Money Makeover: Should this senior sell or reverse mortgage her home?

Money Makeover: Should this senior sell or reverse mortgage her home?

Should Laurie sell her downtown Toronto home or reverse mortgage the property? THE PERSON

Laurie is a single retired senior who lives in the heart of Toronto. In simple terms, she is house rich and cash poor, and has no workplace pension. Her income comes from tenants who rent the upstairs apartment in her home, and the usual government entitlements of Canada Pension Plan, Old Age Security and Guaranteed Income Supplement. She is currently taking courses at a local university toward a graduate degree.

THE PROBLEM Laurie has been using debt to maintain her current lifestyle. She has a […]

Here It Is ~ The Last Brave-New-World…..!

Living with a daily glut of breaking-news, we can be excused for not recognizing news that is truly epic. While sorting through the daily tweets and twists from the White House, and the daily roar and reaction from the critics, it’s easy to see why we are caught up in what is daily.

But what about the day after….? Because ready or not, it’s coming.

When it does, our fixation with yesterday [Make America Great Again] will eventually run into tomorrow [Amazon]. In other words, while the White House preaches jobs for a dying coal industry and […]

Authority OKs physician recruitment plan

Authority OKs physician recruitment plan

VALDOSTA — To combat the decrease of physicians and the increase in demand, the Hospital Authority of Valdosta and Lowndes County approved a new physician recruitment plan during a meeting Wednesday.

The recruitment plan includes benefits to incentivize more physicians coming to and staying in Valdosta/Lowndes County. One benefit in the plan is a guaranteed income for the first year of a new practice.

David Winkle, Hospital Authority general counsel, said physicians face an economic strain on getting a new practice going because of the uncertainty of income."Anyone in the health-care field will tell you that just because you see a […]

The Positive Outcomes of Guaranteed Income in Kenya

The Positive Outcomes of Guaranteed Income in Kenya

NAIROBI — GiveDirectly has been experimenting with what happens when you give extremely poor people a guaranteed income for up to 12 years . Working within rural Kenya, the GiveDirectly experiment is based on a randomized control trial comparing four groups of villages. This experiment relies on two things, giving money directly to poor people, and documenting how they use their new income. Traditional conditional cash transfers are those in which the government, or charity,

Traditional conditional cash transfers are those in which the government or a charity transfers money to persons who meet certain criteria. GiveDirectly operates differently; it […]

When will basic income start in ontario

24 Apr 2017 Brantford and Brant County will be included with Hamilton in a pilot that will The basic income aims to support people to begin or continue working "I’m excited to see the positive impacts the Ontario basic income will have 17 Jul 2017 Eventbrite – Why Should I Care? presents Basic Income: Ontario’s pilot project – Monday, 17 July 2017 at The Madisonv, Toronto, ON. 14 Apr 2017 Ontario is about to embark on a bold experiment in poverty reduction. Sikora believes that by proposing basic income, the Ontario government may be attempting to release some 18 […]

Guaranteed basic incomes could calm the anger that led to Trump’s election

Guaranteed basic incomes could calm the anger that led to Trump’s election

Gwynne Dyer (contributed photo). Journalist Gwynne Dyer believes the world should thank Donald Trump for his surprising U.S. presidential win last November.

“It’s great fun to go on about how stupid, vicious, ugly and contradictory this man is, but that’s not news,” said the U.K.-based Canadian political columnist, who speaks on Sept. 28 at Burman University in Lacombe.

Dyer believes it’s far more informative to consider the underlying reasons for Trump’s win. His talk, The Trump Era: Surviving the Populist Wave , will explore this topic, as part of the free Herr Lecture Series in the university’s administration building auditorium.Without an […]

Uyboco: Cryptocurrency Scams and How To Avoid Them

Uyboco: Cryptocurrency Scams and How To Avoid Them

THIS year alone, more people would probably have heard about cryptocurrency, bitcoin, or ethereum for the very first time. I personally have had more people asking me about it just these past few months than in all the previous years combined. Even our city is set to have its very own Cryptocurrency Expo on October 7.

Of course, this is all thanks to the meteoric rise of bitcoin’s value, only $900 at the beginning of the year, to almost $5000 last August, and has since dropped to around $4000 as of this writing. That means if you bought bitcoin last […]

Let’s not give up on a guaranteed basic income before we’ve tried

Let’s not give up on a guaranteed basic income before we’ve tried

Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden have made universal basic income, a monthly check to ensure financial stability for all Americans, the political football of today. Clinton made headlines last week by declaring in her new book that her campaign looked seriously at the idea in 2015, and on Tuesday, Joe Biden gave a speech challenging the idea of a basic income on the grounds that it questions the inherent dignity of work.

This debate goes back decades, and some of our most respected leaders have supported the idea of an income floor for all. Martin Luther King, Jr. made the […]

Pensions – Articles – FCA Advising on Pensions Transfers consultation closes today

Commenting on the FCA’s ‘Advising on Pensions Transfers’ consultation, which closes today, Ryan Markham, head of member options at Hymans Robertson, said: “Yesterday the Work and Pensions Select Committee launched an inquiry into freedom and choice. One question it raised is whether people are taking appropriate advice, and if not, why not? For those considering a transfer out from DB, there is a need for better quality advice and more certainty around who is ultimately taking responsibility for it. “This consultation from the FCA, while a welcome step forward, is long overdue. Clarifying the expectations placed on advisers […]

Joe Biden Takes on the Left and the Universal Basic Income

Joe Biden Takes on the Left and the Universal Basic Income .

“The theory is that automation will result in so many lost jobs that the only plausible answer is some type of guaranteed government check with no strings attached,” Biden wrote in a post for the University of Delaware’s Biden Institute.

“While I appreciate concerns from Silicon Valley executives about what their innovations may do to American incomes, I believe they’re selling American workers short,” he continued. “Our children and grandchildren deserve the promise we’ve had: the skills to get ahead, the chance to earn a paycheck, and a steady […]