Is a Universal Basic Income a Good Idea?

Is a Universal Basic Income a Good Idea?

What if everyone on the planet received a guaranteed income whether or not they worked?

That’s the idea behind the universal basic income (UBI) — and it is gaining ground globally. Government officials, some technology executives, philanthropists and academics from every continent are championing the idea as a way to combat rising wealth inequality and provide an income floor as new technologies are seen decimating jobs in the future. However, the program’s effectiveness and affordability are far from settled discussions. Political hurdles must also be overcome for it to become reality.

This year, UBI was a hot topic at the World […]

NDP leadership hopeful Caron fleshes out basic income plan

NDP leadership hopeful Caron fleshes out basic income plan

Quebec MP Guy Caron has fleshed out his pitch for a basic income to reduce income inequality in Canada. REUTERS/Mark Blinch OTTAWA (CP) — As NDP leadership hopefuls prepared for their first debate on Sunday, Quebec MP Guy Caron was fleshing out his pitch for a basic income to reduce income inequality in Canada.

Caron, an economist, is proposing a taxable supplement that would help those Canadians whose income levels fall below a standard minimum threshold, determined in part by the size of their family and the city they live in.

He says the proposal would be designed to complement existing […]

That time when Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld ran a universal basic income experiment for Nixon

That time when Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld ran a universal basic income experiment for Nixon

In recent years, as the possibility that intelligent machines might one day replace virtually all of our jobs has sunk in, the promise of universal basic income (UBI) has gained more mainstream attention, especially in progressive circles. Advocates say that governments should offer universal minimum payments, to protect displaced workers from destabilization, poverty and poor health.

The idea has its detractors, however. Some believe UBI would make otherwise employable people lazy. The concept raises debates about whether handing out cash reduces inequality or encourages dependence—the same debates that have surrounded programs that provide assistance for the poor that former US […]

Universal Basic Income

The concept of the Universal Basic Income, or UBI if I can call it that, has crept onto the political agenda in Ireland and I’d imagine there’s been some discussion about its merits and demerits in the UK as well. A few years ago I’d have described the idea (free money in perpetuity) as impossibly utopian but today it doesn’t seem so far-fetched. The basic principle is theoretically sound – ensure that people have enough money to cover their basic needs thus allowing them to pursue aims closer to their heart and generate revenue that way – but my […]

How could you access your pension savings? We take a look at the options now available

How could you access your pension savings? We take a look at the options now available

In April 2015, the Government introduced new rules known as pension freedoms, offering much greater flexibility on how millions of people can access their pension savings.

The rules apply for anyone over the age of 55 who has saved into one or more defined contribution pensions and, if you’re in this position, you’re entitled to free and impartial financial guidance from Pension Wise .

This service was set up by the Government to help anyone aged 50 or over understand their pension options. If you have saved into a defined contribution pension (sometimes known as a personal or workplace pension), Pension […]

IPR Working Paper: The Fiscal and Distributional Implications of Alternative Universal Basic Income Schemes in the UK

Universal basic income (UBI) – variously referred to as ‘citizen’s income’, ‘minimum guaranteed income’, ‘basic income guarantee’ or simply ‘basic income’ – refers to a range of schemes or policies involving cash transfers that are universal and unconditional (indeed, the ‘U’ in ‘UBI’ can stand for either term). The standard definition, following Van Parijs (2004), is: “an income unconditionally paid to all on an individual basis, without means test or work requirement”. Payments are made automatically to all; they are universal , applying to the entire population. Eligibility is not withdrawn as individuals’ financial circumstances change (as in means-tested […]

Bill Gates Addresses UBI on Reddit AMA

Bill Gates Addresses UBI on Reddit AMA

Bill Gates. Credit to: The Huffington Post

On a recent Reddit AMA, Bill Gates says countries aren’t rich enough to support a Universal Basic Income (UBI). In the meantime, Gates suggests investing in government programs and increasing the demand of labor.

Bill Gates posted his fifth Reddit AMA on Monday, February 27 th , 2017. He responded to questions on a number of topics, ranging from his favorite vacation spot to his viewpoints on whether social media has contributed to divisions in the United States. One Reddit user asked Gates about his thoughts on Universal Basic Income (UBI).In his […]

Caron pitches basic income plan to help poor

Caron pitches basic income plan to help poor

Caron pitches basic income plan to help poor-Image1 NDP MP Guy Caron announces that he will run for the leadership of the New Democratic Party, on Monday, Feb. 27, 2017 in Gatineau, Que. As NDP leadership hopefuls prepare for their first debate on Sunday, Quebec MP Guy Caron is fleshing out his pitch for a basic income to reduce income inequality in Canada. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Justin Tang

OTTAWA — As NDP leadership hopefuls prepare for their first debate on Sunday, Quebec MP Guy Caron is fleshing out his pitch for a basic income to reduce income inequality in Canada.

Caron, […]

Tag: Guaranteed Income

Tag: Guaranteed Income

In my mind the perfect world is a world where every child would be able to ride their Green Tricycle up the center of their downtown. A child could ride to preschool, they could ride to the park, they could ride to their best friend’s house, they could ride to the grocery store, they could ride at dawn and they could ride to grandma’s house.

What does our society need for a child to be able to ride a Green Tricycle up the streets of San Francisco? Detroit? Compton? Manitwoc? Bloomfield? Lourdie of Haiti on her tricycle For a child […]

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Explora Renta Básica, Perspectiva, ¡y mucho más!

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