Guaranteed minimum income pros and cons

DiSCUSSion oF PRoS AnD ConS can be confusing. Choose. TheDailySheeple. . it might be A Bloomberg View column analyzes the idea’s pros and cons. May 12, 2015 The Pros and Cons of a Guaranteed National Income In considering some form of a universal basic income, we should avoid falling into the Apr 12, 2017 In June 2016, Switzerland overwhelmingly rejected a vote to introduce a universal income, citing concerns that greater spending would leave Jan 11, 2017 As Finland tests a program to give a universal basic income to unemployed citizens, many wonder if a similar initiative could work […]

Guaranteed minimum income switzerland

Jump up ^ Swiss to vote on guaranteed income for all The Local, 27 January 6 Jun 2016 The universal basic income is one of those ideas whose time, I think, has come. Jun 2, 2016 Mark Gimein on the vote in Switzerland about whether to give a government- guaranteed minimum income to every citizen. It would have prohibited discrimination in taxes for married couples (who pay . Jack Smith IV, Mic. 6 May 2016 The Swiss really don’t want it. 6 Jun 2016 THE Labour Party is steaming ahead with plans for a minimum salary for workers no […]

MP Bob Bratina Column: Standing up for families

MP Bob Bratina Column: Standing up for families

Two years have passed since my election as your member of Parliament for Hamilton East — Stoney Creek.

In those two years we have made a number of accomplishments, such as reducing wait times for EI benefits from two weeks to one, restoring the age of eligibility for Old Age Security and Guaranteed Income Supplement to 65 from 67, providing monthly grants to people providing care to our veterans, and introducing the new Canada Child Benefit (CCB) that’s helping nine out of 10 families receive more money each month.

In Hamilton, during the month of July, for example, 44,000 families received […]

This 27-Year-Old California Mayor Wants To Pay You $500 Cash Per Month To Live Here

This 27-Year-Old California Mayor Wants To Pay You $500 Cash Per Month To Live Here

Photo by Cindy Ord/Getty Images for the 2014 Tribeca Film Festival

Michael Tubbs is the 27-year-old mayor of Stockton, California.

In October, Tubbs introduced an experimental program to give about $500 per month to all Stockton residents, with no conditions or restrictions. Universal Basic Income: The Program This program – the Stockton Economic Empowerment Demonstration (SEED) – would make Stockton the first city in the nation to offer universal basic income, which is a system that regularly provides residents with sufficient money to cover basic living expenses.Tubbs, who was born and raised in Stockton and elected to Stockton’s city counsel at […]

5 Financial Freedoms You Can’t Afford to Surrender

5 Financial Freedoms You Can't Afford to Surrender

Dimasobko | Dreamstime Most Americans work 40 to 50 years. That’s a huge time investment when you stop and think about it. That’s a long time to toil and end up getting little, if any, financial security out of all that hard work.

Everybody wants financial independence in their golden years, but without a sound retirement planning strategy, many lose the freedoms they could have enjoyed.

“Some freedoms are often taken for granted in this country, such as those you earn by maximizing your earning potential,” says Peter J. D’Arruda, president of North Carolina-based Capital Financial & Insurance LLC . “It’s […]

American Equity to Emphasize Marketing of Accumulation Products

American Equity Investment Life Holding redirected third-quarter marketing efforts away from guaranteed income products toward accumulation products, a company executive said Tuesday.

The shift mirrors a similar tilt expressed by independent agents in favor of accumulation products in the $60-billion fixed indexed annuity market. American Equity is a top seller of FIAs in the United States.

“We addressed this shift by placing more emphasis in our marketing efforts on our Choice Series at American Equity Life,” said Ronald J. Grensteiner, president of American Equity Investment Life Insurance in West Des Moines, Iowa.Index annuities offer contract holders the opportunity to earn interest […]

Platform decumulation delusion puts advisers at risk

Platform decumulation delusion puts advisers at risk

By Damian Fantato Platforms declining to offer the full range of pension withdrawal products with only drawdown widely available, is putting advisers at risk of claims they are not acting in the best interests of clients.

Consultancy firm the Lang Cat found just 53 per cent of advisers use a platform specifically for decumulation, that is to enable clients to manage the withdrawal of their retirement savings.

The Lang Cat’s founder Mark Polson said that what made this particularly disappointing was the fact some of the most popular platforms did not offer “the most basic features” for decumulation.He said things became […]

Riding driverless cars into uncharted ethics

Riding driverless cars into uncharted ethics

Driverless car manufacturers are eager to make their technology a reality. However, the release of automated cars presents both ethical and technical quandaries.

The transportation business has gone through significant changes before, but the advent of driverless cars means a multitude of only partially understood ramifications. If approved, driverless trucks will displace many drivers; thus causing unemployment.

There is no doubt that unemployment will affect workers, their families, and the community overall. But should technology be held back and cause economic stagnation in favor of traditional jobs?Driving is one of the most common jobs in the world, and these men and […]

Guaranteed income

why is it that leftist posters are always so negative about the future? Leftists are ignorant about history. That’s why they love Chavez, Guevara, and Castro. They think "this time will be different. Yes, every single socialist dictator was caused evil in the past, but that was not real socialism. If I were in charge, it would be utopia."

Leftists (#notall) think that history doesn’t repeat itself. For the past million years, more technology has meant good things for those at the bottom. More people and more and better paying jobs develop. It has always been the case, but for […]

Sky’s Davey: ‘TV’s Golden Age just getting started’

Sky’s Davey: ‘TV’s Golden Age just getting started’

The golden age of television is just getting started, according to Gary Davey, Managing Director, Content at Sky. Writing an Opinion piece in The Daily Telegraph , Davey says there has never been a better time for it.

“But not according to the BBC. In a speech on Thursday, Tony Hall, the BBC director-general, said the entire UK production industry was facing a significant threat thanks to the arrival of competition from streaming platforms like Netflix and Amazon. If anything, the exact opposite is true. What he sees as a threat, I see as an opportunity,” suggests Davey.

“Yes, their arrival […]