Jim’s Pool Care Franchise – Guaranteed Income of $1,500/Week for the First 6 Months – Mobile Service – Gold Coast – Exciting Opportunity….Only $67,500 + VAN

Jim's Pool Care Franchise - Guaranteed Income of $1,500/Week for the First 6 Months - Mobile Service - Gold Coast - Exciting Opportunity....Only $67,500 + VAN

BUSINESS DETAILS Are you looking for a business you can operate from home, with low overheads, flexible hours and incredible training and ongoing support? Jim’s Mobile Pool Care Franchise could be just the thing you are looking for.

Jim’s Pool Care has been operating for over 13 years and continues to grow to meet the demand for service work and as such, we are now the largest mobile Pool Care Franchise in QLD. Due to ever increasing demand, we are currently have to turn away work in most areas and are super keen to get someone started […]

Finland considers basic income to reform welfare system _ hacker news

> The danger for any country implementing this is that once they get into the political procee, they will chop and compromise and water down the idea until it is just another item on the big list of ingredient in the social welfare soup €212.13 per month that you qualify for while keeping everything else that exists.

Exactly this. Housing benefit while working You can already see in the article this process is happening in Finland. Low income housing benefit At first it talks about basic income, then about how the income should be below a living wage (which at […]

Americans must re-evaluate approach to poverty

Americans must re-evaluate approach to poverty

Courtesy of Tribune News Service Consider the following scenario:

“It’s time to get out of the car,” the mother says as she and her four sons arrive at Walmart. The eldest son, looking at his mom, feigns a migraine and says he prefers to wait in the car. The eldest son is worried about another repeat of that embarrassing scene from the last time they went grocery shopping. His mother had flashed her government issued “poverty identification card,” or the more politically correct term, EBT card, during checkout. They had orange juice, Cap’n Crunch and some Oreos among other items […]

Get your government-backed investment paying up to 9.6pc while stocks last

Get your government-backed investment paying up to 9.6pc while stocks last

A valuable state pension top-up scheme closes soon – but has been largely ignored Time is running out for pensioners to take up a rare government offer that doubles the income they can receive on some of their savings.

Yet take-up of this golden opportunity to turbocharge retirement income is reported to be “extremely low”.

The Government has offered up to 12 million senior savers the chance to convert a lump sum into a guaranteed income for life on terms that are up to 133pc better than those available on the open market – yet the public has largely ignored the […]

/pol/ – Politically Incorrect

/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

>> >>114207221 (OP)

It doesn’t work that way OP, humans do not function like that.

With out a need to work, humans would need to be forced to do something to obtain an income otherwise our existence collapses. People wouldn’t self improve, they would drink and not leave their houses.Relationships would collapse even more than now, get bored with the novelty and move on.If we get to the point where we do not need most people to work, than the remaining work would need to be spread around. People would have to attend something akin to a school constantly or […]

Universal Basic Income: A Solution for Globalization’s Growing Pains

Universal Basic Income: A Solution for Globalization’s Growing Pains

If one were to ask a five-year-old what to do about poverty, the idea of giving everyone free money may come up. Although such a solution may seem childish at first glance, a guaranteed income for all citizens, regardless of wealth or employment status, may be just what the world needs to weather economic disparity in the years to come. Particularly, global leaders aim to use universal basic income (UBI) to adapt society to increasing globalization and automation of production. In addition to these rising threats, UBI would help to tackle the global issue of deepening economic inequality. Surprisingly, […]

Glasgow is testing a revolutionary idea, which could change the benefits system in this country forever

Glasgow is testing a revolutionary idea, which could change the benefits system in this country forever

The City Council of Glasgow has approved a resolution to proceed with a workshop on the design of a Universal Basic Income (UBI) pilot study.

The Royal Society of Arts (RSA) previously published a report on UBI. Its authors argued that UBI is not an airy-fairy utopian vision. They say there is a strong practical case for its introduction. In their view, UBI can underpin security in the face of rapid technological changes, replace the complexity of the existing benefits system, and allow freedom and creativity to flourish. Providing security

One of Glasgow University’s top economics professors, Sayantan Ghosal, […]

Daniel Sutter: The B.I.G. Idea

Daniel Sutter: The B.I.G. Idea

Over fifty years ago, President Lyndon Johnson declared war on poverty and established our modern welfare programs. Since 1965 we have spent over $19 trillion fighting poverty. Our modest progress has been enormously costly.

The problems of our welfare programs have led some libertarians to embrace a seemingly big government alternative: having the government give every American a fixed amount of money every year. The idea has been labeled a Basic Income Guarantee (BIG). Despite some attractive features, I think a BIG would ultimately do more harm than good.

I will not dwell on differences among recent BIG proposals. Most propose […]

Guaranteed income for citizens whether they work or not – good idea?

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Originally posted by ml1209:
Originally posted by Sig209:

This.I agree it is pretty much a bad idea – but the concept is not flawed – IN CONCEPT.Devil’s Advocate: say 30 years from now 80% of ALL jobs are eliminated due to robotics and enhanced AI. Cashiers, agriculture, manufacturing, healthcare, pilots, truckers, etc. Even soldiers are not needed due to robots… That’s a couple hundred thousand right there.Stuff still gets done – it just isn’t done by PEOPLE. Robots are fixing / programming the broken robots at that point. What do those hundreds of millions […]

Top Glasgow University economics expert hails Universal Basic Income proposals

Top Glasgow University economics expert hails Universal Basic Income proposals

Professor Sayantan Ghosal is from Glasgow University One of Glasgow University’s top economics professors has said that proposals to trial a system which would provide a guaranteed income to all residents across the city should be “applauded and encouraged”.

Professor Sayantan Ghosal has said that a proposal made by Labour to trial a Universal Basic Income (UBI) in Glasgow could be a huge boost for the city.

The trial would see randomly selected citizens from the Labour-run Glasgow City council district given a set sum of money each month, regardless of their employment status.Professor Ghosal thinks Glasgow is an ideal place […]