Workplace automation favors machine over manpower

Workplace automation favors machine over manpower

Photo Courtesy of I4U News Jose Rodriguez

Automated systems are part of our everyday life workforce, from manufacturing to self-checkouts in a supermarket. The implementation of said systems replaces human workforce members, generating worries each time new technologies are introduced.
Recently Amazon introduced its new convenience store “Amazon Go,” which is said to open early this year in Seattle, WA. This store promises to provide shoppers with a simple shopping experience without lines, checkouts or registers, all thanks to machine learning, computer vision and artificial intelligence according to Amazon.As these new technologies are introduced, questions and fears about the future […]

Stop robots from stealing our jobs: Your Say

Stop robots from stealing our jobs: Your Say

Letter to the editor:

Mark Cuban and Bill Gates are correctly predicting that robots will continue to replace human workers.

This trend will not only have negative effects on job security and employment but also decrease tax revenue for federal and state government. It’s time to consider a “robot tax” on each robot that equals the income taxes lost when a human worker is replaced. Jim Swab; Kalispell, Mont. Facebook comments are edited for clarity and grammar: Automation is either going to lead to permanent high unemployment, or we need to shorten the workweek so more people share the same […]

We Need to Prepare for the 5G Jobs Apocalypse

We Need to Prepare for the 5G Jobs Apocalypse

My taxi driver in San Diego had a plan. He was moving to Laredo to get back into long-distance trucking. He’d work hard for 10 years, save a couple of hundred grand, and retire to Mexico. I did the math: that put him around 2028. He might just make it before all the trucking jobs go away .

At Qualcomm last week, Cristiano Amon, president of Qualcomm CDMA Technologies, extolled the virtues of the upcoming "5G economy," painting a picture of autonomous vehicles, smart cities, and ubiquitous augmented and virtual reality.

ADVERTISING inRead invented by Teads "It’s going to be […]

Are Robots Taking Over Our Jobs? Mark Cuban Warns About Machines, AI Leading To Lower Employment

Are Robots Taking Over Our Jobs? Mark Cuban Warns About Machines, AI Leading To Lower Employment

Businessman and Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban turned to Twitter to warn about robots’ threat to unemployment.

“Automation is going to cause unemployment and we need to prepare for it,” Cuban said Sunday. The tweet also included a link to warnings about artificial intelligence from tech leaders, including Tesla CEO Elon Musk, Bill Gates and Stephen Hawking .

Cuban didn’t elaborate on the subject, but in a recent interview with CNBC he said President Donald Trump and his administration don’t understand technology advancements in machine learning and artificial intelligence. Cuban is a strong critic of Trump and had endorsed his opponent, […]

Manufacturing Support: The Industrial Sector In The Trump Era

Manufacturing Support: The Industrial Sector In The Trump Era

After his inauguration, Donald Trump rode into the White House on a wave of manufacturing support. In a September 2016 debate , Trump claimed that the US was “losing jobs to other countries at a higher rate than ever” as a result of trade deal after trade deal with foreign powers, promising to bring back manufacturing jobs and save the floundering sector. In a June 2016 speech , he used the words of George Washington, Alexander Hamilton, and Abraham Lincoln to cast the manufacturing sector as the lifeblood of the American nation. It was a powerful appeal to his […]

Bill Gates wants Governments to Tax Robots who are taking Human Jobs

Bill Gates wants Governments to Tax Robots who are taking Human Jobs

The world’s richest man and techno-optimist, Bill Gates believes robots who are taking human jobs need to pay their share in taxes. He said that governments should tax companies’ use of robots as a way to at least temporarily slow the spread of automation and to fund other types of employment.

In an interview with Quartz ‘ Editor-in-Chief, Kevin Delaney , the Microsoft co-founder, one of the leading players in artificial-intelligence technology, said: If robots are going to take over human jobs, that means fewer people will be working, which in turn means fewer people will be paying taxes.

And […]

Bill Gates: ‘Robot tax’ could help train human workers for new jobs

Bill Gates: 'Robot tax' could help train human workers for new jobs

Dive Brief:

Governments should tax companies that use robots, using those funds for worker training programs in other employment areas, said Bill Gates, in a recent interview with Quartz .

The Microsoft co-founder says a robot tax could help manage the job displacement expected from automation. "You cross the threshold of job replacement of certain activities all sort of at once," Gates said. The idea is that those individuals displaced from work by automation could be redirected or retrained to do jobs that are difficult to automate because they require a human touch, like providing care to the elderly […]

Bill Gates Calls For Robotics Tax To Offset Jobs Lost To Automation And Fund Other Types Of Employment

Bill Gates Calls For Robotics Tax To Offset Jobs Lost To Automation And Fund Other Types Of Employment

Yes, really. Quartz reports : Robots are taking human jobs. But Bill Gates believes that governments should tax companies’ use of them, as a way to at least temporarily slow the spread of automation and to fund other types of employment. It’s a striking position from the world’s richest man and a self-described techno-optimist who co-founded Microsoft, one of the leading players in artificial-intelligence technology. In a recent interview with Quartz, Gates said that a robot tax could finance jobs taking care of elderly people or working with kids in schools, for which needs are unmet and to which […]

Tyler Cowen: History says automation won’t be painless

Tyler Cowen: History says automation won't be painless

The Industrial Revolution initially cut wages by about 10%, according to estimates, and the transition lasted 60 to 70 years. The shift out of agricultural jobs aided humanity but it was bumpy, and increased automation probably will carry similar displacements.

"Why should it be different this time?" That’s the most common response when I raise concerns about automation and the future of jobs, and it’s a pretty simple rejoinder. The Western world managed the shift out of agricultural jobs into industry, and continued to see economic growth. So will not the jobs being displaced now by automation and artificial intelligence […]

Haunted by a future work shortage, Europe grapples with robots laws


A growing number of policymakers, lawyers and economists in Europe are beginning to face up to the job-eating threat of automation, with the Finnish government trialling a basic monthly income for the unemployed, while French socialist candidate Benoit Hamon has given a tax on robots a policy platform in his presidential campaign.

Proposals to give robot workers legal status and make their owners pay social security for them were debated – and ultimately rejected – by MEPs last week. However, they did back an ethical framework for robot development and deployment and liability for the actions of robots, including self-driving […]