Taylor made for success

Fatherhood and a new home have changed Ackerman’s musical perspective
Al Beeber
Lethbridge Herald
He’s now a dad and living thousands of kilometres from home and Taylor Ackerman is reflecting his personal changes in new music. Lethbridge native Ackerman and his partner moved last year to Halifax where she is in the master’s program at an arts college. The well-known city musician, who played with his father Pat and in bands including Treeline, is releasing on June 30 his first single since he became a dad in 2015. The single will be released during a show by […]

Why Apple’s next big investment should be reshaping capitalism

Why Apple’s next big investment should be reshaping capitalism

Late-stage capitalism: such a downer. Consumerism is melting the ice caps, causing social carnage, and burying us under a mountain of sugar. Right?

True enough. But what if we could flip this picture on its head? What if we could turn the world’s biggest brands—the brands that consumerism built—into machines for solving the world’s greatest shared problems?

I have a foolish example of how that could look. It centers around Apple, and it owes something to Donald Trump.Stay with me—I’m not a starry-eyed tech utopian. Nor am I naïve when it comes to the primary reason big brands exist, at least […]

‘I’m living off my children’: Basic income could break cycle of poverty

'I'm living off my children': Basic income could break cycle of poverty

Gina Younker is concerned she will pass her own financial difficulties on to her children. (Sarah MacMillan/CBC) A public meeting in Charlottetown Wednesday to discuss a basic guaranteed income for Prince Edward Islanders heard that such a plan could help break the cycle of poverty for Island families.

Gina Younker was one of about 75 people at Murphy’s Community Centre for the meeting. It was the last of four meetings hosted by the P.E.I. Working Group for a Liveable Income.

Younker is on social assistance, and said she isn’t able to afford all of her necessary medical treatment, so she has […]

How Being A Transgender Woman Hurts My Job Prospects

How Being A Transgender Woman Hurts My Job Prospects

Forward Montage Even in Pride Month, it sometimes feels as though one needs to be a superhero to get a job after coming out as a transgender woman.

As I was set to come out at work as transgender, I received some bad news. Shortly after coming home from work on that late Friday afternoon in September, the employment agency called me to say that I was being laid off. It was going to be my first Shabbas presenting female at the Orthodox shul I attend and, as scared and nervous as I was on that front, this was an […]

TuneIn sues Pandora over ad sales deal

TuneIn sues Pandora over ad sales deal

So, thanks to its recent deals, Pandora is now sitting on a cash pile of £680 million. Let’s make sure at least some of that lands into the pockets of those lovely lawyers, right?

Good news everybody! Radio station and podcast aggregator TuneIn is suing Pandora, accusing the streaming music firm of breach of contract, anticipatory breach, breach of the implied covenant of good faith and fair dealing, and negligent misrepresentation. Which is fine list of allegations if ever I saw one.

According to Billboard , the dispute relates to an agreement the two companies entered into last year which […]

Hawaii universal basic income

Ever see a government welfare program get canceled?

I think about California’s AFDC (welfare) in the early 70’s. If you went to work on welfare you got to keep the first $30 and one third of the rest, before they started to reduce your grant. That made working a puny job more appealing. You kept your medical and some food stamps. It is no longer that way. Maybe UBI should be a combo of work and volunteering for those that are able. For people with dependent relatives they are caring for in their homes. For the semi-retired who have used […]

You Think Hawaii is Expensive Now? Wait Until The Universal Basic Income

You Think Hawaii is Expensive Now? Wait Until The Universal Basic Income

I spent three years in Hawaii. It’s obscenely expensive to live there. Real estate, food, electricity, health care, and travel costs are significantly higher in Hawaii than on the mainland. And incomes aren’t rising fast enough to match rising cost of living. As a result, many natives rely on government aid to survive. This week, Hawaii passed a new measure to study the universal basic income (UBI) as an attempt to address this problem.

But will it make costs even higher?

The bill, House Concurrent Resolution 89 , declares that all families are entitled to basic financial security and empowers a […]

Why Mark Zuckerberg Wants to Give You Free Cash, No Questions Asked

Why Mark Zuckerberg Wants to Give You Free Cash, No Questions Asked

Facebook co-founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg. What if everyone, no matter what age, economic status, location, or household size, was guaranteed a minimum income? Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook and Tesla’s Elon Musk, among other Silicon Valley giants, believe this idea, called universal basic income, will provide greater economic security–especially for those whose jobs could be lost to the automation and artificial intelligence technologies sweeping the world.

Universal basic income would offer a baseline paycheck for everyone, regardless of job status. Experiments have taken place in countries like Canada and Finland, and India is looking into implementing a uniform stipend for […]

Should all Americans receive a guaranteed income?

Should all Americans receive a guaranteed income?

Having a monthly, tax-free, no-strings-attached income that would cover the basics for life may sound too good to be true, but it’s no fantasy. The idea of universal basic income (UBI) already has been implemented in some regions, such as Canada, Europe, and even Alaska, and Facebook founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg recently revitalized discussion about the concept.

Zuckerberg endorsed UBI during his 2017 commencement speech at Harvard University as a means of leveling the economic playing field and opening the doors of entrepreneurship to everyone.

"We should explore ideas like universal basic income to make sure that everyone has a […]

“Universeel basisinkomen is onhaalbaar, onbetaalbaar en onwenselijk” – Juni 2017

“Universeel basisinkomen is onhaalbaar, onbetaalbaar en onwenselijk” - Juni 2017

Robots are poised to eliminate millions of jobs over the coming decades. We have to address the coming epidemic of "technological unemployment" if we’re to avoid crippling levels of poverty and societal collapse. Here’s how a guaranteed basic income will help — and why it’s absolutely inevitable. Mark Zuckerberg calls for everyone to be paid a universal basic income Everyone should be paid a universal basic income, Mark Zuckerberg has said. The Facebook founder said that making sure everyone received basic pay would allow them to take more risks and try out new things, while knowing that they would […]