Cities Experiment With Remedy for Poverty: Cash, No Strings Attached

Cities Experiment With Remedy for Poverty: Cash, No Strings Attached

The idea is related to universal basic income, popularized by former Democratic presidential candidate Andrew Yang. Whereas UBI involves regular payments to everyone regardless of income, Stockton’s experiment targets poor neighborhoods.

If implemented nationwide, guaranteed income along the Stockton model would represent a significant expansion of the safety net and one that isn’t conditional on working or looking for work. Food stamps, welfare, Medicaid, the earned-income tax credit and unemployment compensation all include some form of work requirement.

Stockton’s payments have helped people affected by the recession cover their bills, said Mr. Tubbs. More than half of the funds have been […]

The Brazilian government supports the payment of new basic income to the poor | Instant News

The Brazilian government supports the payment of new basic income to the poor | Instant News

BRASILIA (Reuters) – Brazil’s government on Monday detailed how it will pay for a new minimum income program called Renda Cidada, with President Jair Bolsonaro and Economy Minister Paulo Guedes still vowing to respect the country’s spending limits and fiscal rules.

The proposed program will replace Bolsa Familia, the successful flagship welfare program of former Labor President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, which pays women on the condition that they send their children to school and has been credited with alleviating poverty in Brazil.

Renda Cidada, which translates as “Citizen Income,” will draw from funds already dedicated to the Bolsa Familia, […]

Brazil’s government backs new basic income payments to poor

Brazil's government backs new basic income payments to poor

Brazil’s Economy Minister Paulo Guedes speaks next Brazil’s President Jair Bolsonaro during a press statement at the Alvorada Palace in Brasilia By Ricardo Brito and Marcela Ayres

BRASILIA (Reuters) – Brazil’s government on Monday detailed how it would pay for a new minimum income program called Renda Cidada, with President Jair Bolsonaro and Economy Minister Paulo Guedes still pledging to honor the country’s spending cap and fiscal rules.

The proposed program would replace Bolsa Familia, the successful flagship welfare program of former Workers Party President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, which pays women a stipend on the condition that they send […]

Brazil’s government backs new basic income payments to poor

Brazil's government backs new basic income payments to poor

Ad Brazıl, Economıcs, Americas, Brazil, Central Banks / Central Bank Events, Debt / Fixed Income Markets, Currencies / Foreign Exchange Markets, Government Finances, National Government Debt, Interest Rates / Policy, Workforce, Monetary / Fiscal Policy / Policy Makers, South America Brazil ‘s government backs new basic income payments to poor

Brazil ‘s government on Monday detailed how it would pay for a new minimum income program called Renda Cidada, with President Jair Bolsonaro and Economy Minister Paulo Guedes still pledging to honor the country’s spending cap and fiscal rules.

3 Min ReadBRASILIA (Reuters) – Brazil’s government on Monday detailed how […]

Brazil’s government backs new basic income payments to poor

Brazil's government backs new basic income payments to poor

BRASILIA (Reuters) – Brazil’s government on Monday detailed how it would pay for a new minimum income program called Renda Cidada, with President Jair Bolsonaro and Economy Minister Paulo Guedes still pledging to honor the country’s spending cap and fiscal rules. Slideshow ( 3 images ) The proposed program would replace Bolsa Familia, the successful flagship welfare program of former Workers Party President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, which pays women a stipend on the condition that they send their children to school and has been credited with reducing poverty in Brazil.

Renda Cidada, which translates as “Citizen Income,” would […]

Election 2020: TOP candidate says universal income is the way forward

Election 2020: TOP candidate says universal income is the way forward

The Northern Advocate and NZME Northland digital and radio platforms, are giving you, the voters, a chance to hear why the candidates standing deserve your vote on October 17.

Northern Advocate reporter Imran Ali and The Hits Northland day announcer Charmaine Soljak have interviewed candidates from the three Northland electorates – Whangārei, Northland and Te Tai Tokerau.

We caught them on video, too, so head to and to read about the candidates, listen and watch what they have to say.The Hits Northland, The Northern Advocate, and the Northland Age will introduce you to the candidates, so you can read, […]

Basic Income and the Job Guarantee – further clarifications

There was a Centre for Innovation and Public Purpose discussion a month or two ago which I’ve been meaning to watch. Here Pavlina Tcherneva – together with a few interventions from Robert Sidelsky – was discussing in some practical detail, on the basis of her recent book, “The Case for a Job Guarantee” its benefits and workings.

First, I think it is important to point out as Steve Keen does here that the Job Guarantee is not a matter of explaining the state monetary system as Modern Monetary Theory (MMT) does but is a suggested policy to accompany that understanding. […]

Labour MP: The pandemic reinforces the case for a Universal Basic Income

Labour MP: The pandemic reinforces the case for a Universal Basic Income

Beth Winter MP is making the case for a Universal Basic Income and pushing for Labour to get behind that policy The Covid-19 pandemic has laid bare the extent of poverty and inequality in our society. It has also exposed the inadequacies of our welfare system to act as a safety net for people, from the insufficient level and restrictiveness of Statutory Sick Pay (SSP) to the five week waiting time for Universal Credit (UC).

As we emerge from lockdown we are facing a very damaging recession, as well as ongoing economic insecurity and a climate emergency. We must […]

India’s tryst with UBI: Struggles and contradictions

India’s tryst with UBI: Struggles and contradictions

Article 38 (2) in the Directive Principles of State Policy enshrines the ideal of equitable growth by directing the state to reduce income inequality gaps by preventing the concentration of wealth in a few hands. In direct contrast to this socialist vision, India today counts itself as one of the three nations having the highest level of income inequality. Its 50-55% of national income is accumulated by the upper ten percent of the population, as reported by Oxfam (2019).

To combat this income inequality, and the consequent plagues that accompany it—poverty, malnutrition, unemployment—the Economic Survey of India (2016-17) addressed the […]

Basic Income: A Way Out of Poverty in a Time of Pandemic or Utopia

(23 September 2020) Sir Thomas More introduced the concept of basic income* in Utopia back in 1516. It’s a simple concept: Eliminate poverty by guaranteeing a basic level of income. The New Jersey Income Maintenance Experiment (1968-1972) was the first basic income experiment and has since been followed by more than 40 experiments across 14 countries, including 16 ongoing, and another 5 experiments planned for 2020 or later. From an experimental perspective with small groups of participants (as opposed to whole economies), the data demonstrates that basic income indeed helps to eradicate poverty and without many of the anticipate […]