Humanoid robots in the workplace

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The introduction of Tesla’s humanoid robots to perform ‘low-level’ tasks in their factories marks a significant step in the ongoing evolution of automation and artificial intelligence in the workplace.

This move, while a testament to technological advancement, carries profound social implications that extend beyond the factory floor, influencing the future of work, employment patterns, and societal structures.At the core of this development is the potential for increased efficiency and productivity within the manufacturing sector. Humanoid robots, designed to mimic human actions and interactions, can perform repetitive and physically demanding tasks with precision and consistency. This shift can lead […]

Next-Generation Laundry Employee Evolution (Conclusion)

Next-Generation Laundry Employee Evolution (Conclusion)

CHICAGO — Laundry technology constantly evolves, from the hardware to the software and beyond. Next-Generation Laundry Employee Evolution It used to be productivity was measured on a clipboard. Today, washers and dryers communicate via Wi-Fi, and adjustments can be made on a touch screen or even remotely.

And who would have thought the term artificial intelligence (AI) would become part of the industrial laundry lexicon?

This constantly changing technology means changes to the jobs available for laundry employees and the skills required in the future.“We may see robotics taking a role in areas like sorting soil and folding with managers/supervisors relying […]

Advanced manufacturing can transform communities — when done right

Advanced manufacturing can transform communities — when done right

This story is a part of’s Advanced Manufacturing Month . See the full 2024 editorial calendar .

This is a guest post by Ken Malone, a cofounder and executive officer of Early Charm . The Baltimore-based company focuses on commercializing scientific advancements across industries and products.

For some, advanced manufacturing means integrating automation, robotics, AI and 3D printing to enhance efficiency, precision and customization. Others see it as producing cutting-edge technologies for clean energy, electronics and healthcare.While accurate, defining advanced manufacturing by its transformative social impact is more meaningful than by its processes or products.Envision facilities that are not just […]

QA Wolf secures $36M to grow its app QA-testing suite

QA Wolf secures $36M to grow its app QA-testing suite

Enterprise Image Credits: Olemedia / Getty Images Quality assurance in the app development world is a necessary, but often resource-draining, undertaking. According to Statista, 23% of companies’ annual IT budgets are allocated to in-house or third-party contracted QA and testing. The stakes are high. In a survey by QA software-testing company QualiTest Group, 88% of app users said that they’d abandon apps with bugs and glitches .

Jon Perl, Laura Cressman and Scott Wilson — software developers and marketers by trade — had the idea to create a platform, QA Wolf , to make QA for mobile and web apps […]

Where Will the New Jobs Come From?

Where Will the New Jobs Come From?


Reddit Flipboard Email Share Sign in the window of a cafe advertises that the business is hiring new staff. Humans, it seems, are always on the verge of obsolescence. There is no innovation without opposition from two groups: people who lose their jobs and people who think about mass unemployment and ask, “Where will the new jobs come from?” The devil is in the details, but at least in principle, redistribution should be able to win the first group’s assent. The second group of professional and amateur hand-wringers need to be persuaded. While economists cannot say with […]

Maria Savona Dpt. Economics and Finance, Luiss, IT

Maria Savona Dpt. Economics and Finance, Luiss, IT

PILLARS – Pathways to Inclusive Labour Markets

The impact of emerging digital automation technologies on employment

SPRU, University of Sussex, UKPartly based on work by: Tommaso Ciarli, UNU-MERIT, United Nations University & SPRU, University of Sussex Sugat Chaturvedi, Deyu Li, Önder Nomaler, Fabien Petit, Ekaterina Prytkova, University of Sussex SPRU – SCIENCE POLICY RESEARCH UNITTimeline of major digital innovations over the past 30 years (Jaccoud et al, 2023) SPRU – SCIENCE POLICY RESEARCH UNIT3 Emerging technologies Exposure Adoption What we do (I) Employment impacts SPRU – SCIENCE POLICY RESEARCH UNITTwo Key Outputs today• Emerging Digital Technologies (EDT) are not “AI” […]

How Automation and AI Will Transform Employment

How Automation and AI Will Transform Employment

The rapid advancement of automation and artificial intelligence (AI) technologies is poised to significantly transform the employment landscape. As machines and algorithms become increasingly capable of performing tasks traditionally done by humans, both the nature of work and the composition of the workforce are expected to undergo profound changes. While these technologies promise numerous benefits, including increased efficiency and productivity, they also raise concerns about job displacement, skill gaps, and the future of work. This article explores how automation and AI will transform employment, examining the potential impacts on various industries, the evolving skills required for the workforce, and […]

China’s Tech Leap & Its Unforeseen Future: A Peek into the Future of Tech

China's Tech Leap & Its Unforeseen Future: A Peek into the Future of Tech

China’s Tech Leap Future Glimpse Opening of a 24/7 robot factory in China raises several important issues and is a remarkable development. This innovative factory runs entirely on its own, using advanced robots and artificial intelligence to oversee production operations without the need for human participation. This signals a turning point in the manufacturing industry. The topic that needs to be addressed is how humanity will fare if robots handle everything in the future.

Effects on Human Race and Employment

The development of fully automated, 24/7 robot factories will immensely impact employment and the human race. Loss of employment […]

Why AI May Be Better for Latin America Than You Think

Why AI May Be Better for Latin America Than You Think

Reading Time: 5 minutes

BUENOS AIRES—“It is difficult to make predictions, especially about the future.” This quote, often attributed to Nobel Prize-winning physicist Niels Bohr, has never been more valid than when applied to the ongoing debate about AI and labor markets.

A few years ago, the consensus was clear. Automation would likely replace medium-skilled jobs , depress low-skilled wages due to competition from displaced middle-skilled workers, and widen the skill premium. This trend was exacerbated by the decline of jobs that require personal contact and the surge in remote work and e-commerce during the pandemic . As a result, low- […]

Guest opinion: Technological progress and increasing income inequality

Guest opinion: Technological progress and increasing income inequality

Photo supplied

Vijay Mathur

Technological change in the U.S. is essential for capitalism and the market economy to thrive in the globally competitive economy. Many economists and non-economists, including politicians and businesses executives, believe that technical change and automation improve production efficiency, save labor cost, and increase productivity and profits. There is also an understanding that workers will participate in productivity and profit increases in the form of higher employment and wages. Therefore, the share of productivity increase for workers will grow in addition to the increase in shares of profits and compensation for business executives, thus decreasing income inequality. However, […]