Finland Embarks On Two-Year Experiment Providing Unemployed With a Basic Monthly Income

Finland Embarks On Two-Year Experiment Providing Unemployed With a Basic Monthly Income

According to an Associated Press report, the ‘Universal Basic Income’ also called as ‘unconditional basic income’ (is a form of the welfare security system in which a country citizen receives guaranteed income from the government regardless of how much they work) continues to go viral.

Finland has launched its own version of the experiment; the European government is going to provide a guaranteed basic monthly income, amounting €560 ($587) to 2,000 randomly-picked jobless citizens. The trial will run for a two-year period.

Finland hopes the experiment would decrease the country’s 213,000 or nearly 8.1 percent unemployed citizens out of the 5.5 […]

First major country begins experiment giving free money to citizens

First major country begins experiment giving free money to citizens

Finland is offering free money to some citizens as part of an experiment aimed at cutting government red tape, reducing poverty and boosting employment.

Starting this Monday, the two-year trial will see 2,000 randomly-picked unemployed citizens receive €560 (£477/$587) each month, with no constraints on how to spend it.

The amount, which will be deducted from any benefits the citizens already receive, would keep coming even after citizens find employment.Olli Kangas from the Finnish government agency KELA, which is responsible for the country’s social benefits, said the scheme’s idea was to abolish the "disincentive problem" among the unemployed.The hope is that […]

Finland’s Universal Basic Income experiment

Finland has begun an experiment with a universal basic income (UBI) program: Finland has started a radical experiment: It’s giving 2,000 citizens a guaranteed income, with funds that keep flowing whether participants work or not. The program, which kicks off this month, is one of the first efforts to test a "universal basic income." Participants will receive €560 ($587) a month — money that is guaranteed regardless of income, wealth or employment status. The idea is that a universal income offers workers greater security, especially as technological advances reduce the need for human labor. It will also allow unemployed […]

Nevermind Guaranteed Income, we want the cow

Nevermind Guaranteed Income, we want the cow

I’ve spent a lot of time lately speaking against the establishment of a guaranteed minimum income as an important policy to advocate. I want to make a few things clear:

> I feel the current distribution of wealth is grotesquely unfair.

I don’t believe that those who cannot or will not work should be allowed to starve. I would be against plans to eliminate or cut the existing welfare system as long as it is needed. I believe that we should build a community in which everyone’s needs are met. But, even so, I oppose fighting for a guaranteed […]

Finland to give people $587 a month in test of universal basic income

Finland to give people $587 a month in test of universal basic income

In a move that might make right-wing media and many US lawmakers apoplectic, Finland has launched a guaranteed universal income pilot program. The state will give out €560 ($587) a month to 2,000 residents, regardless of their job status or wealth, reports CNN. The money won’t be taxed, and the only caveat is that recipients had to have been receiving an income subsidy from the state.

Giving people money regardless of whether or not they’re working seems to defy common sense about personal responsibility and how to boost productivity. But supporters of UBI have argued that it just makes sense […]

Basic Income Arrives: Finland To Hand Out Guaranteed Income Of €560 To Lucky Citizens

Basic Income Arrives: Finland To Hand Out Guaranteed Income Of €560 To Lucky Citizens

Just over a year ago, we reported that in what was set to be a pilot experiment in " universal basic income" , Finland would become the first nation to hand out "helicopter money" in the form of cash directly to every citizen.

As of January 1, 2017, the experiment in "basic income" has officially begun, with Finland becoming the first country in Europe to pay its unemployed citizens the guaranteed monthly sum of 560 euros ($587), in a "unique social experiment which is hoped to cut government red tape, reduce poverty and boost employment." According to Olli Kangas from […]

Finland’s Basic Income Experiment Starts – Really, It’s Testing The Laffer Curve For Poor People

Finland's Basic Income Experiment Starts - Really, It's Testing The Laffer Curve For Poor People

Finland is just starting an experiment which has a lot of us economic types rather excited. Yes, I know, sad, isn’t it, that we might get excited over something that seems so trivial. For what Finland is doing is testing out the core idea of a universal basic income. Instead of paying welfare benefits conditional upon circumstances, like being unemployed, or having too little an income, why not just pay people a set minimum? Not a huge amount, to be sure, but enough to just keep body and soul together. And make it unconditional. Doesn’t matter whether you look […]

Guaranteed Income for Every Citizen – Best Way To Revitalize Humanity by luzcypher

In June 2016, Switzerland voted in a referendum on the topic of introducing a basic income. If it had passed, all Swiss citizens, working or unemployed, would have received about $2,500 Swiss francs for adults and 625 francs for children per month as a guaranteed stipend from the government.

Switzerland would have become the first country in the world to implement such an idea. Although the Swiss Federal Council rejected the initiative in August 2014, the rejection was more of a symbolic suggestion to vote against the basic income than a consequential political action: the Swiss people had already asserted […]

Finland gives 2,000 citizens guaranteed income

Finland gives 2,000 citizens guaranteed income

Finland is giving 2,000 citizens a guaranteed income – Jan. 2, 2017

The program, which kicks off this month, is one of the first efforts to test a “universal basic income.” Participants will receive €560 ($587) a month — money that is guaranteed regardless of income, wealth or employment status.

‘; for (i = 0; i 4) { afterParagraphFour = true; } currentParagraph = storytext.childNodes[i]; heights += currentParagraph.clientHeight; if (heights >= limit && insertAfterThisParagraphIndex === -1) { insertAfterThisParagraphIndex = SMARTASSET.setDivIndex(i); console.log(“insert after paragraph number ” + i); console.log(“HEIGHTS = ” + heights); console.log(“LIMIT = ” + limit); } } /* div […]

Finland is giving 2,000 citizens a guaranteed income

Finland is giving 2,000 citizens a guaranteed income

Carl Icahn: ‘The minimum wage should go up’ Finland has started a radical experiment: It’s giving 2,000 citizens a guaranteed income, with funds that keep flowing whether participants work or not.

The program, which kicks off this month, is one of the first efforts to test a "universal basic income." Participants will receive €560 ($587) a month — money that is guaranteed regardless of income, wealth or employment status.

The idea is that a universal income offers workers greater security, especially as technological advances reduce the need for human labor. It will also allow unemployed people to pick up odd […]