AI and the Death of ‘Employment for Life’

AI and the Death of 'Employment for Life'

When AI brings about job losses and changes our careers, remember that we’ve been through this before, time and again.

There’s a fear that stalks artificial intelligence, and it’s spreading faster than any seasonal flu in a school filled with runny-nosed kids. Just mention AI to a small group of your peers and someone is sure to say, "But it’s going to put us out of work."

Yup, it’s going to put some — maybe many — people out of work. We can’t sugar-coat that fact. It stinks to lose a job.However, I want to offer some perspective based on my […]

This new approach to tech could bridge your morale dip

This new approach to tech could bridge your morale dip

Businesses need to shift from a model of ‘people supported by technology’ to one of ‘technology supported by people’ to keep up in the intelligent automation (IA) race.

According to new research, this will contribute to making employees happier and more productive.

Professor Ilan Oshri from the University of Auckland Business School participated in a KPMG study that looked at global experiences with IA, which includes artificial intelligence, machine learning and robotic process automation (RPA).Indeed, technology that can make decisions and interact at a “human-like level” is now a part of everyday life, such as virtual bank assistants and CT scans […]

‘Technology supported by people’ is the new business model

For happier (and more productive) employees, businesses need to shift from a model of ‘people supported by technology’ to one of ‘technology supported by people’ to keep up in the intelligent automation (IA) race.

Professor Ilan Oshri from the University of Auckland Business School participated recently in a KPMG study that looked at global experiences with IA. IA includes artificial intelligence, machine learning and robotic process automation (RPA) – technology that can make decisions, interact and learn at a human-like level was recently the province of sci-fi but is now a part of everyday life – think virtual bank assistants […]

The future of work is more human than you think

The future of work is more human than you think

Forget the job coach. If you really want to know how to future-proof your career, your best bet is the World Economic Forum (WEF) Future of Jobs Report 2018 .

The report confirmed most of the things we already knew: that automation and machine learning are set to create as many jobs as they displace , that the gig economy and flexible contract work will become standard, and that knowledge of data science is going to be a key differentiator in the job market over the next few years.

With more than two years having passed since the first Future of […]

Automation and Jobs: When Technology Boosts Employment

47 Pages Posted: 18 Mar 2017 Last revised: 28 Mar 2018 Abstract

Do industries shed jobs when they adopt new labor-saving technologies? Sometimes productivity-enhancing technology increases industry employment instead. In manufacturing, jobs grew along with productivity for a century or more; only later did productivity gains bring declining employment. What changed? Markets became saturated. While the literature on structural change provides reasons for the decline in the manufacturing share of employment, few papers can explain both the rise and subsequent fall. Using two centuries of data, a simple model of demand accurately explains the rise and fall of employment […]

A Future That Works: Automation, Employment And Productivity

A Future That Works: Automation, Employment And Productivity

A place for the discussion of automation, additive manufacturing, robotics, AI, and all the other tools we’ve created to enable a global paradise free of menial labor. All can share in our achievements in a world where food is produced, water is purified, and housing is constructed by machines.

Once, a long time ago, a shovel was a marvel of modern technology. Today, a shovel is $3.99 at the hardware store. Who says the same won’t happen with robotics ?

/r/3DPrinting /r/Aihub /r/AINotHuman /r/Anticonsumption /r/Antiwork /r/Arcology /r/Artificial /r/BasicIncome /r/Botsrights /r/CanadianFuturistParty […]

Universal Income, Incentives and Well-Being

Universal Income, Incentives and Well-Being

Photo: iStock/Getty Images

Marx objected to the 19th-century Speenhamland revision to the Elizabethan Poor Laws—which was a top-up grant regardless of income—because it would incentivize employers to lower wages, and Marxists are big believers in labor (versus leisure or capital) as the source of economic value.

Interest in a guaranteed income arose in the 1960s wave of “cybernetics” (man-plus-machine automation) and the debate over whether the modern economy was evolving from labor to leisure and away from full employment. It has re-emerged in this era of artificial intelligence and robotics in the grander-sounding “universal basic income” (UBI) which risks metastasizing […]

Robots to make robots at ABB’s new $150 million factory in China

FILE PHOTO: Humanoid robot YuMi conducts the Lucca Philharmonic Orchestra performing a concert alongside Italian tenor Andrea Bocelli (unsee By John Miller

ZURICH (Reuters) – Robots will make robots at a new ABB factory in China, which the Swiss engineering group said on Saturday it plans to build for $150 million in Shanghai as it defends its place as the country’s largest maker of industrial robots.

The factory, located near ABB’s China robotics campus, is due to be operating by the end of 2020 and will produce robots for China as well as for export elsewhere in Asia. China is ABB’s […]

The Catholic view on a contactless world

The Catholic view on a contactless world

With workers being replaced by machines, Fr Stephen Reilly suggests how best to respond

THE UK government is reportedly considering enlisting Britain’s postal workers to check in on lonely elderly people, chat to them and link them in with local community support.

This laudable initiative is a response to government surveys showing that three quarters of GPs see between one and five patients a day who are suffering loneliness.Meanwhile, earlier this year Amazon opened an entirely automated grocery store, Amazon Go, in Seattle. Closer to home, a greater proportion of tills are automatic, and supermarkets are considering scan-as-you-shop, to eliminate […]

Would Illinois prosper with Pritzker as governor?

Would Illinois prosper with Pritzker as governor?

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I don’t usually comment on politics, but with the election nearing I just can’t sit on the sidelines and watch, so here goes. I don’t believe the claim by some columnists that Illinois would be better off with J.B. Pritzker as governor.

There are multiple reasons I am supporting Bruce Rauner instead, but let’s talk economics. I don’t think Illinois would prosper with Pritzker as governor. I don’t think it prospered with Democrats Rod Blagojevich and Pat Quinn as governors. Did it feel like Illinois was prospering under them? It didn’t to me. Was this area booming under […]