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VIDEO: Basic Income panel at Stanford University, co-sponsored by White House and Chan Zuckerberg Initiative

VIDEO: Basic Income panel at Stanford University, co-sponsored by White House and Chan Zuckerberg Initiative

On November 29 and 30, the White House, the Stanford University Center on Poverty and Inequality, and the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative co-hosted the Summit on Poverty and Opportunity .

Held at Stanford, the event brought together “275 high-level players in technology, philanthropy, community service, government, and academia” to listen to and participate in a series of panel discussions on social and economic policy and the role of technology and big data.

The conference included a 40-minute panel on “The Future of Jobs and the Question of a Basic Income”: PANELISTS (from viewer’s left to right)– Sam Altman , president of the […]

White House: Basic Income Won’t Solve Robot Automation

White House: Basic Income Won't Solve Robot Automation

Robot automation will mean rethinking the social safety net to ensure American workers are protected against economic upheaval, a new White House report released Tuesday states. As companies switch to using artificial intelligence-powered machines instead of human workers, the U.S. government is considering how it should react to these changes. Other recommendations in the report include investing in A.I. to reap its benefits, and making sure Americans can train up for the jobs of the future.

Bad news for basic income fans, though. The report does not recommend the policy, which has become a common idea proposed by tech industry […]

Smith’s Falls council reverse the decision regarding Basic Income

Smith's Falls council reverse the decision regarding Basic Income

"We, the residents of Smiths Falls, demand that the Smiths Falls Town Council hold a re-vote on submitting an application for the Basic Income Pilot Project. We demand Town Council take into account the approval given by many residents of the town towards this project and that their new vote be based on science and evidence."

"We, the residents of Smiths Falls, demand that the Smiths Falls Town Council hold a re-vote on submitting an application for the Basic Income Pilot Project. We demand Town Council take into account the approval given by many residents of the town towards this […]

Is a Robot the ‘New Entrepreneur’?

Is a Robot the 'New Entrepreneur'?

Want to know the future? Humans are history. When it comes to work, robots and artificial intelligence (“A.I.”) are the future.

At least that’s what many people are saying, now that half our current workforce is estimated to be ripe for automation. Taking a step back, however, robotization in the workplace is certainly not something new. And, despite popular belief, robotization hasn’t been strictly limited to factory production lines.

Another misconception? When you look back throughout history, you can see that robotization isn’t new; there have been continuous advancements in automation, impacting industries, workers and entrepreneurs of all kinds. Want […]

New White House report addresses effect of AI on unemployment

New White House report addresses effect of AI on unemployment

Image: zrfphoto, Getty Images/iStockphoto On Tuesday, the US government continued a national conversation on the impact of artificial intelligence on the workforce.

The new White House report, Artificial Intelligence, Automation, and the Economy , serves as a follow-up to its October report, Preparing for the Future of Artificial Intelligence , which looked at the role of government in the development and implementation of artificial intelligence. It’s an effort by the US government to address the huge impact automation is currently having on jobs—which promises to be felt more deeply as artificial intelligence advances.

The report explores the history and impact of […]

Making Manufacturing Great Again Will Require A Two-Pronged Approach

Making Manufacturing Great Again Will Require A Two-Pronged Approach

Employment in manufacturing peaked in the late 1970s at over 19 million. Since then, despite occasional positive bumps, manufacturing employment has shown a long-term secular decline. Today, fewer than 13 million workers are employed in factory jobs. This long-run, large scale decline in employment is largely attributable to automation and the offshoring of jobs to low-wage countries. The workers most affected by these technological and global shifts are unfortunately those with the least skills, whose jobs are most susceptible to these causes of displacement. The Carrier deal that President-elect Trump pushed through prevented fewer than a thousand jobs from […]

Facebook’s Chris Hughes Pledges $10M For Universal Basic Income

Facebook’s Chris Hughes Pledges $10M For Universal Basic Income

Traders and financial professional work on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), December 20, 2016 in New York City. Since Nov. 8, the Dow has surged more than 8 percent and has posted 17 record closes as it continues to approach the 20,000 mark (Photo : Drew Angerer/Getty Images) Facebook co-founder Chris Hughes and other interested entrepreneurs and tech authorities have recently pledged $10 million in order to fund the research on universal basic income.

Everything is moving forward and technology most of all is getting highly advanced. The main factor when it comes to technology and […]

Survey Reveals Nearly 50% of Americans Favor a Universal Basic Income

Survey Reveals Nearly 50% of Americans Favor a Universal Basic Income

Promising Support

A small study was recently conducted to get an idea for how Americans feel about a universal basic income (UBI), a no-strings-attached, unconditional income given to individuals. The survey of 500 people was conducted by 50+1 Strategies and David Binder Research on behalf of the Economic Security Project . The results of the survey showed that 46 percent of respondents were in favor of the idea, along with 35 percent opposed and 19 percent undecided.

There has been a strong uptick in conversations about UBI recently, especially in the wake of some high-profile tests of the program being […]

Elon Musk believes universal basic income is inevitable

Elon Musk believes universal basic income is inevitable

Wherever you look, whatever you read and, to a degree, whatever you watch – whether it’s on the small screen or the big screen, drones, intelligent machines and robots appear to be the defacto workforce of the future.

As more and more jobs are replaced by technology – up to 45% of all of today’s jobs according to recent studies – people will have less work to do and will ultimately have to rely on more handouts from government. As a consequence, Elon Musk thinks that the implementation of a Universal Basic Income (UBI) is a highly likely outcome.

“There is […]

Jeff Opdyke – Basic Income Will Kill the Economy

Jeff Opdyke – Basic Income Will Kill the Economy

While sitting in his favorite hotel lobby in Bucharest, Romania, Opdyke was looking at his phone for the news for the day, while waiting around for none other than his girlfriend. He found a (supposedly) “non-partisan” article, written by an economist funded by the Economic Policy Institute. In the article, the economist claimed “higher wages are the solutions to America’s expanding reliance on payday lending.” Later, he found another article entitled “This robot-powered restaurant could put fast-food workers out of a job.”

By Opdyke’s estimation, these “two theses are mutually exclusive. They cannot coexist…I can promise, it’s not the position […]