Educational Seminar on AI Highlights Future Career Prospects for Students

A significant educational seminar titled “Artificial Intelligence: Serving Human Thought” took place on Friday, May 17, 2024, at 11:00 a.m. The event was hosted at the Conference Center of the Sacred Metropolis in Melissatika, under the auspices of the Secondary Education Directorate of Magnesia in collaboration with Education Consultants in Natural Sciences Konstantinos Panagiotou and Evangelos Diakoumis, and the University of Thessaly.

18 students from the 1st Gymnasium attended the seminar, mostly from the school’s robotics team, the 1st Gym Robotics Team. Faculty members including Deputy Directors Euthalia Sakkelariadou and Athina Panigyritziglou were also present. Their participation aimed to […]

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