Universal Basic Income: Not Just An Idea But A Feasible Solution

Universal Basic Income: Not Just An Idea But A Feasible Solution

Universal basic income is a concept that pertains to giving an amount of money to citizens without any requirements or conditions other than being legal citizens and probably a certain minimum age (most likely what’s considered as the working age). Although the idea of handing out money for free is generally viewed in a negative rather than a positive light, maybe it’s time to rethink and reconsider our perceptions.

Ideally, the amount of guaranteed basic income should be enough to cover basic needs like food, clothing and shelter, but insufficient for everything else. That way, recipients will still be motivated […]

Two Canadian provinces look to provide poor with basic income

Two Canadian provinces look to provide poor with basic income

Two Canadian provinces are developing a plan to provide its poorest residents with a basic income from the government.

Ontario is looking to launch its program – the first of its kind considered in North America in decades – next spring to provide a guaranteed annual income for people and families in need.

Now Prince Edward Island’s legislature has unanimously approved developing a similar pilot project with the federal government.It was felt that such a plan would help families build their way back while reducing government bureaucracy.Ontario named former Senator Hugh Segal to study the options in a $25-million test project […]

Progressives push guaranteed income plan to woo working class

Progressives push guaranteed income plan to woo working class

The idea offers a window into how some progressives are attempting to deal with the aftermath of President-elect Trump’s victory over Hillary Clinton last month, and broaden the appeal of liberal policies to frustrated working class voters. (iStock Photo) A liberal coalition is pushing for the implementation of a basic salary for all Americans that would be funded by federal taxpayers.

The Economic Security Project, unveiled this week, said its proposal addresses the question of how to undo the rigged economic system in the U.S. and improve the well-being of everyone struggling to get by financially.

The project plans to invest […]

Why now is the time to cash in your final salary pension

Why now is the time to cash in your final salary pension

Simon Major decided to take the cash from his scheme The millions of people who save into final salary pension schemes have always faced the temptation of transferring their savings to an alternative pension.

While final salary or “defined benefit” pensions pay a guaranteed income for life, they are not as flexible as the alternative “defined contribution” plans.

Under the latter, you can take multiple lump sums and pass any unused savings down the generations free of inheritance tax. In a final salary scheme income is typically not paid after the death of the member’s spouse.Transferring from a final salary to […]

Elon Musk Foresees us Adopting Some Form of Universal Basic Income

Likelihood of Automated Jobs

It’s become pretty common knowledge by now that as robots and artificial intelligence are automating many tasks, there is concern over what jobs would still be available for humans. We’ve already seen large number of job losses in the manufacturing industries, McDonald’s is replacing workers with automated kiosks, and there is even an artificial intelligence Lawyer called Ross Intelligence that has started being hired by some firms. "THERE IS A PRETTY GOOD CHANCE WE END UP WITH A UNIVERSAL BASIC INCOME, OR SOMETHING LIKE THAT, DUE TO AUTOMATION."
– Elon Musk, Founder and CEO of […]

P.E.I. MLAs effusive in their support for basic-income pilot project

P.E.I. MLAs effusive in their support for basic-income pilot project

The motion to work with the federal government in hopes of setting up a basic-income pilot project on the Island was supported by all parties. (Kerry Campbell/CBC) The P.E.I. Legislature agreed unanimously Tuesday to have the province work with the federal government in hopes of setting up a basic-income pilot project on the Island.

The idea is to guarantee a minimum amount of money in government support each month to those living in poverty.

Green Party Leader Peter Bevan-Baker put forward the motion, which was supported by all parties.Bevan-Baker said a successful pilot project could reduce poverty, improve health and mental […]

Basic income pilot project meeting Jan. 12 in Cobourg

Basic income pilot project meeting Jan. 12 in Cobourg

Lou Rinaldi Public consultations about launching a basic income pilot project are taking place in Cobourg Jan. 12, says Northumberland-Quinte West MPP Lou Rinaldi.

A series of these public sessions are taking place across Ontario to “refine” the report from Hugh Segal entitled: “Finding a Better Way – A Basic Income Pilot Project for Ontario,” he said.

According to a summary of Segal’s report: “A pilot project must begin with an understanding of the costs of poverty, not only in present welfare and disability payments, but also in terms of added pressures on our health system, and the Ontario economy as […]

Basic Income could raise the bar for everyone

Basic Income could raise the bar for everyone

Panel Discussion with (LtoR):Karen Levasseur, Jim Mulvale, Sid Frankel and Jennifer Mays. I was riding in a car with my brother-in-law after attending the November 24 Basic Income Symposium at Winnipeg Harvest, and we got into a conversation (or perhaps more of a monologue) about the relative levels of poverty in Canada and in China, where he had been living.

He had a hard time understanding why a rich country like Canada, with a social safety net that most people can access, at least to some extent, would need anything like a Basic Income for all. In Shanghai, he said, […]

The simple way to lift Canadians out of poverty

Nepean Barrhaven News

The City of Ottawa has tabled a number of measures in its budget to assist low-income residents. Among them, a half-price monthly transit pass is set to take effect in April 2017. The city has also committed to funds for organizations that offer social assistance.

But what if lifting Canadians out of poverty is more simple than the patchwork solutions frequently offered by municipal and provincial governments?For nearly 40 years, a small, but politically and intellectually diverse group have been arguing for the implementation of a guaranteed annual income (GAI) to replace existing welfare and other assistance programs. […]

A New Initiative In Canada Trials Universal Basic Income

A New Initiative In Canada Trials Universal Basic Income

The policy will provide an unconditional salary for citizens living below the poverty line The policy will provide an unconditional salary for citizens living below the poverty line

The Canadian province of Ontario will be testing universal basic income in 2017, making it the first government in North America in decades to test the policy that many feel is a panacea to growing levels of income inequality. The province’s most impoverished residents will be given a guaranteed minimum income with the hopes of raising their quality of life and saving the government money.

Longtime advocate of basic income, conservative political strategist […]