Jim’s Pool Care Franchise – Guaranteed Income of $1,500/Week for the First 6 Months – Mobile Service – Gold Coast – Exciting Opportunity….Only $67,500 + VAN

Jim's Pool Care Franchise - Guaranteed Income of $1,500/Week for the First 6 Months - Mobile Service - Gold Coast - Exciting Opportunity....Only $67,500 + VAN

BUSINESS DETAILS Are you looking for a business you can operate from home, with low overheads, flexible hours and incredible training and ongoing support? Jim’s Mobile Pool Care Franchise could be just the thing you are looking for.

Jim’s Pool Care has been operating for over 13 years and continues to grow to meet the demand for service work and as such, we are now the largest mobile Pool Care Franchise in QLD. Due to ever increasing demand, we are currently have to turn away work in most areas and are super keen to get someone started in suburbs […]

Finland’s jobless welcome universal basic income trial

Finland’s jobless welcome universal basic income trial

HELSINKI: For just one hour of work, Juha Jarvinen had to fill out piles of paperwork only to see his unemployment insurance docked. But with Finland’s universal basic income test, he’s hoping for a fresh start. As of Jan. 1, a two-year experiment will see 2,000 unemployed Finns receive a monthly unconditional payment of 560 euros ($590).

If the test is successful, the plan will be rolled out nationwide, though the exact amount and conditions remain vague at this stage.

The basic income pilots have been tried in a number of countries worldwide, especially in the last decade, such as Canada, […]

Finland’s jobless welcome universal basic income trial

Finland’s jobless welcome universal basic income trial

HELSINKI: For just one hour of work, Juha Jarvinen had to fill out piles of paperwork only to see his unemployment insurance docked. But with Finland’s universal basic income test, he’s hoping for a fresh start. As of Jan. 1, a two-year experiment will see 2,000 unemployed Finns receive a monthly unconditional payment of 560 euros ($590).

If the test is successful, the plan will be rolled out nationwide, though the exact amount and conditions remain vague at this stage.

The basic income pilots have been tried in a number of countries worldwide, especially in the last decade, such as Canada, […]

Interest grows in ‘universal income’ for all

The radical notion that governments should hand out free money to everyone — rich and poor, those who work and those who don’t — is gaining ground as robots replace human workers.

PARIS — I am, therefore I’m paid.

The radical notion that governments should hand out free money to everyone — rich and poor, those who work and those who don’t — is slowly but surely gaining ground in Europe. Yes, you read that right: a guaranteed monthly living allowance, no strings attached.In France, two of the seven candidates vying to represent the ruling Socialist Party in this […]

Jobless dad-of-six welcomes Finland’s basic income trial

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Helsinki (AFP) – For just one hour of work, Juha Jarvinen had to fill out piles of paperwork only to see his unemployment insurance docked. But with Finland’s universal basic income test, he’s hoping for a fresh start.

As of January 1, a two-year experiment will see 2,000 unemployed Finns receive a monthly unconditional payment of 560 euros ($590).If the test is successful, the plan will be rolled out nationwide, though the exact amount and conditions remain vague at this stage.Finland’s pro-austerity, centre-right government wants to test whether the guaranteed income, perhaps […]

City wants in on basic income

City wants in on basic income

An aerial view of Pembroke’s City Hall and the Muskrat River. Photo submitted by Jim Childerhose. When it comes to the basic income pilot project, Pembroke wants in.

On Tuesday, Mayor Michael LeMay approached council members, seeking their blessing to offer up the community as a candidate for the upcoming Ontario program, when it becomes a reality.

“Ontario’s proposed basic income pilot project is presently undergoing public input throughout the province,” he said, noting the government intends to have a plan ready for the pilot sometime this spring. Some of the questions being asked include who should be eligible, what the […]

Another article about robots and basic income

Another article about robots and basic income

So this article (link and text pasted at bottom) is from CBS, one of the branches of main-stream media. European governments are mulling a basic income since so many people are bound to be replaced by robots in the upcoming decade.

I have been wondering a few things.

> The whole point of developing machines is to eliminate the need for humans to do labor. Look at how the invention of many domestic appliances freed women up to join the workforce. The whole point of earning money is to exchange that money for various goods and services. Therefore its […]

Good writeup about the weaknesses of UBI (Universal Basic Income)


UBI is something being talked about in some countries. It is a guaranteed income for every citizen.

Some quotes:"The universal basic income shares another problem with traditional welfare systems. Far from promoting the unemployed from searching for work the market rewards, it actually subsidizes non-productive activities. The struggling entrepreneurs and artists mentioned earlier are struggling for a reason. For whatever reason, the market has deemed the goods they are providing to be insufficiently valuable. Their work simply isn’t productive according to those who would potentially consume the goods or services in question. In a functioning marketplace, producers of goods […]

France considers idea of giving everyone £660 a month for doing nothing

France considers idea of giving everyone £660 a month for doing nothing

Benoit Hamon backs the idea of Universal Basic Income (Picture AFP Getty) It was once a radical idea, but it’s entering the political mainstream – as French politicians suggest handing a monthly wage of up to £660 to everyone, rich and poor.

Financed by higher taxes, the move would ensure people could survive, even as robots take millions of jobs in the coming decades.

Two of the seven candidates vying to represent the ruling Socialist Party in this year’s presidential election are promising modest but regular stipends to all French adults.Known as ‘universal basic income’, the idea has become popular as […]

Experimenting Unconditional Basic Income

Experimenting Unconditional Basic Income

Experimenting Unconditional Basic Income What do people do when they’re given cash, no strings attached?


Joe Huston – Regional Director, Give DirectlyElizabeth Rhodes – Research Director for the Basic Income Project, Y Combinator ResearchGuy Standing – Professorial Research Associate at the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London; Founder and Co-President, Basic Income Earth NetworkIn 2016, the policy proposal for Universal Basic Income grew more favorable in American opinion. Among many others, Andrew Stern, Rob B. Reich and Martin Ford published books advocating for a guaranteed income for all. Poverty, structural unemployment, growing inequalities, automation, and precariousness […]