Basic Income could raise the bar for everyone

Basic Income could raise the bar for everyone

Panel Discussion with (LtoR):Karen Levasseur, Jim Mulvale, Sid Frankel and Jennifer Mays. I was riding in a car with my brother-in-law after attending the November 24 Basic Income Symposium at Winnipeg Harvest, and we got into a conversation (or perhaps more of a monologue) about the relative levels of poverty in Canada and in China, where he had been living.

He had a hard time understanding why a rich country like Canada, with a social safety net that most people can access, at least to some extent, would need anything like a Basic Income for all. In Shanghai, he said, […]

The simple way to lift Canadians out of poverty

Nepean Barrhaven News

The City of Ottawa has tabled a number of measures in its budget to assist low-income residents. Among them, a half-price monthly transit pass is set to take effect in April 2017. The city has also committed to funds for organizations that offer social assistance.

But what if lifting Canadians out of poverty is more simple than the patchwork solutions frequently offered by municipal and provincial governments?For nearly 40 years, a small, but politically and intellectually diverse group have been arguing for the implementation of a guaranteed annual income (GAI) to replace existing welfare and other assistance programs. […]

A New Initiative In Canada Trials Universal Basic Income

A New Initiative In Canada Trials Universal Basic Income

The policy will provide an unconditional salary for citizens living below the poverty line The policy will provide an unconditional salary for citizens living below the poverty line

The Canadian province of Ontario will be testing universal basic income in 2017, making it the first government in North America in decades to test the policy that many feel is a panacea to growing levels of income inequality. The province’s most impoverished residents will be given a guaranteed minimum income with the hopes of raising their quality of life and saving the government money.

Longtime advocate of basic income, conservative political strategist […]

Universal Basic Income: A Solution to Inequality, Economic Instability, and Climate Change

Universal Basic Income: A Solution to Inequality, Economic Instability, and Climate Change

James K. Boyce is a Professor at University of Massachusetts, Amherst. He is the Director of the Program on Development, Peacebuilding, and the Environment at PERI – The Political Economy Research Institute. KIM BROWN, TRNN: Welcome to the Real News Network. Im Kim Brown in Baltimore. Now recently theres been an increasing discussion of the possibility of creating a universal basic income. An idea of a guaranteed monthly income for all Americans. Now this is a relatively old idea that has found advocates from across the political spectrum. From conservatives as well as liberals and republicans as well as […]

Pilot Project in Canada Plans to Put Universal Basic Income to the Test

Pilot Project in Canada Plans to Put Universal Basic Income to the Test

Hugh Segal, a Conservative political strategist, is leading a universal basic income project in Canada, the first project of its kind in North America in decades, saying he wants “a floor beneath which people are not allowed to fall.”

In the Canadian province of Ontario, plans for a trial run of universal basic income are moving forward, making it the first government in North America in decades to test out a policy touted as a solution to poverty. In the coming weeks, the provincial government is expected to announce consultations to hammer out the details of a $25 million […]

How A Universal Basic Income Would Transform Society

How A Universal Basic Income Would Transform Society

Is Abundance Possible for All? A universal basic income has the potential to unleash unimaginable amounts of human time, energy, creativity, and passion that has the potential to radically transform society. No child’s dream is to make lots of money.

A universal basic income could spawn all kinds of alternative living arrangements. Certainly, there are mobile home parks where you could live a decent quality of life on your own if that’s the way you want to live. But five people could also pool their basic income and have access to $100,000/year of guaranteed income. That’s enough to buy a house together. Those huge suburban houses full of empty bedrooms could become communal living accommodation, helping people meet the universal need we all share of feeling like we belong to a community, of being needed and mattering to others.