What Is a Universal Basic Income — and Could It Work?

What Is a Universal Basic Income — and Could It Work?

What if every month, the government sent money to help you pay your bills ?

This is the essential idea behind a universal basic income . Play Video

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Defined benefit pension transfer values dip

Defined benefit pension transfer values dip

By Stephanie Hawthorne Defined benefit transfer values have remained stable during July, falling by less than 1 per cent.

Transfer values fell from £232,000 at the beginning of July to £230,000 at the end of the month.

This figure is based on the Xafinity transfer value index, which showed the difference between maximum and minimum readings over July 2017 was just £6,000 (or around 2.5 per cent).This follows a period of greater volatility over the second quarter of 2017.However Sankar Mahalingham, head of defined benefit growth at Xafinity, said it remains to be seen whether this period of relative calm will […]

Main obstacle to family reunification is housing

Main obstacle to family reunification is housing

A new report on the practices in Luxembourg on family reunification showed that housing and proving a sufficient income are the two main challenges. Meet the interns: Pierre-Olivier Di Giuseppe 10 free things to do in Lux. this summer A recent report has found that a third of all residence permits issued in the grand duchy are linked to family reunification, but that the cost of housing and a stable income are the main obstacles.

The European migration network has published a comparative study of EU member states’ policies on family reunification of third country nationals on 24 July 2017.

The […]

As Jagmeet Singh emerges as front-runner, NDP race gets chippy

As Jagmeet Singh emerges as front-runner, NDP race gets chippy

Tom Parkin NDP leadership candidate Jagmeet Singh looks on at the 5th leadership debate in Saskatoon, SK on July 11, 2017. (Saskatoon StarPhoenix/Liam Richards) There’s still almost two months until NDP members start voting and a lot can change. But by the only measures we have — fundraising and endorsements — Jagmeet Singh is the front-runner in the NDP leadership race.

That perception has others launching attacks on Singh, not always fairly.

One line of attack has come over a series of anti-poverty proposals by Singh. His plan would eliminate several tax deductions available to even the highest-income earners and redirect […]

BOHANON & STYRING: Don’t sweat artificial intelligence. We’ll adapt.

BOHANON & STYRING: Don't sweat artificial intelligence. We'll adapt.

Elon Musk, CEO of electric-car maker Tesla, recently joined the chorus lamenting a future given over to artificially intelligent robots. Musk stopped short of predicting hordes of self-learning cyborgs rampaging down Meridian Street destroying every human in sight. He merely forecast that machines would take most of our jobs. Maybe, he said, government should give all of us soon-to-be-unemployed a Universal Guaranteed Income so we can spend our newfound leisure writing poetry and painting still-lives.

Is Musk onto something? Well, we’ve seen this movie before. Ever since the dawn of the Industrial Revolution, we’ve been substituting machine power for muscle […]

You Decide: Should Everyone Have a Basic Income?

You Decide: Should Everyone Have a Basic Income?

Mark Zuckerberg, the billionaire founder of Facebook, recently caused a stir by throwing his support behind the idea of a guaranteed basic income. Just speaking to my neighbors, colleagues at work and friends at the gym, I’ve noticed that he certainly has set off some passionate conversation about the merits – or demerits – of the idea.

Now let me quickly say the idea of a guaranteed basic income is not original with Zuckerberg. In fact, the notion has been around for at least 200 years. I remember first hearing about it in a college class in the late 1960s. […]

Automation is Nothing New

Automation is Nothing New

In recent years, some people have become convinced that the digital revolution will lead to mass unemployment. The solution, they say, is to provide a Universal Basic Income so that every American receives enough money to live on whether they work or not. The hope of some UBI dreamers is that many people will use this freedom for intellectual and artistic pursuits.

For most people, however, it is the fear of automation that drives discussion of the idea of a guaranteed income. And, make no mistake about it, automation is already reshaping the workforce on a daily basis. The next […]

Evelyn Forget/Northern Institute publish new report on BIG

Evelyn Forget/Northern Institute publish new report on BIG

A new research report from the Northern Policy Institute (NPI), a Canadian think-tank based in Ontario, has put forward an argument that Canada would benefit from a basic income guarantee.

The report is authored by Professor Evelyn Forget of the University of Manitoba, who also holds the post of Director at the Manitoba Research Data Centre. She details a potential system for implementing basic income, as well as examining ways in which it could improve current social provisions, and looking at some potential pitfalls and issues around putting a basic income programme into place.

Forget begins by giving an overview […]

Advice on pension transfers from a next generation planner

Advice on pension transfers from a next generation planner

Transfers from defined benefit pensions are extremely topical at the moment and there is already considerable debate within our profession about whether a transfer is or is not the right thing to advise.

It is a bit of a minefield and I would not blame anyone for not getting involved in providing transfer advice. The recent Financial Conduct Authority consultation paper was welcome news from the regulator and gave some clarity about whether critical yield is still a relevant measure or not. But putting that aside if I may, if the advice is done well then for next generation planners […]

State pension age changes mean many will have to revisit their retirement plans

More than a mild inconvenience

For those who have a large pension pot or a strong plan for generating income in retirement and consider the state pension a handy bonus, this may be nothing more than a mild inconvenience.

However, there are many more people out there who will be relying on the state pension or do not wish to work until they are 68, and these are the people who should be seeking retirement advice now rather than assuming they can manage their retirement themselves.-Here’s how to find the best broker for your pension investments .Your capacity to take […]