Basic Income: Good In Theory – Maybe Not In Practice

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MIL OSI United Kingdom –

Source: People Before Profit IrelandHeadline: Basic Income: Good In Theory – Maybe Not In PracticeThere has been increasing interest in the idea of a basic income. The idea is currently being piloted in Finland where 2000 unemployed people will be paid €560 a month for two years regardless of whether or not they find paid employment. This figure will replace their current social welfare payment. It may also be rolled out in Fife and Glasgow after the Scottish Nationalist Party passed a motion in favour of it in May 2016. Economist Brian […]

Weigh in on basic income pilot project

Weigh in on basic income pilot project

Residents will get a chance to have their say about a basic income pilot project being developed by the Ontario government.

Public information sessions are being held in Brantford and Brant County to help people understand what is being considered. As well, the sessions aim to gather input from people to get a sense of what kind of basic income plan they’d like to see locally and in Ontario.

The first session takes place Thursday from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. at the Brantford Public Library, 173 Colborne St. The second session takes place Monday from 5:30 p.m. to […]

Leave or Remain? The final salary pension decision

Leave or Remain? The final salary pension decision

Final salary pensions may be gold-plated, but are you also sitting on a transferrable gold mine? Neil Adams of Drewberry Wealth weighs up the pros and cons of transferring to a personal pension, and offers a way to calculate your potential benefits. Gold-plated. Gold standard. Or how about the less glitzy ‘copper-bottomed’ or ‘cast-iron guarantee’? However you look at it, final salary (or defined benefit) pensions have a formidable reputation as the pinnacle of retirement savings, the most attractive option available.

As the name implies, a final salary pension (if you have one) is provided by your employer. You save […]

Just launches new brand identity, drops Retirement in name

Just launches new brand identity, drops Retirement in name

Just, founded in 2014 by retirement specialists who wanted to address shortcomings in the South African retirement market, has launched its new brand identity, ‘Just’ last week, locking in the descriptor ‘Rethink Retirement’. Dean Moore, CEO Just “The name ‘Just’ was carefully chosen. It means ‘fair’ and we want all our clients to have a fair and secure retirement. It also preserves continuity with our previous name of Just Retirement and we will continue to offer everything that we became known for while operating under the Just Retirement banner – innovative products and outstanding service,” says Just SA CEO, […]

Universal basic income to all

Universal basic income to all

Dr. Ambrose Pinto SJ

In a world of growing global inequalities especially in wealthier countries a case has been made for universal basic income to all citizens. The proponents of basic universal income argue for payment of a regular and guaranteed income to country’s citizens as a right.

Trials to materialize the idea are already getting a shape. Silicon Valley Incubator Y Combintor is likely to test the scheme in California. In the UK the idea is backed by the Green Party and examined by the Labour Party.The Royal Society of Arts has supported the concept and what is astonishing […]

Property investments you don’t need a CEO’s salary for

Property investments aren’t just for big spenders. For every Fergus Wilson (the prolific investor who, until a couple of years ago, owned over 1,000 properties) there’s a novice with a little bit of spare cash and an interest in finding a profitable home for it. So how much do you actually need to get involved in property investment ? Let’s be honest from the outset, the more cash you have the more opportunities there are available to you. However, that’s not to say there aren’t opportunities for those people with smaller amounts to spend. Let’s take a look at […]

Ontario’s about to test basic income this year.

Ontario's about to test basic income this year.…s-1320-a-month

Ontario is poised to become a testing ground for basic income in 2017 as part of a pilot program. Hugh Segal is the special advisor to the Canadian province and a former senator. He believes a supplemental income of $1,320 a month could provide a viable path to poverty abatement—effectively replacing welfare programs and a system he described as “seriously demeaning” in a paper discussing this basic income pilot project.

Segal suggests this pilot project would provide real evidence to whether basic income is the solution to poverty many governments have been seeking. It would […]

Universal basic income: Money for nothing or efficient equalizer?

Universal basic income: Money for nothing or efficient equalizer?

World (JR) – Economists, philosophers and political thinkers have long pondered how to end poverty. Lately, an old idea has taken on new life. A universal basic income (UBI) is an unconditional, regular cash payment from the state to every citizen. Proponents see it as a safety net for anyone battered by the fast-changing, globalized economy. Some in Silicon Valley have taken a shining to the proposal, seeing it as a way to stymie inequality should robots take our jobs .

The idea has been around a lot longer than robots, though. In 1516, in his political treatise Utopia , […]

How different would a society with guaranteed income and mass automation be like?

How different would a society with guaranteed income and mass automation be like?

Would it turn society into a meritocracy, where in the past one was automatically punished for not participating in society by constraining their ability to acquire the services and products provided by said society, whereas with guarantee income everyone will be essentially provided for even if they refuse to contribute, making those who participate providers for those who refuse, not out of incapacity but out of their own individual desire not to?

In that case, would constraints be placed on people to force them to contribute to a minimum extent, of which the amount of minimum necessary contribution would depend […]

US billionaire to give thousands of Kenyans free cash for 12 years

US billionaire to give thousands of Kenyans free cash for 12 years

The billionaire co-founder of e-Commerce company eBay, Pierre Omidyar, is donating Sh52 million to give 6,000 poor Kenyans a guaranteed income for 12 years. No strings attached.

Last week, Mr Omidyar’s charity, the Omidyar Network, said it would be making the $500,000 donation to GiveDirectly, an organisation that hands out free cash to the poorest people it can find in Kenya and Uganda.

GiveDirectly, which is planning to run the largest cash transfer programme in the world, was founded in 2009. It settled on its model of offering the poor a universal basic income after its four founders “found that […]