Annuities: Guaranteed Income Comes at a Price

Annuities: Guaranteed Income Comes at a Price

Image source: Getty Images. If you’re looking for a guaranteed stream of income throughout retirement, then an annuity may be the best option for you. Annuities offer lifetime income, tax-deferral, and many other benefits that can help to make your retirement financially secure. However, there’s no such thing as a free lunch. Before you think about buying an annuity, you should know what those benefits and guarantees will cost you. Guaranteed income riders

One of the key features that many indexed and variable annuities now offer is called an income benefit rider, or living benefit rider. This rider will […]

Pensions – Articles – Savers take risks as guaranteed income choices shrink

MetLife have issued a new report calling for guarantees and guaranteed drawdown to form a central part of the Government’s new guidance framework to help prevent the unnecessary risks people are taking with their savings at retirement because they don’t understand the choices they face. Nearly half (45%) of retirement savers fear they have to take more risk because of a lack of choice for guaranteed income solutions for life More than two-thirds (67%) of advisers are concerned about the lack of choice for clients who want lifetime guaranteed income
MetLife report Guaranteeing Real Pension Freedom urges industry […]

Youtopia: The Demand for Universal Basic Income

Youtopia: The Demand for Universal Basic Income

Share Tweet “Utopia is a trend of thought that favors equality for all people. Utopian ideals often place emphasis on egalitarian principles of equality in economics, government and justice.” Unknown What would you do if your government provided a basic income that would ensure every human being lived above the poverty line? A line that could just be a layoff away for any one of us. Who will have purchasing power when all the grocery stores clerks and assembly lines are robots? Sounds too good to be true but the basic income conversation has been heard before. Basic […]

Could basic income solve the problem of robots taking our jobs?

Could basic income solve the problem of robots taking our jobs?

Picking the self service checkout over a cashier may not seem like a big deal. But as technology develops, more and more tasks previously carried out by humans are being taken over by machines.

Research shows that 65% of kids born today will end up in jobs that don’t yet exist . And as many as 15 million jobs in the UK could be replaced by robots over the next few decades. In the US, the number could be as many as 80 million.

Whichever way you look at it, our lives and careers have got some big changes coming. To […]

Universal basic income: Radical approach may be piloted in Scotland

A universal basic income is being considered by Fife Council after the idea was floated by a councillor in Glasgow and debated at Holyrood.

The non-means tested payment would go to every citizen regardless of status and would be enough to cover essential living costs.

Proponents say a trial of the radical approach to welfare could be in place in Fife within three years.A cross-party group of councillors has met basic income advocates and held discussions with both Holyrood and the UK Government. What is a universal basic income? A basic income is a fixed amount of money paid to […]

Economic Survey Lauds Universal Basic Income: Here’s What It Is

Economic Survey Lauds Universal Basic Income: Here's What It Is

Representative image. (Photo Credit: PTI )

The Economic Survey is often seen as a signpost to the Union Budget. One of the key take away from the Economic Survey 2017-18 is the mention of Universal Basic Income, a concept that has been in currency recently. The Survey document tabled in Parliament on Wednesday says that “Universal Basic Income an alternative to plethora of state subsidies for poverty.”

So can we expect a grand announce by finance minister Arun Jaitley in his Union Budget speech tomorrow on this mother of all social security schemes? Well, let’s wait for a day […]

Colby Cosh: France’s socialists get behind the Breton Bernie and his Butlerian Jihad

Colby Cosh: France’s socialists get behind the Breton Bernie and his Butlerian Jihad

Kyle MacLachlan in David Lynch’s Dune — or, perhaps, the unfolding French presidential election. It’s getting hard to tell. You know how we sometimes refer to the Liberals, whether ironically or sincerely, as our “natural governing party”? The Parti Socialiste is arguably the French equivalent. But it has fallen on hard times. On Sunday the PS, party of reigning French president François Hollande, met to choose its nominee for this spring’s election. As far as one can tell, no one occupying any position on the French political spectrum has been happy with the uninspiring, unprincipled Hollande. Although eligible for […]

Dublcheck Franchising Guaranteed Income And Life Flexibility

Dublcheck Franchising Guaranteed Income And Life Flexibility

Dublcheck gives franchisees a guaranteed income and the flexibility to have a life as well. John and Jan Power tell us why they’re so happy with the Dublcheck commercial cleaning franchise

When John and Jan Power decide they want to do something, you can be pretty sure it’s going to happen. The husband and wife team, who have been married for 48 years, decided to quit their jobs as an insurance broker and a librarian 17 years ago.

WORKING TOGETHER dublcheck franchising opportunity As Jan explains: “We had an insane idea to do something together, something to do with food […]

Guaranteed Income Supplement, Allowance and Allowance for the Survivor

Guaranteed Income Supplement, Allowance and Allowance for the Survivor

The Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS), Allowance, and Allowance for the survivor are additional Old Age Security (OAS) income-tested benefits.

The GIS is a monthly benefit available to seniors who have a low income and are living in Canada. Unlike the universal OAS and Canada Pension Plan (CPP), GIS benefits are not taxable.

The liberal government increased the maximum GIS top-up benefit available in the 2016 Federal Budget by up to $947 annually for low-income single seniors. Related : Understanding the Canada Pension Plan Eligibility for the GIS and Benefit Amount You qualify for the GIS if: > You are receiving […]

Basic income – Merits and Demerits

Basic income – Merits and Demerits


What is Basic Income? A basic income is also called unconditional basic income, Citizen’s Income, basic income guarantee, universal basic income or universal demogrant.

It is a form of social security in which all citizens or residents of a country regularly receive an unconditional sum of money, either from a government or some other public institution, in addition to any income received from elsewhere. What are the merits? Economists are advocating universal basic incomes for fighting inequality, slow wage growth, advancing automation and fears that immigrants will take away jobs. While free trade and technological advances […]