Richard Branson has come out in support of universal basic income

Count Richard Branson among the advocates for giving away free money to everyone.

The Virgin founder became the latest high-profile entrepreneur to put his support behind universal basic income (UBI) on Monday. In a blog post on Virgin’s website, Branson wrote that the concept should be further explored to see if it can be put into practice.

"Most countries can afford to make sure that everybody has their basic needs covered," he wrote. "This concept should be further explored to see how it can work practically."The idea of providing all citizens with a living wage has been a hot topic of […]

How a basic income could help build community in an age of individualism

How a basic income could help build community in an age of individualism

Article – Max Harris and Alexander E. Kentikelenis

What if every citizen had a guaranteed income, regardless of whether they are at work? In an age of austerity and the rolling back of social policies, this idea may sound radical but it is gaining momentum. Advocates of a universal basic income … What if every citizen had a guaranteed income, regardless of whether they are at work? In an age of austerity and the rolling back of social policies, this idea may sound radical – but it is gaining momentum. Advocates of a universal basic income are already piloting […]

Richard Branson Is the Latest Entrepreneur to Show Support for Universal Basic Income

Richard Branson Is the Latest Entrepreneur to Show Support for Universal Basic Income

CREDIT: Getty Images Count Richard Branson among the advocates for giving away free money to everyone.

The Virgin founder became the latest high-profile entrepreneur to put his support behind universal basic income (UBI) on Monday. In a blog post on Virgin’s website, Branson wrote that the concept should be further explored to see if it can be put into practice.

"Most countries can afford to make sure that everybody has their basic needs covered," he wrote. "This concept should be further explored to see how it can work practically."The idea of providing all citizens with a living wage has been a […]

Why Are So Many Elites Suddenly Hot for the Universal Base Income?

Why Are So Many Elites Suddenly Hot for the Universal Base Income?

We’ve blogged already on the potentially disastrous effects a universal basis income could have on the work ethic in the U.S.

Today Dan Nidess, a writer in San Francisco, elaborates on that theme in a piece in the Wall Street Journal.

Nidess points out that the universal base income is suddenly popular with Silicon Valley types–from Mark Zuckerberg to Sam Altman– who see it as the way to address unemployment. This might not be such a great idea, Nidess writes: Guaranteed income from the government may seem like the easiest way to address long-term unemployment, but UBI fixes only the […]

Basic Income

Basic Income

Green Party To Give "Universal Income" A Front-Row Seat In Its Manifesto Guaranteed Basic Income Growing in Popularity As our interconnected economies continue to flounder across the globe, the concept of Basic Income, a guaranteed income for all people, is becoming increasingly popular. Guaranteeing a minimal income helps all humans to meet their most simple material needs like housing, food, clothing, the universal requirements that we all need to survive. Price Fixing Scandal Wake Up Religion Fiction Politics Money People What Ha Money is Fiction: Working to End the Monetary System See more Police Log Football Results Beach Foods […]

BARCELONA, SPAIN: Design of Minimum Income Experiment Finalized

BARCELONA, SPAIN: Design of Minimum Income Experiment Finalized

In October 2017, the city of Barcelona, Spain, will launch a two-year experiment testing several variants of a guaranteed income and active policies to reduce poverty rates.

The project has been called B-MINCOME in reference to the Canadian province of Manitoba’s Mincome experiment, a guaranteed annual income trial conducted in the late 1970s.

The design of B-MINCOME, which was first discussed in Basic Income News in February, has recently been finalized. It will be conducted in the Besòs area, the city’s poorest region, and include 2000 households. These households will comprise a stratified random sample from Besòs area households which […]

Housing Authority to lease private properties as social housing

Housing Authority to lease private properties as social housing

Labour is just reintroducing a scheme it didn’t want in 2013, says PN

Updated 2.20pm – Former Housing Authority CEO reacts

Property owners will soon be able to lease their homes to the Housing Authority for use as social housing, as part of a new scheme unveiled today.Addressing a press conference, Parliamentary Secretary for Social Housing Roderick Galdes said the leased properties would be locked-in for 10 years, providing a guaranteed income to property owners according to market prices.Rent received on the property would be tax-free, Mr Galdes said.Properties on plan, as well as existing ones in a […]

Guess Who’s Supporting a Guaranteed Income for All Americans

Guess Who’s Supporting a Guaranteed Income for All Americans

IQ-Squared sponsored a debate last Sunday on a “universal basic income” proposal — the idea of giving every American adult $1,000 a month and instantly ending poverty. You can watch the debate here: .

The four debaters were:
–Charles Murray (AEI scholar and a “libertarian”)
–Andrew Stern (former president of a service union and scholar at Economic Security Project) –Jared Bernstein, chief economist for Joe Biden –Jason Furman, former director of Council of Economic Advisors under ObamaNow, you would think that Bernstein and Furman, both social Democrats who worked under the Obama administration, would support a universal income policy […]

Why women (especially) should delay taking CPP

Why women (especially) should delay taking CPP

Senior couple mountain biking on a forest trail, low angle (istock) Women have good reason to worry about retirement finances – they tend to live longer than men, have lower pensions and are more likely to become widowed and need long-term care. That means that for women, in particular, delaying the start of taking their Canada Pension Plan (CPP) retirement benefits from 65 until 70 makes a lot of financial sense .

The mathematical case for delaying CPP is clear: Starting CPP benefits at the age of 70 instead of 65 will increase a person’s CPP pension by 42 per […]

What to expect when applying for GIS

What to expect when applying for GIS

(Shutterstock) Over the summer we’ve looked at how to deal with Service Canada to get retirement benefits from both Old Age Security (OAS) and the Canada Pension Plan (CPP). As noted here and here , the Government reaches out to qualifying Canadian residents when they reach age 64, in plenty of time to start receipt of benefits at age 65. As the earlier pieces recounted, I received Service Canada letters about both OAS and CPP shortly after I turned 64 this spring.

But what about the third leg of the government retirement benefits stool? That’s the Guaranteed Income Supplement or […]