Banning Uber is not the answer

The Social Market Foundation’s Scott Corfe says banning the likes of Uber would make households poorer.

Transport for London’s recent decision to deny Uber a renewed licence to operate in the capital has led to public outcry. Hundreds of thousands have signed a petition calling on the Mayor of London to rethink this decision, highlighting how at odds it seems to be with public sentiment.

In the eyes of many Londoners, particularly cash-strapped younger households, Uber has allowed them to access affordable and convenient taxis, in contrast to expensive black cabs. They are aghast at the prospect of this being taken […]

King: Martin Luther King ‘Hijacked’ by ‘the Left’

King: Martin Luther King ‘Hijacked’ by ‘the Left’

Rep. Steve King may not be quite as stupid as Louis Gohmert, but he’s considerably more obnoxious. He is literally a white supremacist in Congress, but one who thinks he can speak for Martin Luther King, who he bizarrely says has been “hijacked” by “the left.” He recalled a recent conversation with a fellow Republican member of Congress who King said had urged him to stop quoting from Martin Luther King Jr.’s “been to the mountaintop” speech because he “might be misinterpreted.” (We can only imagine what part of the speech King may have taken out of context to […]

Is Guaranteed Income for Life the Right Option for You?

Is Guaranteed Income for Life the Right Option for You?

Funny thing about annuities. People love them in concept, but they aren’t nearly as enthusiastic when it comes to actually buying these insurance products, which are the only investments that can provide guaranteed income for life.

For example, a recent survey by the Insured Retirement Institute and Jackson National Life Insurance Company found that while more than 90% of people 65 and older said they were very or somewhat interested in lifetime income, only one in four planned to buy an annuity.

That reluctance is understandable. There are plenty of valid reasons to be wary of annuities, as many can be […]

Guy Caron talks religious symbols and Quebec, basic income and why the NDP doesn’t get taken seriously on the economy

Guy Caron talks religious symbols and Quebec, basic income and why the NDP doesn't get taken seriously on the economy

Leadership contender Guy Caron speaks at the NDP’s Leadership Showcase in Hamilton, Ont. on Sunday September 17 , 2017. In a leadership campaign often consumed by questions of style and image, Guy Caron has opted to focus on policy. The rural Quebec MP, first elected in 2011 after three unsuccessful attempts, has made basic guaranteed income his signature policy proposal. He wants to reduce working hours for federal employees from eight hours a day to seven, and has promised his first bill would bring about electoral reform.

Caron also insists he’s the best candidate to improve the party’s fortunes in […]

Why I think Universal Basic Income UBI is a great idea

Why I think Universal Basic Income UBI is a great idea



As long as we didn’t repeat the blunders of the last industrial revolution, there wouldn’t even be an inflation. The production from automation is relatively unpaid yet still generates revenue (more than we’ve seen before) and GDP. The money will be there without the need for quantitative easing. Watch Obama’s Face At 0:33. This Leaked Video Will Ruin Him link a reply to: dfnj2015 Politics is a waste of time.I don’t know about UBI, but I can imagine that in the not too distant future, UBI will probably be damn near a necessity what with job loss […]

Review chaired by Virgin Money boss Jayne-Anne Gadhia considers £8,100 ‘living wage’ for all Scottish students

Review chaired by Virgin Money boss Jayne-Anne Gadhia considers £8,100 ‘living wage’ for all Scottish students

Jayne-Anne Gadhia, chief executive officer of Virgin Money ALL university and college students would be guaranteed a Scottish Living Wage of £8,100 a year under radical plans to transform financial support in the sector

The proposal, which could cost more than £400 million, is being considered by a review group set up by the Scottish Government to look at improving student support.

Currently, university students can borrow up to £5,750 to help pay living costs, but support for college students is much lower.Published minutes from the review suggest a system where all students have access to a “living wage” or “minimum […]

With AI getting more powerful every day guaranteed income is a must and will be

With AI getting more powerful every day guaranteed income is a must and will be implemented soon. Imo good idea Liberty Infinite said: so who would take the money from the earners & give it to the unable? & doing so would cause genocide because the human heart would no longer desire to be, but who would do us this end. May I ask? If you say AI you are sadly mistaken & are clinging to genocide because you simply are a sell out yourself. I know the only escape from human genocide & it ain’t AI. It is […]

Participant Says ‘Large Plan’ Failed to Negotiate Better Fees

A participant in the Novitex Enterprise Solutions Retirement Savings Plan has sued plan fiduciaries for allowing unreasonable expenses to be charged to plan participants.

The complaint calls the plan “a significant and large 401(k) plan in terms of assets, with more than $157 million in assets as of December 31, 2015 and more than 10,000 participants.” It argues that a plan of this size has “significant bargaining power and the ability to demand low-cost administrative and investment management services within the marketplace for administration of 401(k) plans and the investment of 401(k) assets.”

The lawsuit says the fiduciaries breached their duties […]

Who Needs Basic Income?

Who Needs Basic Income?

A universal basic income- an unconditional and guaranteed income for every adult citizen- is not a new idea. Philosopher Bertrand Russell argued almost a century ago that “a certain small income, sufficient for necessaries, should be secured to all, whether they work or not”1 , as did John Stuart Mill, Thomas Paine and Thomas More. However, it is an idea whose time has surely come: considering the interconnected and rising threats of automation, changes in the labour market, and unsustainable levels of inequality and consumption, a basic income offers a timely solution that is at once radical and uncomplicated. […]

This woman quit her law degree to become a porn star

This woman quit her law degree to become a porn star

​Like many mums and dads, Ella Hughes’ parents wanted her to become a lawyer.

But we all know your parents’ intentions might not match up to your own plans.

Hughes ran into the classic student problem whilst studying for her law degree: money.In an interview with the BBC , the 22-year-old spoke of a struggle for independence that seems universal in your early 20s.She said: I was working so hard – in lectures from 9am to 7pm every day – that I couldn’t find a way to earn money. I didn’t really need the money – I had a student […]