Report: Automation Threatens Jobs, But Not Necessarily Employment

Report: Automation Threatens Jobs, But Not Necessarily Employment

Economists long worried about the impact of increasingly sophisticated industrial technology on the manufacturing workforce.

A newly released report, however, suggests that widespread unemployment due to automation appears unlikely — and notes that the global economy went through similar overhauls before.

"As processes are transformed by the automation of individual activities, people will perform activities that complement the work that machines do, and vice versa," researchers from the McKinsey Global Institute wrote in their report, titled "A future that works: Automation, employment, and productivity." The analysis argued that any forecast regarding automation, robotics or artificial intelligence should look not at individual […]

Fears that robots are coming for all our jobs are overdone, says McKinsey

Fears that robots are coming for all our jobs are overdone, says McKinsey

The robots are not really taking over Fears that robots are coming for all our jobs are overdone, and the automation of the workplace will take far longer than some are predicting to arrive.

That’s according to consulting firm McKinsey & Co., which on Tuesday published a report finding that, even as automation becomes more common, humans will still be needed to work alongside new technologies.

See: The robots are coming for your investments — why that might not be a bad thing “While much of the current debate about automation has focused on the potential for mass unemployment, predicated […]

Time to get real about automation and the future of work

Time to get real about automation and the future of work

My colleagues and I have written extensively about the mounting evidence that a bachelor’s degree is an essential educational credential for job security in the 21st century workforce, but whenever we do I brace for caustic feedback from skeptics in the comments section.

Our critics often point to the economic stability they enjoy because they were trained for a high-paying skilled trade jobs as evidence that we’re dead wrong about the value of a college education. But here’s the thing: The work landscape they knew yesterday -and know today -is rapidly changing, and only those who are brave and smart […]

McKinsey Study: Current Tech Could Automate Half of Paid Jobs Worldwide

McKinsey Study: Current Tech Could Automate Half of Paid Jobs Worldwide

A new study from McKinsey Global Institute estimates nearly half of activities employees carry out in the world’s workforce at approximately $16 trillion in wages could be automated with the use of currently demonstrated technologies.

McKinsey Global Institute said Thursday the report on “A future that works: Automation, employment, and productivity” has estimated automation to raise productivity growth by 1.4 percent annually.

The report says every occupation has the potential for partial automation and the opportunities most susceptible to automation include physical ones in manufacturing, food service and retail trades.The report added that expansion of robotics, artificial intelligence and machine learning […]

Young people must be protected from automation

Young people must be protected from automation

Cross-posted from The Conversation :

As technology advances and changes our economy, young jobseekers will bear the brunt of changes in the labour market. With the increasing automation of jobs traditionally occupied by young workers and professionals, a whole generation could face a dystopian future if policymakers fail to act.

A report by the Committee for Economic Development of Australia argues that a new wave of automation is allowing machines to “replicate aspects of human thought” . Classical economists as far back as Adam Smith argued that technological advancements and economic change go hand in hand , but the latest […]

Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella gets the message about AI’s down side for jobs

Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella gets the message about AI’s down side for jobs

Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella talks about the “upscaling” effect of AI at the DLD tech conference in Munich. (DLD via YouTube) Experts on employment trends have long raised concerns about how job markets are being disrupted so quickly by artificial intelligence and automation are disrupting the job market, and now it sounds as if Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella shares those concerns.

Nadella has made AI one of the pillars of Microsoft’s future growth . But during today’s fireside chat at the DLD tech conference in Munich, he acknowledged that the technology comes with moral imperatives attached. It’s not enough to […]

Television First–Tucker Carlson And Thomas Friedman Talk About Immigration And Automation

Television First–Tucker Carlson And Thomas Friedman Talk About Immigration And Automation

Tucker Carlson interviewed New York Times columnist Tom Friedman a few days ago about his new book, “ Thank You for Being Late: An Optimist’s Guide to Thriving in the Age of Accelerations . ” The discussion was about technology, which is the cause of the accelerations from the book title.

Carlson has a new prime-time show on Fox News, and he has apparently been given a degree of freedom about topics to explore, although he has not hit immigration much thus far. On the morning show he once inhabited, he showed a fair amount of interest in mass immigration […]

Equipping Employees to Keep up with Technological Change

Equipping Employees to Keep up with Technological Change

A recent article in The Economist discusses the topic of the need for people, in particular employees, to continue learning due to the change in technology in society. Among other pertinent points made, the article quickly points out the role automation played in the demand for knowledgeable college graduates. The author posits that technology advancements call for another ‘revolution’ in education; continuous education.

According to the article, the classic model of education—a burst at the start and top-ups through company training—is no longer enough. The ever-increasing advancements in technology require a matching need for new, and constantly updated, skills. Manufacturing […]

Blame Displacement Of Jobs On Automation Not Offshoring And Immigration

Blame Displacement Of Jobs On Automation Not Offshoring And Immigration

Each weekday, we present to you the Digital Media / Digital Marketing , news and slanting TV ads followed by BLIVEHUBTV , an organization that lists, labels and measures action around TV advertisements continuously.

The new wave of automation

As the world market continues to reach unprecedented levels of artificial intelligence and technological advances in robotics, we must at the same time reach an agreement with the fact that our technology has a fundamental understanding of what is being challenged. The technology was once regarded as a tool, it promoted the progress of mankind. Today, technology threatens the employment and job […]

Here Is How Entrepreneurs Can Help Create Real, High-Value Jobs

Here Is How Entrepreneurs Can Help Create Real, High-Value Jobs

Every job is valuable to the person who holds it, but just bringing on more people does not make our companies or our economy healthier. Entrepreneurs do best if they create jobs that are both high-value and real.

The conversation on job creation is both energetic and confusing: energetic because job creation is a major challenge of our time and a political hot button. It’s confusing because the language is sloppy, and the underlying dynamics of job creation are not straightforward.

Consider the value of a job on two dimensions. One dimension is the value of a job to the employee. […]