Will My Annuity Payments be Taxed?

Will My Annuity Payments be Taxed?

Annuities can be a great way for retirees to receive guaranteed income for life. But you may not be able to keep all the money you receive from an annuity because the IRS may demand a cut. Whether or not your payments are taxable will depend on how you paid for the annuity.

If you use pre-tax money (including money from a traditional IRA or 401(k) that you didn’t pay taxes on) to buy an annuity, then the annuity payments are fully taxable as income. For example, say you used some of the money in your 401(k) to buy an […]

What If Everyone Got a $1,000 Check Every Month From the Government?

What If Everyone Got a $1,000 Check Every Month From the Government?

The extra thousand could help stimulate the economy. | iStock.com/AndreyPopov What would you do with an extra $1,000 per month? For a lot of Americans, it would go straight into the bank — either toward an IRA, an emergency fund, or some stocks and bonds. For even more of us, however, it would probably go toward some type of frivolous spending. We’d probably go out and make some ridiculous purchases, or go on vacation. That, interestingly enough, is actually what would be intended if the government was handing out checks. Under a national basic income program , that’s exactly […]

Facebook’s Chris Hughes in Alaska, squired around by Begich’s Democrat operative

Facebook’s Chris Hughes in Alaska, squired around by Begich’s Democrat operative

Chris Hughes, from his Facebook profile The cofounder of Facebook, Chris Hughes, will be in Alaska on Thursday. Jim Lottsfeldt, of Lottsfeldt Strategies and Midnight Sun AK political bog, is taking him around and introducing him to various Democrats in Anchorage, Lottsfeldt announced in his blog this morning.

Hughes is the second Facebook heavyweight to come to Alaska, after Mark Zuckerberg visited in midsummer to vacation and explore how the Alaska Permanent Fund provides what he is calling a “basic income” for Alaskans.

Zuckerberg and Hughes are both proponents of the basic income concept. [Related: Facebook’s tax is far lower than […]

Universal Basic Income Needed to Break ‘Addiction to Economic Growth Killing Us’

Universal Basic Income Needed to Break ‘Addiction to Economic Growth Killing Us’

I think it would add to pop growth come to think of it. That is a good point. Also, what if someone never wanted to work while others are working away in order for some people to take advantage. Public schools are not free as you know. They are funded through property taxes. Other taxes fund various programs including HUD. We already have low to no income housing through HUD. At one time there were HUD programs that provided lower income people with down payments on houses? Isn’t that “nice?” And by the way- adding to the population is […]

View Poll Results: Would/do you support a Universal Basic Income for all U.S. citizens?

View Poll Results: Would/do you support a Universal Basic Income for all U.S. citizens?

I have listed other reasons this would not work.

However, let’s focus on this one.

You say irrational and unarticulated. Which part? Have not experienced sequestration, as a form of punishment, words from a presidents own mouth? Have we not had multiple instances of near government shut downs over budget arguments? I remember when that was big news, now it’s just to be expected. No, I said, "Part of the problem with welfare is how it stigmatizes the poor and working classes. " and you responded, "They SHOULD be stigmatized." You then talked about them […]

Four Reasons To Support Basic Income

Four Reasons To Support Basic Income

While having the government give people money may sound counter-intuitive to conservatives and libertarians, basic income is not incompatible with their belief in limited government and free markets. In fact, they would benefit most by proposing and supporting it. Here are four reasons why conservatives and libertarians should support basic income:

#1: Supported by Prominent Conservatives and Libertarians.

“What? You want the government to give people money? That’s socialism! What kind of pinko commie would support that?!”Would you believe Milton Friedman, the Nobel prize-winning conservative economist who served as an economic adviser to Republican President Richard Nixon? In his […]

Elon Musk says Robots will Push Us to a Universal Basic Income—Here’s How It Would Work

Elon Musk says Robots will Push Us to a Universal Basic Income—Here’s How It Would Work

If robots take your job, the government might have to pay you to live Elon Musk says robots will push us to a universal basic income—here’s how it would work

Catherine Clifford, CNBC, 18 Nov 2017

Burger flippers, truck drivers, and cashiers are going to be out of work in the coming decades, thanks to the accelerating pace of robotics and automation technology, some experts warn.And as large swaths of the population lose their jobs, the only viable solution might be for the government to institute a universal basic income, which would mean paying every resident a fixed amount of […]

HiveMind Report – A Universal Basic Income for Aotearoa NZ

HiveMind Report – A Universal Basic Income for Aotearoa NZ

Article: Hivemind Image by: Sam Orchard #WE ARE BENEFICIARIES

UBI is a complicated issue. There were a wide range of opinions and views represented in this HiveMind discussion and it appears there is still uncertainty regarding certain aspects of UBI policy. However, it was encouraging that there were some clear points of consensus among the 232 participants in this exercise regardless of these differing views.

We discuss the results of this HiveMind survey below by focusing in particular on those statements that were agreed upon by over 60% of respondents. We Need a Better Welfare System Results from this HiveMind […]

Early bird gets the worm

Early bird gets the worm

Communicating with customers about their finances is key to helping them understand what they have and, just as importantly, what they can do with their money to improve their lot.

But there is a danger in communicating with customers who have little or no financial savvy, in that they could be tempted to make a decision about their financial affairs without knowing all the facts.

No matter which area of your personal finances you look at, making a snap decision based on one piece of information has a real chance of impacting in another area that you simply had not expected.For […]

A Universal Basic Income Would Do Wonders For The U.S. Economy

A Universal Basic Income Would Do Wonders For The U.S. Economy

Introducing a universal basic income (UBI) would give a huge jolt to the U.S. economy, according to a new analysis, one of the first to consider the wider effects of giving everyone in the United States a regular, unconditional cash payment to meet their everyday needs.

UBI has been winning a lot of supporters recently, notably among tech figures like Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg . It is often touted as a solution to technological unemployment, though there are plenty of other rationales, including a desire to streamline government and to give individuals more autonomy over how they spend their […]