Universal Basic Idiocy

Will robots such as these assembling Porsche’s take your job? Maybe. But other ones will be created. (AP) Welfare: In recent weeks, the idea of a "universal basic income" has shown surprising popularity across the political spectrum, from left to right. The only real question is why, since it’s such an awful idea.

For the left, the superficial case for a universal basic income, also called a guaranteed income, is that not everyone can compete in today’s high-tech, advanced economy. With the advent of robots, automation and artificial intelligence and the job losses that will ensue, or so the argument […]

The Guaranteed Annual Income in Canada

Canadian Prime Minister Pierre E. Trudeau introduced in the early 1970s the concept that Canada must be a just and progressive society. Trudeau’s vision of Canada was a country of individual freedom and of social justice. Trudeau advocated that the nation turns into a fairer society. Thus, the prime minister thought that a fairer share of national wealth would give more freedom to everyone because Canadians could benefit from more opportunities if their basic needs were met. As a result, the Pierre E. Trudeau Government and the Edward Schreyer Manitoba Government jointly created an experimental program which provided guaranteed […]

What do Canadians think of basic income? It will reduce poverty but could raise taxes

Ontario is testing it , candidates from all political parties have suggested it , and it’s endorsed by Elon Musk : the idea of a guaranteed basic income (GBI).

Across Canada, and around the world, the idea of giving residents unconditional monthly payments — also known as a guaranteed annual income or guaranteed minimum income — to cover basic living costs has been hotly debated by people on all sides of the political aisle.

READ MORE: What you need to know about Ontario’s basic income plan A new poll conducted by Ipsos Affairs shows that Canadian attitudes are tepid when […]

What do Canadians think of basic income? It will reduce poverty but could raise taxes

What do Canadians think of basic income? It will reduce poverty but could raise taxes

Policy-makers and the public in Canada and around the world are eyeing the basic guaranteed income scheme again, buoyed by an evolving labour landscape and technological advances that have left them wondering if today’s social services are enough. File / Global News Ontario is testing it , candidates from all political parties have suggested it , and it’s endorsed by Elon Musk : the idea of a guaranteed basic income (GBI).

Across Canada, and around the world, the idea of giving residents unconditional monthly payments — also known as a guaranteed annual income or guaranteed minimum income — to cover […]

What Would People Do With A Basic Income? Let Them Explain In Their Own Words

What Would People Do With A Basic Income? Let Them Explain In Their Own Words

Filmmakers Deia Schlosberg and Conrad Shaw want to give 20 people $250 a week for two years, and then follow those recipients to see how the money affects life choices, and working habits. Their documentary , about people living on a universal basic income (UBI), is designed to sell the concept to a wide audience. They plan to release the film during the next presidential election campaign.

Not surprisingly, when you offer people free money, they react enthusiastically. Since Fast Company and others wrote about the film and its fundraising effort–George Takei also helpfully made reference on Facebook–Schlosberg and Shaw […]


Hello. Forgive my upset but I have been posting on here since January!!! This is truly ridiculous. I know I have a small rental budget but I’m finding if I can afford the rental the person is animal unfriendly. Many people are good responsible pet owners such as myself! I have never had any destruction caused by my animals.

I need to reside near the parkway between Brick and Middletown. I am a 46, single, white, Christian male. Guaranteed retirement incomes for life from being injured in the military and workplace. No I am not in a wheelchair, etc.. I […]

Universal Basic Income Becoming Reality?

One country is trying out universal basic income. Ana Kasparian and John Iadarola hosts of The Young Turks, tell you how. Tell us what you think in the comment section below. https://www.tytnetwork.com/go

“Finland has become the first country in Europe to pay its unemployed citizens an unconditional monthly sum, in a social experiment that will be watched around the world amid gathering interest in the idea of a universal basic income.

Under the two-year, nationwide pilot scheme, which began on 1 January, 2,000 unemployed Finns aged 25 to 58 will receive a guaranteed sum of €560 (£475). The income will replace […]

The Importance of Guaranteed Income in Retirement Planning

Rethinking Retirement

What This Means For Your Retirement Planning

2005 2010 2015EXPECTED RETIREMENT AGE1ACTUAL RETIREMENT AGE160 AVERAGERETIREMENT AGE1 70656055The average retirement age in the U.S. is 60-years-old. If that sounds younger than you thought, you are not alone – people in the U.S. consistently report that for a variety of reasons, they end up retiring sooner than originally planned.1Americans are living longer, more active lives than previous generations. Studies show that when the average American retires at age 60, there is a 79% chance that they will live to age 80.2Bottom line – Americans are spending more time in retirement than […]

Nathan Crabbe: A guaranteed income for everyone

Nathan Crabbe: A guaranteed income for everyone

The idea of the government paying everyone a guaranteed minimum income is nothing new. The philosopher Thomas More proposed the idea in the early 16th century and civil rights icon Martin Luther King Jr. was a proponent in the late 1960s.

The concept has gained currency in recent months thanks to its promotion by two tech-company titans: Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook and Elon Musk of Tesla. They have argued that a universal basic income would help address the job losses caused by technological advances, such as artificial intelligence and increasing automation.

A truly universal basic income is appealing in its simplicity. […]

Doug Casey on Universal Basic Income

Doug Casey on Universal Basic Income

Justin’s note: It’s time for a universal basic income (UBI).

At least, that’s what Mark Zuckerberg thinks.

Zuckerberg is the founder and CEO of social media giant Facebook. Last week, he spoke in favor of a universal basic income while delivering the commencement speech at Harvard’s graduation ceremony.According to Zuckerberg, this generation owes a UBI to society: Every generation expands its definition of equality, now it’s time for our generation to define a new social contract. We should have a society that measures progress, not by economics metrics like GDP, but by how many of us have a role we find […]