The White House’s Fix for Robots Stealing Jobs? Education

The White House’s Fix for Robots Stealing Jobs? Education

Chip Somodevilla-Getty Images A new report from the White House warns that millions of jobs could be automated out of existence in coming years. But it cautions against one much discussed solution: giving away free money.

The report , published this week by the President’s Council of Economic Advisers, joins a growing body of work forecasting massive jobs losses due to automation and artificial intelligence. A paper published in 2013 by Oxford University researchers, for example, estimated that as many as 47 percent of all jobs could eventually be automated. The new report, likewise, forecasts millions of job losses in […]

Is a Robot the ‘New Entrepreneur’?

Is a Robot the 'New Entrepreneur'?

Want to know the future? Humans are history. When it comes to work, robots and artificial intelligence (“A.I.”) are the future.

At least that’s what many people are saying, now that half our current workforce is estimated to be ripe for automation. Taking a step back, however, robotization in the workplace is certainly not something new. And, despite popular belief, robotization hasn’t been strictly limited to factory production lines.

Another misconception? When you look back throughout history, you can see that robotization isn’t new; there have been continuous advancements in automation, impacting industries, workers and entrepreneurs of all kinds. Want […]

New White House report addresses effect of AI on unemployment

New White House report addresses effect of AI on unemployment

Image: zrfphoto, Getty Images/iStockphoto On Tuesday, the US government continued a national conversation on the impact of artificial intelligence on the workforce.

The new White House report, Artificial Intelligence, Automation, and the Economy , serves as a follow-up to its October report, Preparing for the Future of Artificial Intelligence , which looked at the role of government in the development and implementation of artificial intelligence. It’s an effort by the US government to address the huge impact automation is currently having on jobs—which promises to be felt more deeply as artificial intelligence advances.

The report explores the history and impact of […]

Making Manufacturing Great Again Will Require A Two-Pronged Approach

Making Manufacturing Great Again Will Require A Two-Pronged Approach

Employment in manufacturing peaked in the late 1970s at over 19 million. Since then, despite occasional positive bumps, manufacturing employment has shown a long-term secular decline. Today, fewer than 13 million workers are employed in factory jobs. This long-run, large scale decline in employment is largely attributable to automation and the offshoring of jobs to low-wage countries. The workers most affected by these technological and global shifts are unfortunately those with the least skills, whose jobs are most susceptible to these causes of displacement. The Carrier deal that President-elect Trump pushed through prevented fewer than a thousand jobs from […]

UK manufacturing industry recorded the most job losses last year

The study measured job creation across 69 different sectors, with manufacturing making up three of the worst five areas for percentage change in employment numbers last year.

The manufacture of chemicals saw a 12.9% decrease in employment numbers to 88,000 from 101,000 and came last out of the 69 sectors.

Meanwhile, the manufacture of computers experienced an 11.5% decrease in jobs followed by the manufacture of pharmaceutical, which saw a 9.8% decrease.According to UHY, the fall in employment numbers in the manufacturing industry is due to the ongoing shift in manufacturing to countries where labour costs are lower.The rise of technological […]

Carrier deal does not carry the day for American workers

Carrier deal does not carry the day for American workers

The recent deal struck by President-elect Donald Trump with Carrier to retain many hundreds of jobs in Indiana rather than moving them to Mexico was an attempt by Trump to deliver on a campaign promise to bring back American jobs. Despite the good intentions behind this move, and the obvious relief of the workers who would benefit, it is unlikely to be the model for restoring U.S. jobs in manufacturing or other sectors on a large scale.

The problem Trump is attempting to address is all too apparent. The forces of globalization and technological change have hollowed out the middle […]

Manufacturing is well, but jobs are not

Manufacturing is well, but jobs are not

Manufacturing is well, but jobs are not One benefit of the political debate about trade is that it led to an overdue discussion of manufacturing. But after more than a year of politicking, I’m afraid there’s still a great deal of confusion about the industry and its future. To help clear things up I’ll begin with a parlor trick. Pick the year you think manufacturing production peaked in the US or Indiana. Some of you will say; 1928, 1945, 1975 and sometimes even 1999. The correct answer, of course, is 2015. Yes, inflation-adjusted manufacturing production peaked both in the […]

WSJ’s Daily Shot: Is Dr. Copper Telling Us -2-

WSJ’s Daily Shot: Is Dr. Copper Telling Us -2-

Shutterstock photo Finally, here is a letter to the editor regarding automation hurting manufacturing jobs in the United States. Send us your thoughts on the topic.

I have a comment on an item you report today:

"3. Speaking of manufacturing, here is a chart comparing industrial production with manufacturing employment. Economists continue to point out that it’s automation, not trade, that is responsible for much of the job losses in the sector. The trend is expected to gain momentum going forward. It’s hard to "build a wall" to keep the robots from coming in."Yes, I’m for the guy who wants to […]

This week’s poll: do you fear automation?

This week’s poll: do you fear automation?

Earlier this month, in a speech to an audience in Liverpool, Bank of England governor Mark Carney warned that automation technology will put millions of jobs at risk.

It’s a compelling and well-worn argument but one which is particularly relevant in an age when few professions or sectors of the economy are untouched by automation. Carney’s comments followed research published earlier this year by Citi and Oxford University claiming that 57 per cent of jobs across the OECD are at risk from automation.

Many commentators, particularly those from industries enjoying the biggest economic benefits from automation were quick to counter […]

Federal Reserve chair Janet Yellen emphasises the necessity of a good education in today’s “changing economy”

Federal Reserve chair Janet Yellen emphasises the necessity of a good education in today's

Yellen’s speech to university graduates said a good education is key to economic success (Source: Getty) The US jobs market is the strongest its been in nearly a decade, but technological advancements and globalisation mean job seekers must have a good education, Federal Reserve chair Janet Yellen said today, speaking to new graduates.

Advancements in technology and an increasingly globalised workplace mean there is more demand for higher-skilled jobs that require advanced degrees, Yellen said at a University of Baltimore commencement ceremony where she was set to receive an honorary degree.

Low-skilled jobs have been replaced by automation, and jobs requiring […]