Addressing B.C.’s labor shortage takes innovation

Addressing B.C.’s labor shortage takes innovation

Road transportation isn’t the only sector suffering from a labor shortage. The B.C. Trucking Association (BCTA), which represents both freight and passenger carriers in our province, has been focusing on ways to address the shortage of commercial vehicle drivers for years. The industry is also challenged by a scarcity of support workers – technicians, mechanics, dispatchers and other personnel are all in high demand. Other businesses are hampered too, whether we’re talking about entry-level restaurant servers or experienced construction workers.

What’s happening in B.C. with the labor pool and trucking?

In 2018, we were at about 4,100 vacancies in trucking during […]

Inequality warning over increasing automation in the workplace

Inequality warning over increasing automation in the workplace

Ministers must ensure that the rewards of automation are fairly distributed, a report says.

Ministers are being urged to intervene to ensure the spreading use of robots in the workplace does not result in rising levels of inequality.

A report by the Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR) think tank said increasing automation had the potential to deliver a powerful boost to the productivity of UK business, bringing a future of “economic plenty”.However it warned that unless the change was properly managed by government, there was a danger that the benefits would be “narrowly” concentrated in the hands of investors and […]

Will Automation DESTROY Or CREATE Jobs? – The Self Driving Revolution!

Will Automation DESTROY Or CREATE Jobs? – The Self Driving Revolution!

Josh Sigurdson reports on a recent phenomenon that has been taking the world by surprise. Self-driving cars. A couple years ago when we mentioned self driving cars to those of the older generation, they simply wouldn’t believe us! In fact, even showing them videos of the self driving cars lead to claims of CGI! Well, technology moves quickly and hopefully so does humanity.
Looking back over the past century, technology has destroyed a lot of forms of employment, but overall has lead to more newer forms of employment. What’s more lucrative… Building buggies for horses? Or massive factories building […]

Robotics and jobs: Where do we stand?

Robotics and jobs: Where do we stand?

With the AI-powered workplace of tomorrow arriving sooner than expected, what does this mean for us?

The debate about robotics on the future economy and job market is one divided squarely between transformationalists and sceptics, but that debate has in fact been increasingly undermined by the dynamics of AI and its relentless acceleration. Recent evidence indicates that robotics and AI are heavily impacting the economy, destroying low-wage jobs and increasingly eating away at higher-skill occupations as people are increasingly replaced by intelligent algorithms. There is evidence that the workplace of tomorrow, powered by AI and accelerating digital technology, is about […]

Machines could fuel comeback of textile industry in South

Machines could fuel comeback of textile industry in South

ATLANTA (AP) — Machines are transforming the way textiles are produced — and they could fuel a comeback for the Southern textile industry.

Automation and artificial intelligence are revolutionizing the workplace in the United States, as machines perform tasks once done by humans, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution reported .

Now, automated sewing could breathe new life into the South’s garment industry, which has been decimated in recent decades as jobs went to cheaper workers overseas.But it will look a lot different than before.The idea behind one textile manufacturing plant of the future was dreamed up in a one-story industrial building on Atlanta’s […]

Science: Our misplaced concern of job-stealing robots [Report]

Some good news: The robots aren’t coming for your job. Experts say fears that rapid advances in artificial intelligence, machine learning, and automation will leave all of us unemployed are vastly overstated.

But concerns over growing inequality and the lack of opportunity for many in the labor force—serious matters linked to a variety of structural changes in the economy—are well-founded and need to be addressed, four scholars on artificial intelligence and the economy recently told an audience at Stanford Graduate School of Business.

That’s not to say that artificial intelligence isn’t having a profound effect on many areas of the economy. […]

Steam engine of our time

Steam engine of our time

If you ask any computer scientist right now, what is the fastest growing field of the industry, they’ll most likely reply ‘Artificial Intelligence’. That’s an expected response because of how rapidly growing and influential this branch of computer science has become. It is part of our lives in ways unimaginable and most of us carry on with our lives, unaware of how much we rely on it.

Applications of Artificial Intelligence are in every field imaginable that is because of the need for automation and that goes back to the core philosophy of how machines work, that is to […]

Robot Revolution? 10 Jobs That Won’t Be Lost To Robots

Robot Revolution? 10 Jobs That Won’t Be Lost To Robots

Jobs Lost To Robots And Automation – Automation seems to be advancing faster than ever with robotics, computer science, and artificial intelligence.

Many white collar positions, such as accountants, receptionists and even attorneys find their jobs threatened by the ‘Robot Revolution’. What Is The Robot Revolution?

You probably didn’t think “Robot Revolution” when McDonald’s instituted their kiosk ordering system, or when Amazon’s drone delivered your mail.Instead, we thought “how convenient.”Today, we read about tens of thousands of driverless automobiles descending on the Interstate near your house.What do the above advancements in technology have in common?They are all Robot Revolution, and […]

Baristas beware: A robot that makes gourmet cups of coffee has arrived

Baristas beware: A robot that makes gourmet cups of coffee has arrived

Briggo says it has created a fully automated, robotic brewing machine that that can make 100 cups of coffee in a single hour. In the food industry, it seems, the robot revolution is well underway, with machines mastering skilled tasks that have always been performed by people.

In Boston, robots have replaced chefs and are creating complex bowls of food for customers. In Prague, machines are displacing bartenders and servers using an app. In Denver, they’re taking orders at a fast food drive through.

Robots are even making the perfect loaf of bread these days, taking charge of an art that […]

Artificial Intelligence- A boon or a bane for employment?

Artificial Intelligence- A boon or a bane for employment?

The time to time innovations in technology has resulted in the creation of new computer science, known as Artificial Intelligence. Artificial Intelligence can simply be scribbled down as the replica of human where the intelligence of a human is imbibed in it. The word intelligence is often mistaken and entitled for the highest scorer in class or the one pursuing smarter profession rather it is much more like a symphony of notes where every note is played on a different instrument of comprehension. It is a manifestation of robust automation varying itself from robots, Google , Bing , and […]