WASHINGTON, DC, US: Basic Income action at Martin Luther King Memorial

WASHINGTON, DC, US: Basic Income action at Martin Luther King Memorial

On January 16 (Martin Luther King Jr. Day), American basic income activists will convene at the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial in the nation’s capitol, where they will set up a multi-media display to commemorate King’s support for a guaranteed income. Source: Bob Fitch photography archive Organized by videographer and basic income advocate Matt Orfalea , the event is intended to raise awareness of Martin Luther King’s support for a guaranteed annual income. Renowned for his leadership in the Civil Rights Movement in the 1950s and 1960s, King also championed a guaranteed income for all Americans, especially in his […]

World’s Largest Democracy Plans to Give Its Citizens Free Money

World’s Largest Democracy Plans to Give Its Citizens Free Money

India, the largest democratic nation in the world, is poised to become the latest endorser of the Universal Basic Income (UBI) solution. The move is intended to provide a safety net for all citizens, as well as remove the inefficient benefit systems that are currently being implemented. This information comes from Professor Guy Standing, a UBI advocate and one of the founding members of the Basic Income Earth Network (BIEN) who recently got back from the U.S. after taking part as a consultant on a $20 million UBI trial scheduled to take place in California within the year.

Aside from […]

Finland Has a New Social Experiment: Giving People Free Money

Finland Has a New Social Experiment: Giving People Free Money

For 2,000 Finns, free money is now a thing. This year, Finland is putting together an ambitious social experiment to see whether a universal basic income might some day be feasible. Starting on January 1, 2000 unemployed Finnish people between 25 and 58 years of age started to receive an income of €560 (about $594) per month, As The Guardian ’s Jon Henley reports .

According to one cost-of-living calculator , that’s just shy of half the cost of a furnished, 900-square-foot apartment in Helsinki. According to the Finnish government , the point of the program is to demonstrate […]

Does the guaranteed income intrest you?

Does the guaranteed income intrest you?

Join Date Location Posts The first comment I will make try to explain to the average person of 1816 why the world of 2016 isn’t a utopia. Of course our times has it problems, serious problems. But we have effectively address many of the concerns that the average individual has had in the world of 1816. We are better fed, clothed, access to more information, etc, etc. You can point at problems throughout the world and even within western civilization but they are the problems spreading the benefits of victory not a see-saw fight against famine and pestilence that […]

8 Facts About Annuities Every Retiree Should Know

8 Facts About Annuities Every Retiree Should Know

8 Facts About Annuities Every Retiree Should Know An annuity is a contract between you and a company — typically, an insurance company. You give the company a lump sum of money, and it promises to make monthly payments to you, either immediately or beginning at some point in the future.

Generally speaking, the motivation for buying an annuity is simple — to create a guaranteed stream of income from your savings. Annuities are maintenance free, and continue to generate income no matter what the economy does. Essentially, annuities can take the guesswork out of managing your money in retirement.

Annuities […]

Finland Takes Plunge Into Guaranteed Income Socialist Insanity

Like Arnold Toynbee said about civilizations dying not by murder but by suicide : Finland has become the first country in Europe to pay its unemployed citizens a basic monthly income, amounting to 560 euros ($587), in a unique social experiment which is hoped to cut government red tape, reduce poverty and boost employment. Cut red tape by expanding the welfare state. Reduce poverty by paying people to be poor. Boost employment by paying people not to work or even look for work. Some concepts are so stupid that stupidity alone cannot explain them.

At least they are starting off […]

Finland Begins Paying Cash to Unemployed; India and Scotland Considering the Scheme?

Finland Begins Paying Cash to Unemployed; India and Scotland Considering the Scheme?

On January 1, 2017, Finland became the first sovereign nation to implement a Universal Basic Income (UBI) for its citizens. Under this scheme , the government randomly selects 2,000 citizens from those currently receiving unemployment benefits or an income subsidy. For the next two years, the selected Finns will receive EUR 560 ($587) a month regardless of whether they work or not. If the experiment proves to be successful, a UBI will be granted to all Finnish citizens. A large poster in a square in Geneva, Switzerland, promoting the idea of a universal basic income. Universal Basic Income, first […]

Finland Tests Plan to Replace Welfare State

Finland Tests Plan to Replace Welfare State

Finland is launching a “radical experiment” to see if a simple monthly payment can replace the nation’s ever-expanding tangle of welfare programs.

The monthly payment, dubbed a guaranteed minimum income, or “universal basic income,” is an idea that has been kicked around for years as a replacement for the traditional welfare state. It has some prominent conservative advocates , including Charles Murray today, and luminaries such as Friederich Hayek and Milton Friedman in the past. In various versions of the basic income plan, everyone is paid the same stipend from the government, or everyone whose income falls below […]

Denley: Ontario should have a guaranteed income for those with disabilities

Denley: Ontario should have a guaranteed income for those with disabilities

Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne. The Liberals have had 13 years to update the welfare system, argues Randall Denley. The Ontario government is conducting an online survey to find out what you think about a no-strings-attached basic income as way to reduce poverty. It’s a step on the road to a pilot project that could last up to three years.

At the risk of spoiling the suspense, I am going to say giving people more money will reduce poverty. The questions are, would a guaranteed annual income be good public policy and does the government have the money to follow through?

Ontario […]

Finland Begins Guaranteed Income Program

It would be true r-selection, but in might not be as bad as what we have now: Finland has become the first country in Europe to pay its unemployed citizens a basic monthly income, amounting to 560 euros ($587), in a unique social experiment which is hoped to cut government red tape, reduce poverty and boost employment. I remember a story on 60 Minutes. It featured a US Marine who had served in combat in the War on Terror. He had come home, and like many who spent extended periods living at the ultra high revs of combat, had […]