1″> Rep Power You’re not making a correction here, that’s two sides of the same coin. I don’t believe there are disadvantages classes, any attempts to help them are simply racism in disguise.

That does not mean that there aren’t disadvantaged individuals . Help the individuals that need it (to the extent we reasonably can–in many cases there’s nothing we can do to overcome the problems they grew up with), based on their circumstances, don’t look at what groups they might be members of. Except for that whole mechanic where their circumstances are ubiquitous across a group owing […]