Maria Savona Dpt. Economics and Finance, Luiss, IT

Maria Savona Dpt. Economics and Finance, Luiss, IT

PILLARS – Pathways to Inclusive Labour Markets

The impact of emerging digital automation technologies on employment

SPRU, University of Sussex, UKPartly based on work by: Tommaso Ciarli, UNU-MERIT, United Nations University & SPRU, University of Sussex Sugat Chaturvedi, Deyu Li, Önder Nomaler, Fabien Petit, Ekaterina Prytkova, University of Sussex SPRU – SCIENCE POLICY RESEARCH UNITTimeline of major digital innovations over the past 30 years (Jaccoud et al, 2023) SPRU – SCIENCE POLICY RESEARCH UNIT3 Emerging technologies Exposure Adoption What we do (I) Employment impacts SPRU – SCIENCE POLICY RESEARCH UNITTwo Key Outputs today• Emerging Digital Technologies (EDT) are not “AI” […]

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