Retooled Economies: Cynthia Estlund’s new book proposes strategies for a world in which automation could dramatically reduce employment

Retooled Economies: Cynthia Estlund’s new book proposes strategies for a world in which automation could dramatically reduce employment

In her recently published book, Automation Anxiety: Why and How to Save Work , Catherine A. Rein Professor of Law Cynthia Estlund delves into the potential for automation to lead to widespread job elimination. She foresees many possible futures, both with and without less work, and they range from deeply dystopian to humane and broadly appealing. It all depends on how we respond. Cynthia Estlund The book builds on a 2018 article that Estlund published in the Yale Law Journal titled “ What Should We Do After Work? Automation and Employment Law .” It discussed the much-debated prospect that […]

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