Savers access £14.2bn through pension freedoms

Savers access £14.2bn through pension freedoms

Retirement savers have accessed approximately £14.2 billion through the pension freedoms since the pension reforms were introduced in April 2015, according to data from HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC).

Its Flexible payments from pensions: October 2017 report also found that the number of individuals who have received flexible payments from their pensions between the second quarter of 2017 and the third quarter of 2017 is 291,000, compared to 232,000 individuals who received a flexible payment from their pension pot between the second quarter of 2015 and the first quarter of 2016. Since pension freedoms were introduced in April 2015, 916,000 […]

Mike Leach vs. Texas Tech battle heats up

Mike Leach vs. Texas Tech battle heats up

Mike Leach LUBBOCK, TX (KCBD) –

Mike Leach has long asked to be paid for coaching the Texas Tech Red Raiders for the 2009 season. Tuesday Leach hired a private investigator to look into Texas Tech. According to USA Today, Leach wants the firm to investigate the Texas Tech Board of Regents.

Wayne Dolcefino of the Houston firm Dolcefino Consulting will look through phone records and other data for information."If they want to be weasels and not pay the guy, then they won’t pay him,” Wayne Dolcefino of Houston firm Dolcefino Consulting said in the USA Today report. “But we’re going […]

FCA: 2017 sees highest H1 SIPP sales

FCA: 2017 sees highest H1 SIPP sales

The first six months of 2017 has seen the highest self-invested personal pension (SIPP) sales of any January-June period, according to the Financial Conduct Authority’s (FCA) latest data.

Almost 470,000 SIPP products were sold in the first half of this year, 12% more than the corresponding period in 2016 and more than any H1 period in years gone by.

Despite record H1 sales, the second quarter of this calendar year saw lower SIPP sales than the first. Some 228,557 SIPPs were sold in Q2, according to the regulator, a 5% decrease on the record quarterly sales of 241,413 seen between January […]

Retirees who cash in their pension… and blow it on alcohol and gambling: Fears some are exploiting new rules allowing over-55s to take their money

Retirees who cash in their pension... and blow it on alcohol and gambling: Fears some are exploiting new rules allowing over-55s to take their money

Fears were raised last night that some retirees are splurging their pensions on alcohol and gambling binges before falling back on the state for help.

MPs were told that there is evidence that some people are exploiting new rules that allow the over-55s to cash in their entire pensions.

A written submission to the Commons Work and Pensions Committee claims that five individuals have exhausted their pots in a matter of months – and then claimed benefits. Five pensioners managed to spend their entire life’s savings within months of retiring, with one engineer blowing £120,000 on a car, gambling and drink […]

Gis supplement calculator

Disclaimer: This Guaranteed Income Supplement ( GIS ) is a non- taxable benefit paid to low- Outlays on public retirement benefits in Canada amount to about 4. ca – Guaranteed income supplement (GIS) for Canadian OAS The amount of GIS payable depends on marital status and total income for the prior year Learn about the Guaranteed Income Supplement. Find out if you are eligible, how to apply, and how to report your GIS amount when you file your income tax Aug 10, 2017 That’s the Guaranteed Income Supplement or GIS: a supplement to . Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS) and […]

Can Universal Basic Income Work? Here’s The Story.

Can Universal Basic Income Work? Here’s The Story.

One of the topics in social policy I’ve never gotten around to discussing is the debate over a “universal basic income,” in which the welfare state would be partially or completely replaced with a guaranteed income that would be given to everyone.

The chief reason I haven’t written about it is that tons of proposals, papers, and ballot initiatives appeared last year. Some donors set up pilot projects. The Swiss rejected it. People found the shelves in the libraries where the dusty reports from the 1970’s were stored and eagerly read about large-scale social experiments that tested it. [1] In […]

Gary johnson universal income

org/news/2016/08/us-johnson-supports-basic-income-libertarian-principlesAug 8, 2016 At the FreedomFest convention in Las Vegas, Nevada, Gary Johnson took a stance puzzling to many libertarians. He support the FairTax which has a prebate which is a You can login if you already have an account or register by clicking the button below. Johnson. The immediate stimulus for Jul 16, 2016 Strangely enough Libertarian Party candidate Gary Johnson might make basic income an issue in the 2016 presidential race. May 30, 2017 The basic guaranteed income is one of those ideas, like land value taxation or Gary Johnson – while he didn’t campaign on it, […]

Prospects of Car-Dealership Work Scare Off Many Job-Seekers

Prospects of Car-Dealership Work Scare Off Many Job-Seekers

Young dealership workers most likely to leave. The Big Story: Car Dealers Stuck Paying Staff ‘Turnover Tax’ Millennials lead the way when it comes to calling it quits at car dealerships, where employee turnover has been a chronic issue.

Cox Automotive’s 2017 Dealership Staffing Study says the turnover rate for 20- and 30-something Generation Y’ers is 52%, meaning, on average, every other Millennial who hires on at a dealership ends up leaving.

But it is not just them. About one in three Gen X’ers and one in four Baby Boomers account for dealership turnovers that are “crazy high” industrywide, says Isabelle […]

We’ve been calling for it for decades … it’s good to see Basic Income on the agenda

We’ve been calling for it for decades ... it’s good to see Basic Income on the agenda

Kermit the frog once famously remarked that “It’s not easy being green”. Sometimes that feels pretty close to the truth.

One of the most familiar experiences for Greens in politics is how long we have to work on our priorities before other parties to eventually catch up. It can often feel like our policies are launched ten years ahead of their time, giving us a decade to campaign for what feels like radical action after which someone else pinches our policy and it becomes accepted wisdom.

We’ve seen this all too often, most recently on the need for a full ban […]

From Stockton, California, the first US basic income experiment

From Stockton, California, the first US basic income experiment

Stockton, California is expected to become the first US city to launch an experiment in universal basic income , a system of wealth distribution in which people receive a set amount of money just for being alive.

Stockton Mayor Michael Tubbs said that by August 2018 he hopes to enroll an undisclosed number of Stockton’s 315,000 residents in the program. Tubbs said the experiment — which is set to hand out $500 a month, or $6,000 a year — would ideally last for a period of three years.

“This is not a handout, it’s a hand up," Tubbs said. "You […]