Sky’s Davey hits out at BBC warning

Sky’s Davey hits out at BBC warning

The MD of content at European satcaster Sky has railed against comments made by BBC director general Tony Hall about the potential threat to linear TV from streaming giants Netflix and Amazon. Gary Davey Gary Davey was responding to comments made by Hall last week that streamers could cause a funding shortfall in the UK TV industry.

The Sky exec admitted their arrival had “shaken up the British television industry,” but said “it has given customers more choice and handed British writers, producers and production staff even more opportunities, free to make shows for a global audience.

“The pond may be […]

Sky rubbishes BBC’s ‘bizarre’ SVOD concerns

Sky rubbishes BBC’s ‘bizarre’ SVOD concerns

Sky’s content chief, Gary Davey, has slammed the BBC’s “bizarre” concerns over the arrival of SVOD players Netflix and Amazon in the UK market.

Sky Content managing director Davey (pictured) claimed “the golden age of television is just getting started”, and considered the entrance of on-demand players an example of giving “customers more choice” and writers, producers and production staff “more opportunities”.

“In a speech on Thursday , Tony Hall, the BBC director-general, said the entire UK production industry was facing a significant threat thanks to the arrival of competition from streaming platforms like Netflix and Amazon,” Davey said in an […]

Joe Biden Positions Himself as the ‘Anti-Bernie’

Joe Biden Positions Himself as the ‘Anti-Bernie’

Joe Biden speaks to the Chicago Council on Global Affairs at the Palmer House Hilton in Chicago on November 1, 2017. (Ashlee Rezin/Sun Times via AP) Last Wednesday, after a relatively quiescent 2017 spent mainly out of the spotlight, former vice president Joseph R. Biden Jr. gave what was billed as a major address in Chicago.

Speculation that Biden is assumed to be considering a third run for the presidency brought a level of interest where, in a world in which Hillary Clinton was president, there probably wouldn’t be all that much. Subsequent revelations by former DNC Chair Donna Brazile […]

What is universal basic income

Browse The Independent’s complete collection of articles and commentary on universal basic income. Dr Luke Martinelli. IPR Research Associate, University of 31 Aug 2017 Universal basic income is becoming increasingly popular as a potential solution to the social problems caused by poverty and rising inequality 12 Apr 2017 Universal basic income is finally getting serious consideration in places like Finland, Canada and India. But an increasing number of high-profile Silicon Valley executives are endorsing universal basic income (UBI), a system in which everyone receives a standard 4 days ago The policy of guaranteeing every citizen a universal basic income […]

DOL Delay Loosens Vise On Annuities

DOL Delay Loosens Vise On Annuities

An 18-month delay in implementing key parts of the Department of Labor (DOL) fiduciary rule has eased its vise-like grip on insurers and annuity distributors, insurance company executives told analysts.

Abating regulatory pressure around annuity transactions also should give life insurers and distributors more time to shape a rule in a manner that will help retirement savers, the executives said during third quarter earnings conference calls.

“I think this pause plus the distance from June 9 is beginning to ease the impact of the DOL from a sales standpoint,” said Dennis R. Glass, president and CEO of Lincoln Financial.Before the June […]

Getting the most out of annuities

Getting the most out of annuities

It’s not always an either-or choice. Picture: Shutterstock Anyone who has saved money in a pension fund or a retirement annuity has to make a decision when they reach retirement age. At least two thirds of the money they have saved has to be used to secure themselves a monthly income.

This must be through a living annuity, or a guaranteed annuity. However, it’s important for investors to understand that they are not restricted to choosing one or the other. It is possible, and even often advisable, to use both.

“As an individual, your lowest-risk annuity choice is always buying a […]

Universal Basic Income 8 – update

Universal Basic Income 8 – update

In October, Dylan Matthews ( US Occupy website ) wrote about a forthcoming Basic Income pilot.

Next year, a random sample of the 300,000 residents of Stockton, California – the largest city in the U.S. to declare bankruptcy during the financial crisis – will get $500 per month with no strings attached. It’s the latest test of basic income , funded by the Economic Security Project , a pro-basic income advocacy and research group co-chaired by Facebook co-founder and former New Republic publisher Chris Hughes and activists Natalie Foster and Dorian Warren; Hughes provided the group’s initial funding. Many […]

Britain’s C-grade pension system

Britain’s C-grade pension system

There is not a single country in the world that has a “first class” pension system, according to the Melbourne Mercer Global Pension Index. Some were once first class, but thanks to low economic growth and an ageing population are now in need of improvement (Denmark and the Netherlands); most are barely adequate; and some are utterly unsustainable (Japan, Italy). The UK doesn’t come out too badly. We get a C+ (Denmark gets a B+) and our sustainability ratio is just under 50% (see for how the numbers are calculated) against 38% in France and China, 40% in […]

Basic Income And How We Can Make It Happen

Guy Standing (SOAS)

Guy Standing will talk about his new book ‘Basic Income: And How We Can Make It Happen’, in which he adresses questions such as: Shouldn’t everyone receive a stake in society’s wealth? Could we create a fairer world by granting a guaranteed income to all? What would this mean for our health, wealth and happiness?
Basic Income is a regular cash transfer from the state, received by all individual citizens. It is an acknowledgement that everyone plays a part in generating the wealth currently enjoyed only by a few. Political parties across the world are now […]

Stockton Awarded $1 Million Grant to Study Guaranteed Basic Income

Stockton Awarded $1 Million Grant to Study Guaranteed Basic Income

Stockton Mayor Michael Tubbs and the Reinvent South Stockton Coalition have won a $1 million foundational grant designed to help demonstrate the benefits of a guaranteed basic income.

Guaranteed basic income is a concept relatively unknown in the U.S., despite pilot programs being underway in Finland and Canada. What it means at its simplest is that citizens get a certain amount of money each month to spend how they see fit, with the dual purpose of stimulating the economy while simultaneously increasing individual financial security.

Both Mayor Tubbs and the Economic Security Project, which is the basic income advocacy group that […]