World Bank & UBIs: Ending poverty in the Americas newest Petrostate, Buxton Proposal Part 1

World Bank & UBIs: Ending poverty in the Americas newest Petrostate, Buxton Proposal Part 1


Today’s and next week’s column combine to form a preface to my intended task of updating the Buxton Proposal. For this purpose, the two columns address respectively, the World Bank and the IMF’s, recent public posture in regards to Universal Basic Income, UBI, as a social protection mechanism.

I recall here having identified six such widely utilized social protection mechanisms in emerging oil-rich economies, which are dedicated to rapidly eradicating all forms of entrenched poverty there. The six mechanisms are reproduced below; namely,1. universal direct cash transfers [universal basicincome, UBI]2. targeted cash transfers to poor and vulnerablegroups;3. targeted transfers […]

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