Facebook, Tesla CEOs lead charge for guaranteed income: ‘I don’t think we’re going to have a choice,’ Zuckerberg says

Facebook, Tesla CEOs lead charge for guaranteed income: 'I don't think we're going to have a choice,' Zuckerberg says

WASHINGTON – Across their three presidential debates last year, Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump uttered the word “jobs” 86 times – but the word “automation” never came up. And by all accounts, nothing is going to transform the American labor market more dramatically, and likely for the worse, than the increasing trend toward automation: on assembly lines, in self-driving cars , even clerical and white-collar positions once considered unthinkable for robots to occupy.

Credible projections now forecast that 40 percent of all jobs in the United States today could be eliminated by 2030, just 13 years from now, have led […]

Comment: Arts funds can’t disguise cuts

Comment: Arts funds can't disguise cuts

The former Darlington Arts Centre which closed its doors five years ago and is currently being redeveloped into flats THE announcement of more than £100m of Arts Council funding is welcome news, coming on the back of Newcastle and Gateshead last year winning the right to hold a £5m Great Exhibition of the North in the summer of 2018.

Events such as Durham’s brilliant Lumiere and the spectacular Stockton International Riverside Festival are vital for the region’s economy, and our growing reputation as a cultural destination of national – and international – significance.

Confirmation that projects including Darlington’s Theatre Hullabaloo will […]

Transferring your pension from a final salary scheme: Is it time to make the switch?

Transferring your pension from a final salary scheme: Is it time to make the switch?

People on final salary schemes have not transferred their pensions But one category of saver has stood aloof.

Britons with final pension salary schemes remain nervous about transferring their pensions, new research shows.

Most of those who have transferred since the popular reforms were introduced in April 2015 were members of so-called “money purchase” or “defined contribution” pensions.With this type of scheme your money is invested in shares, cash, bonds and other assets and the size of your pot at retirement depends on how they perform.By contrast the income paid by a final salary or “defined benefit” scheme is guaranteed, based […]

Four in five savers are loath to give up valuable final salary pensions despite big cash offers

Four in five savers are loath to give up valuable final salary pensions despite big cash offers

Four out of five savers are loath to give up guaranteed and typically generous final salary pensions and only 3 per cent have done so, new research from Prudential suggests.

Concerns about making a mistake, losing guaranteed income, and getting ensnared in a long complicated process were the top reasons cited for holding onto final salary pensions, which provide secure payouts until you die.

But only around one in three of those asked were aware that some employers are currently offering gigantic transfer values – often worth vastly more than the current size of pots – because they are keen to […]

Universal Basic Income For Greensboro, Part 3

If you’d like to start at the beginning of Universal Basic Income For Greensboro … Well, if you don’t know how links work by now it’s probably over your head anyway.

Interestingly enough, while all the e-mail I got in opposition to UBI thus far comes from what I believe to be conservative readers, UBI has long been a conservative idea. From theguardian’s Ellie Mae O’Hagan in an article entitled Love the idea of a universal basic income? Be careful what you wish for:

"But UBI also has some unlikely supporters, most prominent among them the neoliberal Adam Smith […]

Two-thirds of DB scheme members wary of transferring out – research

Two-thirds of DB scheme members wary of transferring out - research

The research found two-thirds (66%) of respondents have not considered transferring out of their final salary scheme, while 3% had already transferred out, and 16% said they were considering it.

The main reason people were cautious of transferring was because they did not want to make an irreversible mistake (29%).

Meanwhile, a further fifth said they did not want to lose a guaranteed income for life.Others were put off by fears of a ‘long and complicated process’ and worries about getting the right advice. About 14% were unsure where to get advice altogether.Prudential had surveyed 1,047 adults with defined benefit (DB) […]

Drawing on your pension? Your income limit could fall from July

Drawing on your pension? Your income limit could fall from July

Retirees drawing funds from their pension could see their income limit fall from 1 July. Here’s what you need to know and what action you can take to prevent a drop in retirement earnings. Falling government bond (gilt) yields have impacted annuity rates and from 1 July, it could also see investors in capped drawdown receive a lower annual income. Below we explain more on capped drawdown, how the gilt yield changes can affect income levels and what can be done. Capped drawdown

Before the dawn of pension freedoms, workers heading into retirement typically opted for an annuity, which […]

Final salary pension members don’t want to lose guaranteed income

Final salary pension scheme members are cautious about moving their benefits to defined contribution schemes because they fear making a mistake in transferring as well as losing the guaranteed retirement income, research from Prudential shows.

Its study of private sector final salary scheme members shows that more than eight out of ten (81 per cent) have not considered foregoing the guaranteed income for life and transfer a lump sum into a defined contribution pension scheme. Only about three per cent questioned said they had actually transferred.

About 29 per cent of final salary scheme members surveyed say they would not […]

The 50 Best Annuities: Guaranteed Income for Life

The 50 Best Annuities: Guaranteed Income for Life

16 hours ago

The President Shouldn’t Set Congress’s Legislative Agenda

6 hours ago Microphone turned off as Mormon girl reveals to congregation she is lesbian 6 hours ago Maher: The Best Thing You Can do for the Environment Is ‘Not Produce Another Resource-Sucking’ Human – Breitbart 5 hours ago Martha, a 125-pound gentle giant, crowned winner of World’s Ugliest Dog Contest 8 hours ago Parents watch nurse beating special needs son on nanny cam 7 hours ago Man sentenced to prison for importing childlike sex doll 1 day ago Democrats Are Using Sham Lawsuits to Try to Obstruct and […]

Hawaii Considers Universal Basic Income

Hawaii Considers Universal Basic Income

This week, the Hawaii State Legislature unanimously passed House Concurrent Resolution 89 , a measure that declared that all families are entitled to basic financial security.

While it passed with little fanfare in the news media, it could be the first step towards creating Universal Basic Income in the state of Hawaii. Wikimedia Commons Wait, what’s Universal Basic Income?

The idea behind Universal Basic Income (UBI) is that everyone gets an annual—or even monthly—check to prevent them from slipping below the Federal poverty level. Not only would it potentially prevent the myriad traumas that accompany poverty , it could also […]