The Data Doesn’t Back Up That “Automation Creates Jobs” Theory

The Data Doesn’t Back Up That “Automation Creates Jobs” Theory

Fairly regularly, I receive pitches from companies talking about the benefits of automation, and how the streamlined workplace is nothing but beneficial for workers, who will be able to work faster and be happier. These companies tout that automation will “support you in becoming an innovative visionary” and “isn’t going to steal your job, it’s going to make it more fun.”

I’m a skeptic.

I’ll admit that data and stats don’t always tell the full story, but they can offer a few solid points of understanding to begin a discussion with. If we don’t turn to the facts about how automation […]

Will your job be automated? 70 percent of Americans say no

Will your job be automated? 70 percent of Americans say no


Three-quarters of Americans say it is at least "somewhat realistic" that robots and computers will eventually perform most of the jobs currently done by people. Roughly the same proportion worry that such an outcome will have negative consequences, such as worsening inequality. JOBS: Photo:

WASHINGTON (AP) — Most Americans believe their jobs are safe from the spread of automation and robotics, at least during their lifetimes. And only a handful says automation has cost them a job or loss of income.Still, a survey by the Pew Research Center also found widespread anxiety about the general impact of technological […]

Just how quickly will AI take your job?

Mother Jones writer Kevin Drum argues in a longish piece that AI improvement has gone exponential , and mass technological unemployment is nigh — if it isn’t starting already. So policymakers better start seriously considering a rich variety of responses: universal basic income, new taxes on smart robots, high taxes on rich humans, and AI-robot nationalization. It all certainly makes for interesting speculation. And stories about stunning advances, such as AlphaGo Zero, give such speculation a degree of weight.

But that’s as far as it goes, or at least should go. I wish Drum had given more time to experts […]

Yep, We Should Be Scared Of AI

They had invited me to talk about the technological singularity: the moment when computer intelligence surpasses human intelligence.

"Is it true?" they asked, brows furrowed. "Are the robots going to kill us all?"

"Very possibly," I replied. "But that’s not why we should be scared."Let me explain.First of all, we shouldn’t be scared of the thing the movies tell us to be scared of.We shouldn’t be scared of the Terminator or I, Robot. We shouldn’t be scared of the robots getting mad at us, or wanting revenge. Even if we are awful to them.We shouldn’t be scared of these things because, […]

Economic Growth Is No Longer Enough

Economic Growth Is No Longer Enough

As new technologies subject the world’s economies to massive structural change, wages are no longer playing the central redistributive role they once did. Unless the decoupling of productivity and wages is addressed, the political convulsions many countries are experiencing will only intensify.

MADRID – Macroeconomic data from the world’s advanced economies can be mystifying when viewed in isolation. But when analyzed collectively, the data reveal a troubling truth: without changes to how wealth is generated and distributed, the political convulsions that have swept the world in recent years will only intensify. Consider, for example, wages and employment. In the United […]

Will Artificial Intelligence and Automation be the cause of Human decline?

Will Artificial Intelligence and Automation be the cause of Human decline?

Technology is often considered as a boon for world as it makes task easier, quicker and it comes with new technological advancements. Artificial Intelligence and Automation is now seen in every sphere of life, whether in form of assistance or in form of smart industries but does it really beneficial to human beings? The answer is already given by many scientist and technocrats, the growing technology does not guarantee growing human development.

Increasing contribution of robotics in automation industry has already replaced the human labor which is becoming the reason for inequality and risk of political upheaval. Earlier where on […]

U.S. Employment Comparison 2017: Restaurant Jobs vs Manufacturing Jobs

U.S. Employment Comparison 2017: Restaurant Jobs vs Manufacturing Jobs


The shift to restaurant jobs vs manufacturing jobs represents a new American economy, one that may ultimately weaken the middle-class.

President Donald Trump ran his campaign on a promise to “Make American Great Again.” Embedded in that catchphrase was the veneration of an old America, one where the country made things. Trump extolled the virtues of American manufacturing and well-paid blue-collar jobs that allowed people with less education to rise up to the middle-class all the same.But the reality is that manufacturing is struggling to claw its way back to the prominent role it once filled in the American economy. […]

Automation: work, inequality, skills and jobs

Automation: work, inequality, skills and jobs

> Automation: inequality & skills Azeem Azhar, Exponential View Sign up to Exponential View at @azeem Presentation to All Party Parliamentary Group on AI, 16/10/2017 …in all markets -20 -15 -10 -5 0 Spain Italy RepublicofKorea UnitedStates Japan Australia Canada Germany France UnitedKingdom Changes in labour shares in G20 countries (plus Spain) — Advanced economies 1970-2014 Source: The Labor Share in G20 Economies, International Labor Organization, OECD, 2015 Leading to huge value per employee in superstar firms Source: Exponential View Analysis 0 7.5 15 22.5 30 GM Microsoft Facebook And the trend […]

Automation: work, inequality, skills and jobs

Automation: work, inequality, skills and jobs

> Automation: inequality & skills Azeem Azhar, Exponential View Sign up to Exponential View at @azeem Presentation to All Party Parliamentary Group on AI, 16/10/2017 …in all markets -20 -15 -10 -5 0 Spain Italy RepublicofKorea UnitedStates Japan Australia Canada Germany France UnitedKingdom Changes in labour shares in G20 countries (plus Spain) — Advanced economies 1970-2014 Source: The Labor Share in G20 Economies, International Labor Organization, OECD, 2015 Leading to huge value per employee in superstar firms Source: Exponential View Analysis 0 7.5 15 22.5 30 GM Microsoft Facebook And the trend […]

Automation: work, inequality, skills and jobs

Automation: work, inequality, skills and jobs

> Automation: inequality & skills Azeem Azhar, Exponential View Sign up to Exponential View at @azeem Presentation to All Party Parliamentary Group on AI, 16/10/2017 …in all markets -20 -15 -10 -5 0 Spain Italy RepublicofKorea UnitedStates Japan Australia Canada Germany France UnitedKingdom Changes in labour shares in G20 countries (plus Spain) — Advanced economies 1970-2014 Source: The Labor Share in G20 Economies, International Labor Organization, OECD, 2015 Leading to huge value per employee in superstar firms Source: Exponential View Analysis 0 7.5 15 22.5 30 GM Microsoft Facebook And the trend […]