Why iPhone production isn’t coming to the United States

Why iPhone production isn’t coming to the United States

iPhone-6s batt Apple is not the top seller of smartphones in the world — not even close. It does, however, have the vast majority of smartphone profits in the world with an estimated 90%. The margins on Apple’s hardware are so large that it can out earn OEMs that sell several times as many phones. There’s been a lot of talk about encouraging the manufacturing of electronics in the US with the incoming Trump administration, but is it even feasible to build an iPhone in the US? If Apple built them in the US, would that really create many […]

How robots will change the workforce

SAN DIEGO: Thirty of the world’s top scientists are scheduled to meet at the University of California at San Diego in February to discuss the toughest challenges in robotics and automation, including how to make driverless cars safe for a mass audience.

The experts are being brought together by Henrik Christensen, the prominent Georgia Tech engineer who was hired in July to run UC San Diego’s young Contextual Robotics Institute.

Christensen said at the time, “I want to build a research institute that, ideally, will be in the top five in the world five years from now. Why not see if […]

Microelectronics, Automation and Employment in the Automobile Industry

Microelectronics, Automation and Employment in the Automobile Industry

Teslas Model 3: Warum der Zeitplan heikel ist | Handelszeitung.ch

Impact of new electronic technology. microelectronics,. with a large share in automobile manufacturing plants.Automobile industry electric vehicle production, 195-196 employment projections,.Microelectronics, automation, and employment in the automobile industry. Automation and Employment in the Automobile Industry edited by S. Global Automotive Industry

The Changing Workplace, Manufacturing Workers and. microelectronics industry,.International Journal of Technology Management. microelectronics, automation. technological changes and outsourcing in the Japanese automobile industry:. Industrial Automation Robotics Symmetry Electronics and Fujitsu Microelectronics America Announce New. factory automation.Automotive World is a leading provider of automotive industry information.Working paper based on […]

Don’t fear the robots; they won’t kill jobs

Don't fear the robots; they won't kill jobs

"Rogue One," the latest in the Star Wars franchise, has had mixed reviews but features one undisputed star: K-2SO , a gangly robot with the best lines.

Movies of the distant future always tap into current anxieties, and the latest alarm is that the robots are coming. Droids may not conquer the world, but they will take over its work – white-collar as well as blue-collar. Could these filmmakers know something we don’t?

Previous scares, such as when Time magazine reported on "the automation jobless" in the early 1960s, were just that. But many technology gurus insist that this time is […]

Automation: The Real Job Killer of American Manufacturing.

Part 1 of a 2 part series for the Good Men Project .

I am an optimistic believer in the possibility of an America which can move forward unified, despite the differences we have in race, class, education, the list goes on ad infinitum. But first, I need to try to understand the people who I did not agree with on Election Day. This section of the population I may have little in common with on a core issue that does not directly affect me. A healthy future depends on how well we try to understand one another regardless […]

How Robots Will Change The Workforce

How Robots Will Change The Workforce

Thirty of the world’s top scientists are scheduled to meet at the University of California at San Diego in February to discuss the toughest challenges in robotics and automation, including how to make driverless cars safe for a mass audience.

The experts are being brought together by Henrik Christensen, the prominent Georgia Tech engineer who was hired in July to run UC San Diego’s young Contextual Robotics Institute.

Christensen said at the time, "I want to build a research institute that, ideally, will be in the top five in the world five years from now. Why not see if we can […]

Automation: The Real Job Killer of American Manufacturing

Automation: The Real Job Killer of American Manufacturing

I am an optimistic believer in the possibility of an America which can move forward unified, despite the differences we have in race, class, education, the list goes on ad infinitum. But first, I need to try to understand the people who I did not agree with on Election Day. This section of the population, I may have little in common with on a core issue that does not directly affect me. A healthy future depends on how well we try to understand one another regardless of our differences.

In this two part series, I set out to explore job […]

Chart: Amazon robots on the rise, gaining slowly but steadily on human workforce

Chart: Amazon robots on the rise, gaining slowly but steadily on human workforce

Amazon’s workforce has exploded in recent years, more than doubling since the end of 2014, when it employed 154,000 people. As of the latest count , there were 306,000 employees working worldwide for the Seattle tech giant.

But another group is growing at an even faster rate than the company’s human workforce: the number of robots working alongside people in Amazon fulfillment centers. The company said this week that it has 45,000 “robotic units” operating in 20 distribution centers working with people to fill and ship customer orders.

The number is up 50 percent from the 30,000 bots that Amazon reported […]

The Social Contract Spotlights Automation and Immigration

The Social Contract Spotlights Automation and Immigration

A few months ago, I worked with The Social Contract quarterly to produce an issue with a section discussing the topic of how automation affects America’s need for immigration. The result was the Fall 2016 issue, subtitled “When Robots Replace Humans.”

After writing dozens of blogs for LimitsToGrowth.org about rapidly advancing automation , robots and computer software , my aim was to produce a series of basic articles that would introduce the subject as a whole to readers who might not have realized the effect of technology on today’s workplace. Many people understand that automation is a growing element […]

Will your job be automated? Nearly half in Idaho will be in the next 20 years

Will your job be automated? Nearly half in Idaho will be in the next 20 years

The robots haven’t taken over — yet.

Technology already is changing work force and how jobs are done throughout industries. The state may be a long way out from life as portrayed on “The Jetsons,” but one study projects that many jobs are at high risk of becoming mostly automated in the next 10 to 20 years.

Automation isn’t necessarily a bad thing, however. Clear Springs Foods in Buhl has found that machines can help employees.“It’s really made people’s jobs easier,” spokeswoman Callie Grindstaff said. “We’re really trying to inform people that manufacturing is way different than it used to be.”Machines […]