The Case for Free Money

The Case for Free Money

Universal basic income looks like a big-government redistribution scheme, but it may be the best way to rein in entitlements Art credit: Gary Locke At first blush, universal basic income sounds like something dreamed up on a California commune or in a late-night college bull session. The idea: Just give people money. Ask nothing in return. Impose no requirement to work or to look for work. And don’t just give taxpayer money to people living in poverty, give it to everybody—from gazillionaire to gig-worker—no questions asked.

Yet universal basic income is an idea that is having its moment. Enthusiasm for […]

Need money? Still time to apply as Ontario Basic Income Pilot picks up steam

Need money? Still time to apply as Ontario Basic Income Pilot picks up steam

The new and innovative social program that Ontario is testing in Lindsay and two other Ontario centres – a ‘basic income guarantee’ — is surging in participant numbers. According to Ministry spokesperson, Matt Ostergard, the Advocate has learned that as of the end of January there were 2,544 participants across the three pilot locations of Lindsay, Thunder Bay, and Hamilton and Brant County.

The Province is looking for those numbers to be capped at 4,000 participants, meaning there is less than 1,500 people left to sign up. However, 2,000 of those participants will be from Lindsay, making it the linchpin […]

Eco Survey for Replacing Subsidies With Direct Income Support in the Farm Sector

Eco Survey for Replacing Subsidies With Direct Income Support in the Farm Sector

New Delhi: The Economic Survey 2018 reinstated the need to usher in direct income support in the farm sector instead of providing subsidies given the fact that the report finds that climate change may result in significant reduction of annual agricultural income.

The Survey had last year talked about the need to implement Universal Basic Income (UBI) but was quashed by policy makers stating the country is not yet ready for it.

“Minimizing susceptibility to climate change requires drastically extending irrigation via efficient drip and sprinkler technologies (realizing “more crop for every drop”), and replacing untargeted subsidies in power and fertilizer […]

Stockton Mayor Touts Experimental Program That Pays Families $500 a Month

Stockton Mayor Touts Experimental Program That Pays Families $500 a Month

STOCKTON (CBS/AP) — Stockton plans to give several dozen families $500 a month for a year as part of a program to study the economic and social impacts of giving people a basic income.

The so-called “SEED” project will give a small group of low-income residents a modest, no-strings-attached monthly income. Funded by a million-dollar private grant from a tech-funded group called the Economic Security Project — co-led by Facebook co-founder Chris Hughes — SEED creates a real-world research model of what’s known as universal basic income.

The yearlong program will track what residents do with the money and how having […]

Stockton’s ‘Basic Income’ Plan Diverts City From Its Real Duties

Stockton's 'Basic Income' Plan Diverts City From Its Real Duties

Posted By TheNewsCommenter : From : “Stockton’s ‘Basic Income’ Plan Diverts City From Its Real Duties”. Below is an excerpt from the article . There’s a simple solution to the nation’s poverty and inequality problems, an acquaintance told me several years ago. He suggested that the federal government simply give $1 million to every citizen and, voila, we’d all be rich and happy. After some quick math (323 million x $1 million = more trillions than even the U.S. Treasury can print), he realized that he didn’t add enough zeroes to his cost calculation. Turning the United States […]

EUROPE: Council of Europe adopts resolution on basic income

EUROPE: Council of Europe adopts resolution on basic income

The Council of Europe Assembly voted on 23 January 2017 in favour of a Resolution concerning basic income. A clear majority of the participants voted in favour of the policy (52%), while 36% voted against it and 13% abstained.

With this result, the Council of Europe has adopted the Resolution’s text. The latter was based on a report delivered by the Committee on Social Affairs, Health and Sustainable Development (on the 5 th of January 2018), which states the case for a basic citizenship income. In this short research report, the basic income policy is presented in general terms, justified […]

Budget 2018: Fixing the original breeder of informal employment

Budget 2018: Fixing the original breeder of informal employment

Budget 2018: At a recent job fair when we offered a 21 year old a salary of R20,000, she turned around and asked “Haath Waali ya Chitthi waali salary?” Budget 2018: At a recent job fair when we offered a 21 year old a salary of R20,000, she turned around and asked “Haath Waali ya Chitthi waali salary?” The massive difference between gross salary and net salary for mandatory payroll confiscation schemes like Provident Fund, Employee Pension Scheme, Health Insurance from ESI, etc were too high for people at low wages (most of these schemes don’t apply when you […]

Tech obsolescence? Universal Basic Income? And the Age of Amateurs

Tech obsolescence? Universal Basic Income? And the Age of Amateurs

Thought provoking for the coming weekend: Stewart Brand’s “Long Now” reflections about which aspects of our world change rapidly… and which more slowly… and how this can help us grapple with vital issues, like education.

One from my own such list: About a century ago, John M. Keynes prophesied that rising industrial production would pour forth so much wealth with such automated efficiency that the forty hour week (just then coming into fashion) would be reduced to thirty hours, then twenty, as jobs were shared and and the working class got more leisure time.
As it happened, there was […]

Cambridge pay gap shrinks slowly – but still has a way to go

Cambridge pay gap shrinks slowly – but still has a way to go

Salaries paid by the University in 2017 clocked an 18.3% gap between average basic incomes of men versus women, analysis by Varsity has found.

In past years, the gender pay gap was defined as the percentage difference between the average basic income of men versus women. The average basic income gap as calculated by Varsity therefore allows for comparison with previous annual figures.

However, under University regulations to come into effect this year, the gender pay gap will be determined using a new government-mandated methodology.On 6th April 2017, a law came into force requiring all private and voluntary-sector employers in the […]

Artificial intelligence sparks hope – and fear, US poll shows

Artificial intelligence sparks hope – and fear, US poll shows

Seventy-three percent of respondents to a Gallup survey said they expect the increased use of AI will eliminate more jobs than it creates and 63% predicted that new technologies and smart machines would widen the gap between rich and poor. — AFP Relaxnews WASHINGTON: Americans are torn over the promise of artificial intelligence, a new poll showed Wednesday, expressing broad optimism about the emerging technologies but also fearing their negative impacts – including job losses, a poll showed.

The Gallup survey showed 79% of Americans say artificial intelligence has had a “mostly positive” or “very positive” impact on their lives […]