Time to adapt to an automated future

Time to adapt to an automated future

CAI MENG/CHINA DAILY The tsunami of technological innovation will continue to change profoundly how we live and work, and how our societies operate. In what is now called the Fourth Industrial Revolution, technologies that are coming of age-such as robotics, nanotechnology, virtual reality, 3D printing, the Internet of Things, artificial intelligence and advanced biology-will converge. And as these technologies continue to be developed and widely adopted, they will bring about radical shifts in all disciplines, industries and economies-in the way that individuals, companies and societies produce, distribute, consume and dispose of goods and services.

These developments have given rise to […]

42% Of Canadian Jobs At High Risk Of Being Affected By Automation, New Study Suggests

42% Of Canadian Jobs At High Risk Of Being Affected By Automation, New Study Suggests

Jobs at risk from automation More than 40 per cent of the Canadian workforce is at high risk of being replaced by technology and computers in the next two decades, according to a new report out Wednesday. The Brookfield Institute for Innovation + Entrepreneurship at Toronto’s Ryerson University said in its report that automation previously has been restricted to routine, manual tasks. However, breakthroughs in artificial intelligence and advanced robotics now means that automation is moving into “cognitive, non-routine tasks and occupations, such as driving and conducting job interviews.” ​Labour force is operating at two speeds

The report […]

Janet Street-Porter: What happens when robots take over nurses’ jobs

Images of trolleys laden with suffering people in corridors, old people hooked up to drips on beds in cupboards — not pictures emerging from Syria, but the latest crisis to hit the NHS.

Waiting times in A&E are unacceptable, with hospitals operating at full capacity; dozens of beds are occupied by people who have nowhere else to go.

When even the Health Secretary — the normally unflappable Mr Positive, Jeremy Hunt — admits things are problematic, it’s probably not the best time to publish a report claiming that robots could take over nurses’ jobs.According to experts at the independent think tank […]

Automation can revitalize the U.S. workforce

Automation can revitalize the U.S. workforce

In the face of growing workplace automation, a number of commentators have painted a grim future for American workers. But most human capital leaders see a much brighter future— one where automation helps revitalize U.S. manufacturing and increases the demand for skilled workers.

According to global talent management firm Randstad Sourceright’s survey of over 400 corporate HR leaders, automation and robotics are likely to have a positive impact on U.S. business growth in 2017, and will be one of the driving forces behind new hiring trends over the next several years.

Regardless of how you feel about robots, the move toward […]

How being replaced by a machine turned this graphic artist into an activist

How being replaced by a machine turned this graphic artist into an activist

Enlarge / Robots are coming for your job. Rog01 – Flickr Maybe we shouldnt allow robots to be used right away in industries whose workers are not ready to be replaced right away.
If for example a trucking company intends to replace it’s drivers, theer should be a waiting period of five years so that the truck drivers can transition to another industry and that is with assistance since once the robots come in, the company is going to save a lot of money anyway.
As for driverless cars for private use only and not commercial use, then let […]

How The Coming Wave Of Job Automation Will Affect You

How The Coming Wave Of Job Automation Will Affect You

Submitted by David Galland via The Passing Parade

One of the more interesting mental exercises related to predicting the future involves trying to fathom the impact the rise of robots will have on humanity.

We can be quite sure that in the proverbial blink, robots will be doing all the war fighting . After that, what’s the point? But does that then lead to the sort of robotic apocalypse so well envisioned in Terminator ?I also suspect it’s only a matter of time before the idea of sex bots goes from being an “eew” sort of thing to a […]

Robots can’t solve the crisis in the NHS – we still need workers with empathy

Robots can't solve the crisis in the NHS – we still need workers with empathy

Nurses on the frontline of the health service have empathy with patients. Could ‘chatbots’ really replace them? Images of trolleys laden with suffering people in corridors, old people hooked up to drips on beds in cupboards – not pictures emerging from Syria, but the latest crisis to hit the NHS .

Waiting times in A&E are unacceptable, with hospitals operating at full capacity; dozens of beds are occupied by people who have nowhere else to go. When even the Health Minister – the normally unflappable Mr Positive, Jeremy Hunt – admits things are problematic, it’s probably not the best time […]

Technobabble: Automation and the modern worker

Technobabble: Automation and the modern worker

Technobabble is our look at the weird, wonderful and wildly creative aspects of technology and the tech industry. If you have any babble, feel free to email directly or reach out on Twitter .

For decades, pundits have discussed the plight of the American worker. Without fail, as technology has advanced and become more automated, some workers have been displaced.

Take the assembly line, for example. Workers en masse were employed to ensure every part of the manufacturing process kept up with industry standards. But as machines entered into the assembly line, work became automated and fewer employees were required, […]

How Robots Helped Create 100,000 Jobs at Amazon

How Robots Helped Create 100,000 Jobs at Amazon

amazon robots Accelerating technology has been creating a lot of worry over job loss to automation, especially as machines become capable of doing things they never could in the past. A recent report released by the McKinsey Global Institute estimated that 49 percent of job activities could currently be fully automated —that equates to 1.1 billion workers globally.

What gets less buzz is the other side of the coin: automation helping to create jobs. Believe it or not, it does happen, and we can look at one of the world’s largest retailers to see that.

Thanks in part to more robots […]

Tech Tent: Robots, radio and Indian phones

Tech Tent: Robots, radio and Indian phones

Stream the latest Tech Tent episode on the BBC website This week we roam far and wide in our search the top trends in tech, from the history of robots, to a huge battle for dominance in the Indian mobile phone market, and an innovative way of interacting with your radio. The exhibition shows off both old and new robots Robots and jobs

This week a major exhibition on the history of robots opened at London’s Science Museum. It tracks our relationship with humanoid devices form the 16th century right up to the present day, where robots embedded with […]