Stockton Ca. to try, well… not exactly Universal Basic Income, more like Limited Part-time Minimum Wage Income

Stockton Ca. to try, well... not exactly Universal Basic Income, more like Limited Part-time Minimum Wage Income

downstairs : having a job is essential for emotional health and social status

Nope, try again. A job is many things to many people, and there are people without jobs that are emotionally healthy and have a fine social status.

I also happen to know of MANY jobs that are terribly damaging to emotional health, so go ahead and remove your blanket statement from the issue at hand, thanks. Both you and fus are right.It’s pretty interesting talking to people from other countries on this subject, especially folks who’ve lived/grown up in places like Russia or Austria, where you work […]

Tyson faces more resistance to its poultry complex, this time in Sedgwick County, Kansas

Tyson faces more resistance to its poultry complex, this time in Sedgwick County, Kansas

The “No Tyson Wichita and Sedgwick County Group,” will host speakers critical of the impact of the chicken complex. WICHITA, Kan. – In September, Tyson Foods and city officials in Tonganoxie, Kansas, announced plans for the processor to construct a $320 million chicken complex just outside the city limits in Leavenworth County. Citizens of the area protested and ultimately convinced city officials to roll up its welcome mat Tyson is now working with the Greater Wichita Partnership and considering Sedgwick County for the project. But, concerned residents are looking at what happened in Tonganoxie and asking questions.

On Saturday, Oct. […]

His majesty Anthony Kennedy

His majesty Anthony Kennedy

Whenever I write about American democracy, I inevitably get angry letters from people who yell at me that we are a republic, not a democracy. Yes, this is true, but a republic can take numerous forms and the simplest definition of a republic is that it is not a monarchy. A republic is any country where the people consent to be governed.

The debate between whether we are a democracy or republic really boils down to the language differences between the western and eastern Roman Empire. The east had democracy as its ideal and the west had a republic. But […]

Robot Apocalypse….

We Already Have a Solution for the Robot Apocalypse. It’s 200 Years Old.
A brief history of universal basic income.

From the window of his university office in Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, philosophy professor Philippe Van Parijs—considered by many to be Europe’s most prominent advocate for the idea that the state should provide a regular income to every citizen—can see the mailbox where he sent off invitations to the first “basic income” conference more than 30 years ago. “I’m quite amazed by the seed we threw on the ground now,” he says.After decades of obscurity, the idea is suddenly […]

Need guaranteed, increasing retirement income? This may be the answer

Need guaranteed, increasing retirement income? This may be the answer

It’s well known that people tend to become more financially conservative the closer they are to retirement, and grow increasingly cautious with their pension savings.

At that point the focus is often more about protecting accrued savings rather than building funds for retirement. This has become even more topical after pension freedoms were introduced in 2015, which has given people greater choice but also greater chance of choosing an unsuitable option.

While retirement objectives vary, they commonly include: having a guaranteed, increasing income which keeps pace with inflation preserving and growing pension savings having a degree of flexibility to cater for […]

Shift from annuities to drawdown continues

Shift from annuities to drawdown continues

Annuities used to be the go-to way to secure an income in retirement, but thanks to the pension freedoms, that’s no longer the case. Indeed, demand for annuities has plummeted in recent years, to be replaced by income drawdown. Annuity apathy

Figures from the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) show that income drawdown accounted for 76% of retirement income sales between April and June this year, with a total of 42,776 products sold during the three-month period. This compares with just 13,875 annuity sales, which represented 24% of the market.

A year previously the division was less marked, but even […]

MDU customers cite fixed incomes, argue against proposed rate increase

MDU customers cite fixed incomes, argue against proposed rate increase

Fixed incomes dominated discussion during an informal hearing to collect public input on a rate hike requested by Montana Dakota Utilities for natural gas service. The hearings were held across the state via interactive television. Williston’s hearings were at Williston State College Tuesday and Wednesday.

The company has asked for $5.9 million increase annually over current rates to replace pipelines and improve safety. That is a 5.4 percent overall increase.

The money will be used to replace $275 million of pipeline infrastructure dating back to the 1970s and 80s. The company has 2,575 miles of main pipeline in the state and […]

AI: Pew Report Shows Concerns From Blade Runner Are a Reality

AI: Pew Report Shows Concerns From Blade Runner Are a Reality

In the world of fiction, some of the best stories from the past are the most well received because they dance the fine line of imagination and reality. Take for example something as simple as the Jetson movie, a cartoon that predicted video chatting, roombas, and tablets. In Back to the Future they had wearables (virtual reality), Total Recall had self-driving cars, Short Circuit was literally about AI powered military robots, and even the original Blade Runner was digital billboards.

Flash forward to this year, and Blade Runner is once again depicting a Sci-Fi driven future where robots are doing […]

A Scratch Card in Every Pot

A Scratch Card in Every Pot

Stockton, California, announced last week that it will try out a new anti-poverty program that provides $500 per month for a small subset of eligible residents. Earlier this month, the province of Ontario mailed its first monthly checks to 400 lucky Canadians. Advocates for a “universal basic income” (UBI) call these programs “experiments,” or “pilots,” and they hope that positive results will build support for their proposals. But these governments are not testing a UBI; they are running a free lottery. No one should be impressed or persuaded if its winners prove to be fans.

The UBI is a difficult […]

Avoid These 3 Retirement Landmines to Guarantee Your 401(k) Survival

Avoid These 3 Retirement Landmines to Guarantee Your 401(k) Survival

By Peter J. D’Arruda | Wednesday, 25 Oct 2017 03:04 PM Let’s start with some good news. The average American’s 401(k) balance has never been higher.

According to a recent Fidelity Investments quarterly analysis, the average balance in its 401(k) accounts grew to $97,700, a 9.7 percent increase from the same point last year when the average balance was $89,100.

But that good news is tempered by a piece of bad news. Most people still won’t have enough money to cover their costs in retirement – especially if they don’t have an employer pension or some other guaranteed income source to […]