The beguiling notion of a minimum income for all

Another attempt to convince us all of the merits of a universal basic income over in The Guardian. This is based on the experiment done in Dauphin in the 1970s. Some of us here very much like the idea but as we do so that means that we’ve also thought through the idea a little more than some others have :

But is this really an old-fashioned, leftist idea? I remembered reading about an old plan, something that has been proposed by some of history’s leading thinkers. Thomas More hinted at it in Utopia, more than 500 years ago. And […]

Guaranteed Basic Income on Verge of Take-off in Canada

Guaranteed Basic Income on Verge of Take-off in Canada

Quebec used to be scared of our National Democratic party, as they believed it was a commie party. Now since it has grown up from the religious mind slavery of the catholic church, Quebec is now an important faction in our federal politics. In other words, what Quebec wants, Canada will get. This could be our best chance for implementing this guaranteed income policy in Canada. To those who say, “it’s the economy, stupid”, we’ll say, “no, it’s your stupidity for not understanding the power of those who control you through such inane and false statements”. Give us all […]

Finland Has Finally Launched Its Universal Basic Income Experiment

Finland Has Finally Launched Its Universal Basic Income Experiment

It looks like 2,000 citizens in Finland will welcome the new year with outstretched arms. These Finns are the lucky recipients of a guaranteed income beginning this year, as the country’s government finally rolls out its universal basic income (UBI) trial run. UBI is a potential source of income that could one day be available to all adult citizens, regardless of income, wealth, or employment status.

This pioneering UBI program was launched by the federal social security institution, Kela . It will give out €560 ($587) a month, tax free, to 2,000 Finns that were randomly selected. The only requirement […]

Is the Basic Income Experiment in Kenya Really the Best Way to Combat Poverty?

Is the Basic Income Experiment in Kenya Really the Best Way to Combat Poverty?

GiveDirectly is a lauded charity known for its evidence-driven methods. Does its new basic income program in Kenya disregard past research? A boy runs along a dirt road in Kogelo, western Kenya. (Photo: Peter Macdiarmid/Getty Images) Last week’s New York Times Magazine featured a fawning Annie Lowrey profile of GiveDirectly , a charitable start-up that specializes in unconditional cash transfers for impoverished villagers in rural Kenya. As Lowrey discusses, GiveDirectly is currently undertaking a long-term project whereupon over 6,000 Kenyans in 40 villages will receive a “basic income” of around $22 a month for 12 years. GiveDirectly has been […]

Leading economists promote guaranteed minimum income

Leading economists promote guaranteed minimum income

‘A basic income for all as a share of the country’s gross national income will empower weak groups and enhance Productivity, say Kalle Moene and Debraj Ray. Credit: Ola Sæther Inequalities are increasing globally. Millions of people work for an income that does not provide them with a living, and welfare states and trade unions are under pressure. A basic wage that increases in line with economic progress can reverse this development, according to two leading economists.

A guaranteed minimum income such as the citizen’s wage provides security for all. Might it be possible to design schemes in such a […]

Will you retire on £21k a year? Most savers fear they will miss ideal income goal for comfortable old age

Will you retire on £21k a year? Most savers fear they will miss ideal income goal for comfortable old age

The majority of workers in the UK’s biggest cities are pessimistic that their pensions will provide for a comfortable old age, new research reveals.

People in Belfast, Cardiff and Nottingham are least likely to be confident about their retirement finances. Meanwhile, the workforces of Plymouth, Newcastle and Manchester are most optimistic, but even in those places less than half believe they will have enough put by for later life, according to the survey by Prudential.

Overall, just 36 per cent believe they are on course for a decent retirement, which on average they estimate will require an income of £21,120 a […]

Guaranteed Basic Income on Verge of Take-off in Canada

Guaranteed Basic Income on Verge of Take-off in Canada

It holds appeal across the political spectrum. Plus, Elon Musk is sold.

‘There is a pretty good chance we end up with a universal basic income, or something like that, due to automation… I am not sure what else one would do,’ said Tesla founder Elon Musk in a 2016 interview. By Susan Delacourt, reposted from TheTyee, Mar 2, 2017

Guy Caron is not a household name in Canadian politics. Yet.The demise of manufacturing jobs — and the fraught question of what to do about it — seems to have separated the political world into two camps: one […]

Guaranteed Income Won’t Fix Unemployment

Guaranteed Income Won't Fix Unemployment

Reuters photo In a recent article for public discourse, Dylan Pahman, a research fellow at Acton, examines the ineffectiveness of trade protectionism and universal income guarantees. Pahman argues that regulating wages and restraining free trade will do more harm than good to the success of business. Pahman begins his critique by responding to Trump’s stance on protectionism. During his inaugural address, Trump said:

One by one, the factories shuttered and left our shores, with not even a thought about the millions upon millions of American workers left behind. The wealth of our middle class has been ripped from their homes […]

Intelligence Squared U.S. Debates Universal Basic Income Livestreaming from NYC, March 22

Intelligence Squared U.S. Debates Universal Basic Income Livestreaming from NYC, March 22

A cover story in this week’s New York Times Magazine says "a universal basic income might be right for you, me and everyone else around the world too." Is it? Proponents of the idea – the government paying everyone a monthly stipend – argue that it would help cushion against the predicted automation of jobs and give citizens latitude to take risks in the job market. But others argue that a guaranteed income would take away the incentive to work, waste money on those who don’t need it, and actually benefit the rich at the expense of the poor. […]

A guaranteed income benefits society

A guaranteed income benefits society

1) Lower health care costs.

2) Lower policing costs. 3) Lower crime rates. 4) Safer streets. 5) Less senior citizen neglect. 6) Homelessness greatly reduced or even eliminated. 7) Less child poverty. 8) (and this is a biggie) Less bureaucracy and its associated costs. 9) Less inefficiency in processing applications and claims.

10) Social safety net streamlined and centralized saving taxpayers millions of dollars every month.These are the benefits of a guaranteed annual income. Countries that have such a program are healthier and richer, their children do far better in school and people addicted to harmful substances are more likely to […]