How Finland could see benefits from its basic income experiment

How Finland could see benefits from its basic income experiment

A new plan. Shutterstock One of the greatest political challenges in the 21st century is coming up with a welfare system which is both effective and fair. Recipients and non-recipients of benefits payments are both quick to point out apparent deficiencies in the status quo – as well as problems with any potential alternatives. But some countries are clearly ready for change.

As of January 1 2017, Finland became the first European country to implement a plan whereby unemployed citizens receive a basic monthly income. Created by the government agency responsible for Finnish social security benefits ( KELA ), it […]

The Scottish pioneer whose plan for a basic income could transform Britain

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Dani Garavelli: Universal basic income could be on its way

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Thread: Does the guaranteed income intrest you?

Thread: Does the guaranteed income intrest you?

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Yeah, I’ve heard this one before. So, we tax the rich to pay for the poor. What happens when that money dries up? I can’t see people of wealth or corporations wanting to put forth the effort to stay wealthy if all that will happen is having that wealth taken away from them. Where does the money come from then? Do the 1% wealthiest people and corporations have enough money to guarantee a universal basic income? I don’t think the math supports the claim, no matter how much […]

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Finland to start basic income trial

Finland to start basic income trial

Biz News

Instead of continually talking about the concept, Finland has become the first country in Europe to trial a basic income plan, with 2,000 unemployed citizens chosen at random to take part in the social experiment. The Finnish government is hoping that the initiative will help to reduce government costs and red tape, as well as combat poverty and unemployment rates.

The two-year trial began on January 1, with all participants set to receive a flat rate of €560 (RM2,600) per month, with no obligations to reveal or record how this income is spent. However, the amount will be deducted […]

WASHINGTON, DC, US: Basic Income action at Martin Luther King Memorial

WASHINGTON, DC, US: Basic Income action at Martin Luther King Memorial

On January 16 (Martin Luther King Jr. Day), American basic income activists will convene at the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial in the nation’s capitol, where they will set up a multi-media display to commemorate King’s support for a guaranteed income. Source: Bob Fitch photography archive Organized by videographer and basic income advocate Matt Orfalea , the event is intended to raise awareness of Martin Luther King’s support for a guaranteed annual income. Renowned for his leadership in the Civil Rights Movement in the 1950s and 1960s, King also championed a guaranteed income for all Americans, especially in his […]

World’s Largest Democracy Plans to Give Its Citizens Free Money

World’s Largest Democracy Plans to Give Its Citizens Free Money

India, the largest democratic nation in the world, is poised to become the latest endorser of the Universal Basic Income (UBI) solution. The move is intended to provide a safety net for all citizens, as well as remove the inefficient benefit systems that are currently being implemented. This information comes from Professor Guy Standing, a UBI advocate and one of the founding members of the Basic Income Earth Network (BIEN) who recently got back from the U.S. after taking part as a consultant on a $20 million UBI trial scheduled to take place in California within the year.

Aside from […]

Finland Has a New Social Experiment: Giving People Free Money

Finland Has a New Social Experiment: Giving People Free Money

For 2,000 Finns, free money is now a thing. This year, Finland is putting together an ambitious social experiment to see whether a universal basic income might some day be feasible. Starting on January 1, 2000 unemployed Finnish people between 25 and 58 years of age started to receive an income of €560 (about $594) per month, As The Guardian ’s Jon Henley reports .

According to one cost-of-living calculator , that’s just shy of half the cost of a furnished, 900-square-foot apartment in Helsinki. According to the Finnish government , the point of the program is to demonstrate […]

Does the guaranteed income intrest you?

Does the guaranteed income intrest you?

Join Date Location Posts The first comment I will make try to explain to the average person of 1816 why the world of 2016 isn’t a utopia. Of course our times has it problems, serious problems. But we have effectively address many of the concerns that the average individual has had in the world of 1816. We are better fed, clothed, access to more information, etc, etc. You can point at problems throughout the world and even within western civilization but they are the problems spreading the benefits of victory not a see-saw fight against famine and pestilence that […]