Fife pushes ahead with universal basic income plan

Fife pushes ahead with universal basic income plan

A former mining village in Fife is to host a meeting of international experts and politicians to discuss a radical alternative to the present welfare system.

More than 150 people are expected in Kelty on Saturday to discuss the potential of universal basic income (UBI) – a regular unconditional sum paid to all adults regardless of employment status.

The event, organised by the newly established Citizens Basic Income Network (CBINS), will hear from academics Professor Karl Weiderquest and Professor Mike Danson as well as politicians from all major parties.It is hoped the meeting at Kelty Community Centre will be […]

Now the Entire EU Is Urged to Adopt a Basic Income

I used to think it was commie BS too until Bernie pretty much explained it as you did w/the numbers, then it made perfect sense.

That is a very good point there. UBI will eventually happen, it’s just the way that ideas are floated into the mainstream press for awhile before it picks up momentum. Not at all unlike "zero interest rates" (ZIRP) and eventually NIRP in certain locales. QE and other assorted programs also were met with incredulity initially, but eventually became "mainstream".

I also believe the UBI will be the olive branch to the "hoi […]

Case for targeted basic income

The idea of a basic income is not new

Issue: Universal Basic income
Not a new idea Author states that the idea of a universal basic income is not a new one.Read More: To know in detail about the historical genesis of the idea of basic income please visit this linkWhat Bertrand Russell wrote about basic income? “A certain small income, sufficient for necessities should be secured to all, whether they work or not, and that a larger income — as much larger as might be warranted by the total amount of commodities produced — should be given to those […]

Case for targeted basic income

Case for targeted basic income

The idea of a basic income is not new. The first known suggestion on an unconditional universal basic income for all adults regardless of other income sources was from Thomas More. Centuries later, in 1918, Bertrand Russell discussed a basic income sufficient for necessities as central to the social model combining the advantages of anarchism and socialism that he argued for in Proposed Roads to Freedom. “A certain small income, sufficient for necessities should be secured to all, whether they work or not, and that a larger income — as much larger as might be warranted by the total […]

Why Universal Basic Income Might Become A Reality Under Trump

Why Universal Basic Income Might Become A Reality Under Trump

Donald Trump is now President Donald Trump. And no matter how many Americans still refuse to accept it as a fact, they would simply have to find a way to embrace it because whether they like it or not, over the next four years the Trump administration will be running the country. It should be noted here that there were plenty of Americans unhappy that Obama was elected our President, but after the election it didn’t matter. That’s how democracy works.

Turning back to Trump, since his inauguration, the President, whose businessman’s perspective and skills will certainly be assets in […]

No easy answers for guaranteed basic income dilemma

No easy answers for guaranteed basic income dilemma

Lincoln McCardle Our London

It’s a controversial idea, giving periodic cash payments unconditionally to everyone without any type of prerequisites or work requirements. The hope being that it would cut government red tape and more importantly, reduce poverty. Of course, the long-term effects of giving the most disadvantaged amongst us a sense of self-esteem has yet to be fully ascertained. We’ve never tried something like this, and while many will argue we shouldn’t do it, others will suggest we have to do something. Our current social assistance programs are clearly failing.

The outcomes are hard to predict, however I believe those […]

Social assistance increases are needed in Northumberland, across Canada

Ensuring everyone has enough money to afford the basics in life seems like a no-brainer.

Why would we want to see our neighbours struggle to put food on the table or have to choose between heating their home and paying the rent?

Currently a single person living on Ontario Works receives roughly $700 a month. Imagine trying to live on that amount of money. Rents in Cobourg and Port Hope aren’t typically below $800 a month.The fact is Northumberland residents are using food banks in the area. This shouldn’t be the case.The idea behind the Basic Income Guarantee is to ensure […]

Universal Basic Income: Does the Carrot Work Better than the Stick?

Universal Basic Income: Does the Carrot Work Better than the Stick?

Automation and robots will destroy jobs but create work. How will we secure employment in the future?

Since 1970s, social policies on both sides of the Atlantic have been dominated by workfare policies where the payment of benefits is made conditional on participation in job promoting activities such as training, rehabilitation and work experience, or on unpaid or low-paid work. Those who fail to fulfill these conditions lose their benefits.

The sticks have not worked very well. Traditional activation policies have proven inadequate in employing long-term unemployed people, and in preventing them from social exclusion. A New Experiment in Finland […]

Ottawans give feedback on Ontario’s guaranteed income pilot project

Ottawans give feedback on Ontario's guaranteed income pilot project

Ontario’s minister of community and social services, Helena Jaczek, has been attending consultations across the province about testing a guaranteed income to alleviate poverty. (Kate Porter/CBC) More than 100 Ottawa residents gave their feedback Tuesday night about Ontario’s plans to try a different approach to alleviating poverty with guaranteed incomes.

"We have an opportunity to right a system that is, in my opinion, quite broken," said Carissa Davis, a single mother who attended the consultation session on Coventry Road. Carissa Davis finds the current social assistance system too focused on policing people’s finances. She believes a guaranteed income would empower […]

Guaranteed income: 5 things you need to know

Guaranteed income: 5 things you need to know

When Smiths Falls councillors voted late last year againstlobbying the provincial government to be considered for the upcoming guaranteed income pilot project, the decision set off a maelstrom in the struggling eastern Ontario town.

On Tuesday the debate moves to Ottawa where officials from the Ministry of Community and Social Services will hold a public consultation session about the pilot project they hope to launch later this year.

If you’re not familiar with the province’s plan to try out the concept of a guaranteed income, here are five things you should know. 1. What is a guaranteed basic income? It’s actually […]