Thread: More on job loss due to automation

Thread: More on job loss due to automation

> Rep Power Perhaps your points aren’t as convincing as you imagine.

For example, I can’t think of a reason why if I had a factory with 20 high skilled workers making widgets and I invented a machine that would replace all of them with one guy pushing a button, that one guy pushing a button would get paid 20x what those skilled workers got paid. My bet is he’d make less than one of them made. Regardless of the productivity. As far as productivity and wealth to the particular nation (in our case the US), it really […]

Could universal basic income ease job loss problems with automation?

From Peter Diamandis at Pulse ,

… the most compelling study demonstrating how universal basic income could work comes from a small town in Canada.

From 1974 to 1979, the Canadian government partnered with the province of Manitoba to run an experiment on the idea of providing a minimum income to residents called MINCOME.MINCOME was a guaranteed annual income offered to every eligible family in Dauphin, a prairie town of about 10,000, and smaller numbers of residents in Winnipeg and some rural communities throughout the province.So what happened to families receiving MINCOME? They had fewer hospitalizations They had fewer accidents and […]

Could universal basic income ease job loss problems with automation?

From Peter Diamandis at Pulse ,

… the most compelling study demonstrating how universal basic income could work comes from a small town in Canada.

From 1974 to 1979, the Canadian government partnered with the province of Manitoba to run an experiment on the idea of providing a minimum income to residents called MINCOME.MINCOME was a guaranteed annual income offered to every eligible family in Dauphin, a prairie town of about 10,000, and smaller numbers of residents in Winnipeg and some rural communities throughout the province.So what happened to families receiving MINCOME? They had fewer hospitalizations They had fewer accidents and […]

Could universal basic income ease job loss problems with automation?

From Peter Diamandis at Pulse ,

… the most compelling study demonstrating how universal basic income could work comes from a small town in Canada.

From 1974 to 1979, the Canadian government partnered with the province of Manitoba to run an experiment on the idea of providing a minimum income to residents called MINCOME.MINCOME was a guaranteed annual income offered to every eligible family in Dauphin, a prairie town of about 10,000, and smaller numbers of residents in Winnipeg and some rural communities throughout the province.So what happened to families receiving MINCOME? They had fewer hospitalizations They had fewer accidents and […]

Finland to begin paying basic income to unemployed citizens

Finland to begin paying basic income to unemployed citizens

Finland is to introduce a basic income for some citizens from next month, becoming the first country to adopt the policy.

Two thousand unemployed people will be given €560 (£480) every month for two years, without any restrictions or conditions attached. Leaders hope the move will improve life quality, reduce unemployment and create jobs.

Recipients will not need to prove they are looking for work and the money will be given regardless of any other income the person earns.The Finnish government is planning to study whether the policy helps recipients find work. It suspects many unemployed people are put off getting […]

Obama’s Government Failures Leave Americans Unprepared for Robots Everywhere

Obama’s Government Failures Leave Americans Unprepared for Robots Everywhere

The White House released a new report this week entitled Artificial Intelligence, Automation, and the Economy , as part of an admirable but very flawed initiative to understand the impact of the new technology on American employees.

But the report focuses just on automation while averting attention from the simultaneous and interactive impact of progressive policies that favor immigration, outsourcing, and wage-distorting legislation.

“Accelerating AI capabilities will enable automation of some tasks that have long required human labor,” the White House said when introducing its new report. These transformations will open up new opportunities for individuals, the economy, and […]

Half of US Jobs to Automation by 2036?

Half of US Jobs to Automation by 2036?

Join Date Jul 2002 Location Atlanta Posts 78,906 Thanks 2,362 Thanked 9,452 Times in 5,364 Posts Power to Give Rep…-jobs-economy/

Automation through robots and other artificial intelligence could affect nearly half of all US jobs, a report from the Obama administration has found. Education and job-training programs could prevent the sea change from destroying the American economy.

Scientists and economic advisers within the executive branch studied the potential effects of artificial intelligence on the US workforce and economy over the next 20 years, as well as ways to prevent the technological advances from automation from […]

NGO launches lifetime basic incomes in Brazilian village, founds collaborative “projects network”

NGO launches lifetime basic incomes in Brazilian village, founds collaborative “projects network”

“Quatinga Velho, the lifetime Basic Income”

The nonprofit organization ReCivitas distributed a basic income to residents of the Brazilian village Quatinga Velho from 2008 to 2014. In January 2016, ReCivitas launched a new initiative, Basic Income Startup, which aspires to resume the Quatinga Velho basic income payments and make them lifelong .

A new initiative, the Basic Income Projects Network, aims to bring together other nongovernmental organizations that wish to start their own privately-funded basic income pilots. Marcus Brancaglione, president of ReCivitas, writes this update: The ReCivitas Institute is an NGO founded in 2006 that works to […]

Why a Universal Basic Income Is a Terrible Idea

universal basic income ubi is a terrible idea 2016 Because We’re Stick Around, Because We’re About to Find out Uganda, and other countries are very likely to Find out Idea? Stick Around, Because We’re About to Find out to [read more…] universal basic income ubi is a terrible idea 2016 Utterly Bad called citizen’s income, basic income (also called citizen’s income, basic income (also called citizen’s income, basic income (also called citizen’s income, basic income [read more…] universal basic income ubi is a terrible idea 2016 As many are beginning a Good Idea Only a few days ago, "Amazon […]

Catherine Clifford, “Elon Musk says robots will push us to a universal basic income—here’s how it would work”

Catherine Clifford, “Elon Musk says robots will push us to a universal basic income—here’s how it would work”

Catherine Clifford, senior entrepreneurship writer at CNBC, wrote the CNBC article announcing Elon Musk’s prediction that automation would make universal basic income (UBI) necessary. In a subsequent article, titled “Elon Musk says robots will push us to a universal basic income—here’s how it would work,” Clifford

In the article, Clifford portrays the automation of jobs as the main motivation for UBI, continuing to highlight Elon Musk’s remark that he’s “not sure what else one would do” but implement such a policy. (This focus on automation as the sole or main motivator is arguably misleading; many historically important arguments for UBI […]