ChatGPT Like Artificial Intelligence Platforms Will Destroy 30 Crore Jobs Across The World (Goldman Sachs Report)

ChatGPT Like Artificial Intelligence Platforms Will Destroy 30 Crore Jobs Across The World (Goldman Sachs Report)

In recent years, advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) have sparked discussions about the potential impact on the global workforce. According to a report by Goldman Sachs economists, up to 300 million full-time jobs worldwide could be automated through AI platforms like ChatGPT.

AI To Take Up 300 Million Full Time Jobs Worldwide

Artificial intelligence (AI) has made remarkable progress in various domains, enabling machines to perform complex tasks that were once exclusively human territory.From chatbots to automated systems, AI platforms like ChatGPT have demonstrated their capabilities in natural language processing, problem-solving, and data analysis. This has raised concerns about […]

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