Universal Basic Income: An Adult Participation Trophy

Universal Basic Income: An Adult Participation Trophy

Mark Zuckerberg, the founder of Facebook, recently joined voices with the likes of Elon Musk, CEO of SpaceX and Tesla, and others in calling for a national “Universal Basic Income” (UBI). The discussion on UBI is not a new one; in fact, one of the country’s founding fathers Thomas Paine (Author of “Common Sense”) promoted a very rudimentary form of basic income in the 1700s. “Being a plan for meliorating the conditions of man by creating in every nation, a national fund, to pay to every person, when arriving at the age of twenty-one years, the sum of fifteen […]

Alternative way to view universal basic income

Alternative way to view universal basic income


Heard a discussion on the radio this morning that piqued my interest. What if we took what we spend on SS, Medicaid, and Medicare and replaced those programs with a universal basic income? No additional taxes, just use the money that’s already being taken and distribute it differently and in an admittedly simpler manner.

I decided to do some basic digging to put together a better picture of what that may look like:Based on the 2016 fiscal year total federal expenditures were $3.85 Trillion.Of that $3.85 Trillion 23% went to SS, 14.9% went to Medicare, and 12.9% went to […]

Editorial: A universal basic income won’t fix poverty

In his commencement speech at Harvard, Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg endorse a new approach to welfare.

“We should explore ideas like universal basic income to make sure that everyone has a cushion to try new ideas,” he said.

But that’s a terrible idea, as some countries are now finding.First, though, what is universal basic income? It’s meant to replace welfare programs, which some argue are inefficient and unfairly distributed.It’s a concept that’s getting a lot of attention, especially in Silicon Valley,” explains CNN. “A country that has universal basic income guarantees every person a set minimum income regardless of criteria – […]

20 supporters of the Universal Basic Income

The basic guaranteed income is one of those ideas, like land value taxation or the Tobin tax, that circles endlessly around. There are times when it’s obscure, and times when it’s being talked about again. It’s currently in the ascendant, and I suspect that it won’t be long before a country bites the bullet and puts a basic national income (BNI) or citizen’s income in place.

To illustrate the broad and diverse support for a basic income, here are twenty people who have supported it over the ages. Not all of them stand for the BNI as currently understood, but […]

What is Universal Basic Income?

What is Universal Basic Income?

Universal income is a popular idea in many places of Canada. What is Universal Basic Income?

Universal basic income is a guaranteed income given to citizens or residents of a particular country on a regular basis. This income is provided by the government or a publicly owned institution. Providing a steady income to the low and middle class, supplying a monetary cushion for job seekers, and sharing profits amongst citizens are all examples of how universal basic income would be used. The motive behind the pay is to help reduce poverty. Where Has Universal Basic Income Been Implemented?

Over […]

Erkunde Marketing-blog, Online-marketing- und noch mehr!

Erkunde Marketing-blog, Online-marketing- und noch mehr!

Money for nothing: has the time come for universal basic income? A basic income designed by venture capitalists in Silicon Valley is more likely to reinforce their power than to strengthen the poor. But a basic income arrived at through the vision and the struggle of those who need it most would help ensure that it meets their needs first. If we’re looking for a way through the robot apocalypse, we can do better than turn to the people who are causing it. Rise of the Fembots: Why Artificial Intelligence Is Often Female Rise of the Fembots: Why Artificial […]

Universal basic income would fail to cut poverty, OECD warns

Universal basic income would fail to cut poverty, OECD warns

A universal basic income paid at a flat rate to all citizens would fail to reduce poverty levels in advanced economies and require substantially higher taxes to fund its simplicity, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development has concluded in a detailed study of the idea.

The prospect of swapping existing social support for a basic income has gained traction in countries as diverse as the US, Switzerland and France. Limited trials have started in Finland and the Netherlands although no country has decided fully to take the plunge.

Proponents of basic incomes argue that they would provide security for everyone […]

Mark Zuckeridiot wants to explore universal basic income

Your heart is in the right place but I don’t think you’re really taking into consideration, the reality of the human condition. Pretty good article below with an alternative POV. Worth reading and contemplating IMO.

"Imagine if you didn’t have to work. Every week you get a payment from the government that covers your basic needs. Your housing, food and other necessities are paid for by your fellow citizens who are working and paying taxes, and they make sure you will, at the very least, have food in your belly and a roof over your head. You’ll […]

Facebook founder supports universal basic income. What is it?

Facebook founder supports universal basic income. What is it?

NEW YORK (CNNMoney) – Facebook founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg supports an idea called universal basic income.

"We should explore ideas like universal basic income to make sure that everyone has a cushion to try new ideas," Zuckerberg said at his Harvard commencement address Thursday.

So, what exactly is it?It’s a concept that’s getting a lot of attention, especially in Silicon Valley. A country that has universal basic income guarantees every person a set minimum income regardless of criteria — age, wealth, job status, hometown, family size, etc.That means everyone gets a paycheck, whether they have a job or not.However, the […]

Mark Zuckerberg supports universal basic income. What is it?

Mark Zuckerberg supports universal basic income. What is it?

Zuckerberg’s commencement speech sounds a lot like a campaign speech Facebook founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg supports an idea called universal basic income.

"We should explore ideas like universal basic income to make sure that everyone has a cushion to try new ideas," Zuckerberg said at his Harvard commencement address Thursday.

So, what exactly is it?It’s a concept that’s getting a lot of attention, especially in Silicon Valley. A country that has universal basic income guarantees every person a set minimum income regardless of criteria — age, wealth, job status, hometown, family size, etc.That means everyone gets a paycheck, whether […]