Why iPhone production isn’t coming to the United States

Why iPhone production isn’t coming to the United States

iPhone-6s batt Apple is not the top seller of smartphones in the world — not even close. It does, however, have the vast majority of smartphone profits in the world with an estimated 90%. The margins on Apple’s hardware are so large that it can out earn OEMs that sell several times as many phones. There’s been a lot of talk about encouraging the manufacturing of electronics in the US with the incoming Trump administration, but is it even feasible to build an iPhone in the US? If Apple built them in the US, would that really create many […]

Guaranteed income and tax equality: what the Swiss public said no to in 2016

Guaranteed income and tax equality: what the Swiss public said no to in 2016

Guaranteed income and tax equality: what the Swiss public said no to in 2016 The ideas they dismissed included a radical plan to provide a basic income of 2,500 francs for every Swiss resident, another suggesting that foreign criminals guilty of minor crimes should be deported , and the ‘AVSPlus’ initiative which called for a ten percent increase in pension payments .

The last to be rejected, in November, had proposed Switzerland begin its withdrawal from nuclear power in 2017 .

The popular initiative that came closest to winning the public over, put to the vote in February, called for tax […]

Finland will test ‘universal basic income’ for the unemployed in 2017 #NewsBeatWorld

Finland will test 'universal basic income' for the unemployed in 2017 #NewsBeatWorld

Not dim band Khmer previous session… Popular Let’s continue (if a broken leg injured quick ceramic packages). All three emerged to… Popular Sar Kheng clarification regarding the murder of Dr. Ley… Cambodian lawyer receives jail term for attempting to bribe judge

PHNOM PENH, Dec. 30 (FN) — A Cambodian court on Friday sentenced lawyer Pich Ratana to five years in prison, with three years of that suspended, for attempting to bribe a judge, according to a verdict. The lawyer was arrested by the government’s Anti-Corruption Unit (ACU) on May 31 in Phnom Penh after he allegedly […]

35 injured […]

How robots will change the workforce

SAN DIEGO: Thirty of the world’s top scientists are scheduled to meet at the University of California at San Diego in February to discuss the toughest challenges in robotics and automation, including how to make driverless cars safe for a mass audience.

The experts are being brought together by Henrik Christensen, the prominent Georgia Tech engineer who was hired in July to run UC San Diego’s young Contextual Robotics Institute.

Christensen said at the time, “I want to build a research institute that, ideally, will be in the top five in the world five years from now. Why not see if […]

The rise of artificial intelligence risks making us all redundant

The rise of artificial intelligence risks making us all redundant

Engineers in South Korea test a four-metre-tall humanoid manned robot dubbed Method-2 At the start of a new year, what is there to look forward to? According to predictions from think tanks and tech experts, advances in automation and artificial intelligence will threaten the jobs of millions of workers. The CEO of one company, Capgemini, goes further, predicting that AI will be one of the key factors dividing society into the haves and have-nots, with highly skilled engineers at the one end of the spectrum and low paid unqualified worker drones at the other, with nothing in between.

There will […]

BIEN Stories: Martine Mary Waltho

BIEN Stories: Martine Mary Waltho

Martine Mary Waltho (BIEN Life Member) – “My Basic Income Journey”

I first came across the idea of a basic income when I was at university in 1984. There was an article in a magazine; it might have been the New Society . It was written by a man who used to be a probation officer. I think this was Bill Jordan. The article was written in a clear and commonsense way. In this way the article took on a life of its own and acted as a discussion point.

Soon after this there were meetings at the Quaker Meeting […]

Microelectronics, Automation and Employment in the Automobile Industry

Microelectronics, Automation and Employment in the Automobile Industry

Teslas Model 3: Warum der Zeitplan heikel ist | Handelszeitung.ch

Impact of new electronic technology. microelectronics,. with a large share in automobile manufacturing plants.Automobile industry electric vehicle production, 195-196 employment projections,.Microelectronics, automation, and employment in the automobile industry. Automation and Employment in the Automobile Industry edited by S. Global Automotive Industry

The Changing Workplace, Manufacturing Workers and. microelectronics industry,.International Journal of Technology Management. microelectronics, automation. technological changes and outsourcing in the Japanese automobile industry:. Industrial Automation Robotics Symmetry Electronics and Fujitsu Microelectronics America Announce New. factory automation.Automotive World is a leading provider of automotive industry information.Working paper based on […]

Finland Implementing BASIC INCOME for Unemployed

Finland Implementing BASIC INCOME for Unemployed

I may be repeating some of the stuff in propaganda, but my reluctance here has a lot of merit. A livable UBI can work. It’s not the only answer by far:

Value human labor higher Tax the fucking robots Put people to work on public projects

Could come up with a few more pretty easy.A non livable one ends up being a market solution where markets aren’t well indicated.I don’t like the conflict of interest between human needs and markets very much at all.For things like food, yeah. Markets do work.Utilities? Hate them. People are often forced consumers in monopoly scenarios. […]

BIEN Stories: Toru Yamamori

BIEN Stories: Toru Yamamori

Photo taken by Stefan Pangritz at a solidarity meeting for the Swiss
referendum in January 2014 in Basel.

Toru Yamamori ( Basic Income News editor)
1. Encounter to the idea My encounter to the idea of a basic income was around 1991-2. I was involved in solidarity activism with a casual worker’s trade union, in which many of the members were homeless construction workers. Some left leaning intellectuals also came to show their solidarity from time to time, and one of them told me that what we need is the idea of ‘unconditional social income’ that was articulated […]

Don’t fear the robots; they won’t kill jobs

Don't fear the robots; they won't kill jobs

"Rogue One," the latest in the Star Wars franchise, has had mixed reviews but features one undisputed star: K-2SO , a gangly robot with the best lines.

Movies of the distant future always tap into current anxieties, and the latest alarm is that the robots are coming. Droids may not conquer the world, but they will take over its work – white-collar as well as blue-collar. Could these filmmakers know something we don’t?

Previous scares, such as when Time magazine reported on "the automation jobless" in the early 1960s, were just that. But many technology gurus insist that this time is […]