Think You Have Your Career All Figured Out? Think Again

Think You Have Your Career All Figured Out? Think Again

Shutterstock As you’re probably aware, the industry you’re currently working in could be at risk due to the future of technology.

These technological advancements will change job descriptions and roles in the workplace, and some positions may become obsolete. However, nothing will happen overnight. According to research , 47% of U.S. employment and professions are at risk. You can go to this website and enter your current or anticipated profession and see what the risks are and what the future growth will be.

In my many years as a career transitions coach, I’ve assisted thousands of multi-level and multi-functional professionals in […]

TECH EXPERT: People who fear robots taking their jobs ‘lack imagination’

TECH EXPERT: People who fear robots taking their jobs 'lack imagination'

Dr Catherine Ball. (Source: Vivid Sydney, supplied) There’s been much talk about whether the rise of intelligent robots, machine learning and artificial intelligence has the potential for social and economic unrest, by leaving millions or even billions of humans without jobs.

Oxford University professor of globalisation and former World Bank vice president Ian Goldin told Business Insider in May that emerging technologies could trigger a “rapid widening of inequality” as many groups find it increasingly difficult to secure “decent jobs”.

However, one tech expert disagrees with this view – and says those that are anxious for their jobs have an irrational […]

Looking Out: The future we can’t ignore

Nesi Alteras self-driving cars Industrial Revolution automation computer programs Steve Mnuchin unemployment insurance universal basic income 40-hour workweek There are currently multiple companies that have created computer programs capable of replacing a team of lawyers and paralegals with a computer program and a few lawyers. There are firms that are testing programs capable of doing project management jobs in many contexts. You have probably unwittingly read a newspaper article written by a bot . Self-driving cars are not a fantasy or a product of science fiction: they are here, driving around Pittsburgh and from coast to coast .

This is […]

Manufacturing needs workers with multi-disciplinary skills

Manufacturing needs workers with multi-disciplinary skills

Tharman blasts HR in Budget attack on ageism HR leaders have been urged by Deputy PM Tharman Shanmugaratnam to stop their “unstated discrimination” against older workers looking for jobs.

Are you asking illegal interview questions? Have you ever asked a job applicant how old they are? If you have, you might be breaking the law. A leading Singapore employment lawyer looks at which interview questions could land you in hot water.

The manufacturing sector, which makes up one-fifth of the Singapore economy, grew 8.1% year-on-year in the second quarter after growing 8.5% in the first.Employment has been […]

TECH EXPERT: People who fear robots taking their jobs ‘lack imagination’

TECH EXPERT: People who fear robots taking their jobs 'lack imagination'

Dr Catherine Ball. (Source: Vivid Sydney, supplied) There’s been much talk about whether the rise of intelligent robots, machine learning and artificial intelligence has the potential for social and economic unrest, by leaving millions or even billions of humans without jobs.

Oxford University professor of globalisation and former World Bank vice president Ian Goldin told Business Insider in May that emerging technologies could trigger a “rapid widening of inequality” as many groups find it increasingly difficult to secure “decent jobs”.

However, one tech expert disagrees with this view – and says those that are anxious for their jobs have an irrational […]

Gerdy: A Workforce Trifecta in the Lynchburg Construction Industry

Gerdy: A Workforce Trifecta in the Lynchburg Construction Industry

Small contractors, manufacturers and similar businesses across the country are finding it increasingly difficult to find people qualified for highly skilled trades jobs. Over the last three or four decades, we have all witnessed manufacturing jobs being outsourced to countries with large poorly paid and often abused workforces. Minimal regulations and sometimes absence of any industry oversight creates opportunities to produce products at a fraction of the cost of producing them in the United States. Outsourcing combined with the fact that automation has eliminated thousands of more jobs has created challenges for both businesses and employees. Businesses are often […]

Robots can create, not eliminate, jobs, says UN report

Robots can create, not eliminate, jobs, says UN report

NEW DELHI: Do robots steal jobs and leave people poorer? We recommend this video to you-US

BABA NETWORK LTD. TAP TO WATCH China has the second largest army of industrial robots today, and its real wages have increased about 1.5 times in the past 10 years. In both Germany and Mexico, increasing automation has created more jobs, a United Nations report released on Thursday says. "…it is interesting to note that some countries where robot density is large, including Germany and the Republic of (South) Korea, as well as countries where the accumulation of robots has been rapid, such as […]

How Singapore is preparing for jobs of the future

How Singapore is preparing for jobs of the future

Mrs Josephine Teo, Minister in the Prime Minister’s Office and Second Minister for Manpower and Home Affairs, spoke on Jobs of 2037 at the Milken Institute Asia Summit yesterday:

Future-gazing is an inherently risky enterprise.

Before 1997, who would have thought Asia was headed for a financial crisis? Just three years later, the bubble burst almost as quickly as it built up. I remember the shock of the Sept 11 attacks the following year, and the terrifying Sars epidemic of 2003.In more recent times, we’ve witnessed a global financial crisis, the Arab Spring and the Brexit vote.None of these […]

Education reform: Why role of regulator, service provider and policy maker must be separated

Education reform: Why role of regulator, service provider and policy maker must be separated

The massive regulatory cholesterol in higher education was justified saying “there are not enough colleges”, “not everybody can afford private colleges”, “it is very hard to measure the quality of a college”, and “consumer choice is often restricted by geography”. (PTI) Government regulations are justified in the name of creating public goods (assets where private sector animal spirits alone are not enough), controlling externalities (reducing costs imposed by somebody on everybody), reducing information asymmetry (protecting uninformed consumers) and ending monopolies (giving consumers choice). The massive regulatory cholesterol in higher education was justified saying “there are not enough colleges”, “not […]

Raising Wages to Help Workers Could Actually Help Robots Replace Them

Raising Wages to Help Workers Could Actually Help Robots Replace Them

Jamie Jones/Getty Images Unions and pro-labor groups around the world campaign for higher minimum wages and stronger job-protection laws. Last year, seven U.S. states including California and New York approved future increases in their hourly minimums to $12 or more. Two new economic studies say such changes can also help machines take jobs from human workers.

A working paper distributed by the National Bureau for Economic Research last month leans on historical data to suggest that minimum-wage hikes increase the chances some low-skilled workers will be replaced by machines. A separate study of 14 advanced economies found that the balance […]