Republicans Lobby for Basic Income Payment & Carbon Tax

Republicans Lobby for Basic Income Payment & Carbon Tax

There is a certain elegance to the notion of the basic income payment. Of course, I hate it anyway. The idea is that people who can afford to pay taxes pay taxes and every single person gets a check from the government for basic necessities.

Let’s put it into numbers. Let’s say the governments of this country spend $5 trillion in redistributing wealth.

I consider much of defense spending redistributing wealth from the taxpayer to the corporations. The US spends as much on so-called defense as the rest of the world combined–that is not necessary for defense in “peacetime.” Let’s […]

Finland’s biggest trade union says a universal basic income is ‘useless’

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Why Universal Basic Income Might Become A Reality Under Trump

Why Universal Basic Income Might Become A Reality Under Trump

Donald Trump is now President Donald Trump. And no matter how many Americans still refuse to accept it as a fact, they would simply have to find a way to embrace it because whether they like it or not, over the next four years the Trump administration will be running the country. It should be noted here that there were plenty of Americans unhappy that Obama was elected our President, but after the election it didn’t matter. That’s how democracy works.

Turning back to Trump, since his inauguration, the President, whose businessman’s perspective and skills will certainly be assets in […]

Basic Income: an idea whose time has finally come?

As far back as 1516, Thomas More first suggested a guaranteed income as a way to reduce theft. In 1797, enlightenment thinker Thomas Paine proposed a set of radical reforms in his seminal pamphlet on Agrarian Justice . Among these proposals was the idea of a universal basic income that would be paid to everyone, unconditionally. In the intervening 220 years, polemicists and policymakers have toyed with the idea, without it ever really catching on.

What has changed?

Firstly, it is increasingly clear that our economic model is leaving more and more people behind. The polarisation in income and opportunities between […]

10,000 Canadians Sign Petition Calling For Basic Income

10,000 Canadians Sign Petition Calling For Basic Income

ST. CLOUD, Minn. – Two of Bobby Vee’s four children have filed a court petition claiming their siblings are misusing money from the late pop singer’s estate. Robby Velline and Jennifer Whittet Velline claim in the Stearns County District Court petition that their brothers, Tommy and Jeff Velline, have spent money from the estate on themselves and to support Rockhouse Productions, a recording studio and production facility they run. It was established by Bobby and his wife, Karen, who is also deceased. © Provided by thecanadianpress. © Adam Korzekwa/Getty Images looks like a lot of Canadians really want a […]

What is Universal Basic Income (UBI)?

What is Universal Basic Income (UBI)?

Universal basic income (UBI) is known by a variety of names in different countries and continents. Among the more popular are basic income, citizen’s income, unconditional basic income, basic income guarantee, universal demo grant, and UBI. This represents a type of social security welfare program and safety net. In it, all residents or citizens of a nation periodically receive an amount of money which the government or another public institution gives them unconditionally. They receive this on top of and regardless of any other income they earn from work or investment returns. When the money is given out to […]

Report shows gap in financial knowledge

Report shows gap in financial knowledge

Image for Report shows gap in financial knowledge A gap in financial knowledge could impact the retirement savings of a huge number of people, according to a new report from MetLife UK.

The report, Guaranteeing Real Pension Freedom, showed nearly half (45%) of over-40s are concerned that a lack of guaranteed income choices is driving people to take risks with their money.

It also found one in five retirement savers (20%) don’t fully understand the choices they face, which would help them receive the level of retirement income guarantee they are looking for.The report suggests the Government’s plan to launch […]

Basic Income: An Answer to Sulfide Mining and Poverty

Basic Income: An Answer to Sulfide Mining and Poverty

Finland: A Basic Income experiment has been authorized by parliament. Alaska: The amount of the 2016 Permanent Fund Dividend going to every Alaskan, man, woman and child will be $1022. Ontario: $25 million has been earmarked for a Basic Income pilot project. Scotland: A Parliamentary Committee is set to investigate Universal Basic Income. Italy: A Basic Income pilot has been launched in a coastal city

France: The presidential candidate from the Socialist Party was chosen after campaigning for a Basic Income. More and more stories about global Basic Income programs are in the news. The Basic Income Earth Network […]

Universal Basic Income: Will It Revolutionize Life in the 21st Century?

Universal Basic Income: Will It Revolutionize Life in the 21st Century?

Imagine living in a country where the government pays everyone the basic cost of living. Where every adult – young or old, rich or poor, employed or unemployed – receives the same annual income, with no conditions or qualifications, and receives this payment for the rest of their life. No more welfare systems or meager pensions, no more worries about quitting an unfulfilling job or being able to afford to go to college rather than straight into work. Everyone will have enough to live on, period.

This is the world of UBI, or Universal Basic Income. Other names for it […]

Union Budget 2017: What is Universal Basic Income (UBI)? Why is it important?

Union Budget 2017: What is Universal Basic Income (UBI)? Why is it important?

Union Finance Minister on his way to present the Budget 2017-18. The Economy Survey 2016-17 talks about a big and important idea called the ‘Universal Basic Income’ or UBI, a minimum income which every individual can count on. This is important for India where a majority of people rely on seasonal employment through unorganised and unskilled jobs. UBI aims to give individuals choice and responsibility of spending an income according to their need. It is a shift of focus of beneficiaries, from households to individuals. UBI will involve direct cash transfers to bank accounts of beneficiaries. This is […]