If you are in these 50 professions, robots are coming for your job (and a few that are safe from ‘digital outsourcing’)

If you are in these 50 professions, robots are coming for your job (and a few that are safe from ‘digital outsourcing’)

Insedia.com asked me to look at jobs that were most vulnerable to automation. Click for Insedia.com. Every time you check yourself out at a grocery store, even if you find it terribly convenient, there’s probably a little voice inside you that thinks, “Uh-oh.” As in, “Uh-oh, there’s a machine doing the job a person used to do.” Well, here’s the bad news.

There’s plenty more where that came from.

U.S. politicians spent the past year arguing about trade deals and walls, but you heard almost nothing about robots and artificial intelligence. Many American workers will soon have a lot more to […]

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